Written and Edited By: MarkEAW

Setting W And H | NOTES | Screen Stretching | More On FOV
| Lower Res
Drawbacks With Higher Res
Default Control Panel Graphic Settings GLOBAL Settings That Make A Difference | EAW Profile Settings That Make A
Try Other Settings
PROGRAMS MAY HELP Video Control Panel and Wrapper Settings Combined
Configure Classic App EAW
No Use For Universal App | MB Video And Discrete Video
To Turn OFF Or ON
This document was written to help configure and set the optimal
graphical settings for your game with some knowledge of different
options you have that can improve overall video quality.
This section will talk about game screen resolution settings
you can change for the game.
EAW looks pretty good straight out the box, however it can look
incredible if you fiddle a bit with the newer resolution settings. By
default, EAW plays and was designed for 640x480 screen resolution.
However, in the EAWv1.1 patched game, Higher Resolutions where
introduced and may leave you wanting to ditch the default resolution if
you want more. Read on for information for advantages, possible
resolutions and drawbacks of changing the resolution. Yes there are
some downsides to increasing the games resolution.
The higher screen resolutions produce much smoother looking 'out of the
window' 3D Flight Screen graphics, giving much better definition of the
terrain, objects and aircraft, they will have a denser pixel count,
thereby making even distant planes look like planes instead of a jumble
of pixels.
Setting W and H:
You can only set the games custom resolution in a file called
eaw.ini this is located in the games root folder. You open it
with notepad and manually enter the Width and Height (There is no in-game slider
configuration for this). The two new settings are located as the first few
lines in that file, under the [GRAPHICS] section.
If you where to change the resolution for the first time in the
standard game, I recommend at least 800x600 so you get a decent
cockpit field of view, as it will yield the "widest" Frame Of View
(also at
this resolution the point of view (POV) is set back more; the pilot
(you) sits
further back from the cockpit dash).
At 1024x768 is when the graphic details really begin to pop, however in
the standard game, at that resolution, the field of view (FOV) becomes too
narrow to be useful (the sides of the view are smaller) and the point
of view is almost on top of the cockpits panel. (However in the un-official
EAWPRO or 1.28+ versions of EAW, they have a wider FOV
because the POV for this res was modified to sit back farther). The modified FXEXE/EAWPRO
was adjusted for the narrow view at this
resolution. It will allow an in game zoom back option (pilot seat back) to
provide a better FOV, better than the stock
800x600 does). So in a modified game I do recommend 1024x768.
You may want to try different settings to see how they work
out. Many players run at 1280 x 960 and 1280 x 1024 or even higher in
the standard game. Here are some proper ratio (4:3 square)
resolutions you can try:
640x480 is the default FOV. 800x600 is the widest FOV. 1024x768 is
narrower than the default FOV (you are closer to the cockpit frame).
1152x864 is wider than 1024x768.
1280x960 is the same to the default 640x480 FOV.
1280x1024 is wider than the default but not as wide as 800x600.
1600x1200 appears to give the same FOV as the widest 800x600.
2048x1536 will display a very good field of view.
The resolution that EAW runs and what you decide to use is dependent on
your Video Card, Monitor capabilities and the speed of your overall
system. You may be able to get different resolutions in D3D than in
Glide mode; meaning perhaps some of the higher resolutions may only be
available to you in Direct3D. (You may find that Glide 3.0 Mode in the
un-official source coded modified game, UAWv1.60 is limited to 1024x768). The standard
stock game using Glide 2.0 Mode can exceed that resolution.
Screen Stretching:
The desktop resolution has a possible chance of stretching and
squashing the game screen,
this is dependent on your current Video Card settings. So effectively
you can overcome stretching and squashing by setting specific options
in your Video Control Panel of your graphics card.
See my 'Troubleshoot
Help Document' and see the section titled 'OTHER PROBLEMS RUNNING THE
GAME' and read about 'Stretched Game Screens'. That information will
guide you in overcoming those limitations, if it occurs on your system.
Not typed here as this is a simpler beginner document.
More On FOV: You may find it very interesting
and important to read my 'Feature Ideas Help Document' and see the
VIDEO Section, at the topic of FIELD OF VIEW (FOV) for more extensive
details about subjects like Wide Views, Field of View, Point of View
and facts about Resolutions. (Not required reading though and can be
Lower Res:
Want to Set Lower Resolutions than default? You can, as long as your
monitor and video card support it. 512x384 seems to work on some
systems, it works at least for EAW. But no need to do that unless your
testing something out.
You will find more information on Resolutions and Resolutions in
Wrapper Programs in my 'Troubleshoot Wrapper Help Document'. Read it when you
get there! For now read below about the use of Virtual 3D Cockpits for the
Drawbacks With Higher Res:
Here are the known drawbacks; the things you loose with higher screen
resolutions in EAW.
- Loading Fuel Gauge:
When using a res other than the default (640x480), when the game loads
missions, you will no longer see the "Fuel Gauge" loading screen, there
will only be a blank screen.
- Only Virtual 3D Cockpits:
any higher resolution than the default (640x480) the stock internal
cockpits will only be the Virtual 3D type ( the virtual cockpit is what you see
when you press F8) which are lower in quality than the 2D standard
cockpits (the 2D view is what you get when you press F1, they will no
longer be available). The 3D cockpits seem to be superior but lacking,
though. The 3D Virtual cockpit also lacks things like cockpit bullet
effects, oil smudges and viewable rear gunners in planes that have
them. There is no fix for this in any type of a modified EAW
game. (See my 'Troubleshoot Wrapper Help Document' on how to use the fully
functional, static and detailed 2D cockpits). Note: Most of us prefer a
higher resolution for the games Flight Screen, sacrificing the cockpit
detail for it.
- Aircraft and Object Sizes Are Smaller:
The aircraft outside the flight window at the same time become smaller
than they are at the lower resolutions, so what is gained in clarity is
lost in size. Tracers are even smaller. This is because not only is the
field of view (FOV) changing, but the Point of View (POV) is as well;
the pilots position is moved back to gain the wider views or moved
forward making the views narrower.
- HUD Text Size:
The HUD data Display and in-game chat messages can become small and
hard to read at much higher resolutions. You can fix that in v1.2 with
a single patch / add-on combo that increases the size of the text with
a Large HUD font. See my 'Files Help Document' to get the correct file
and 'Hexedited Patches Help Document', to read the HUD FONTS
description sections for replacing the small text with larger fonts.
- Pilot Map At Higher Res:
Unfortunately there is no Zoom / Un-Zoom feature for the in flight or
Pilot map, so it may become nearly useless when using higher
resolutions to determine the direction of other planes. You can replace the
plane icons with larger ones, but that's only useful when looking for a
few planes. Otherwise it becomes a cluster again like the small icons
where. See my 'Files Help Document' to get the correct file.
- Frames Per Second:
Your CPU may have a hard time keeping up with the demand of very high
resolutions, especially if the game is run on a WinNT system (which
uses compatibility fixes) or if there is a lot of demand to load
textures and models, etc.
The size of the screen will effect the Frames Per Second.
You want the frame rates ideally at least 30FPS or more but defiantly
above 15FPS so the game will operate correctly, although 15 is a bit
slow and can effect the A.I. performance/aggressiveness. If the game is
running smoothly when you enter dense bomber formations your doing
well. (Note: There is no FPS counter display in v1.2, You can use a
Wrapper program or Fraps to display a FPS counter). (The source
modifications v1.28 and above have a FPS counter built in that you can
enable with the key combination of CTRL-G . This gives the FPS in the
top right hand corner. True FPS counter results are valid typically
when the game is used in a full screen mode).
You can use a Wrapper to display the game in Window Mode
(Frame) if the Wrapper Program supports it. This will help increase
your FPS. In most cases, the game window will not fill your screen. See
my 'Troubleshoot Help Document', and read the WRAPPER PROGRAMS section
on that page to determine how to use them.
*See the 'Troubleshoot Help Document' and go to the
section titled 'OTHER PROBLEMS RUNNING THE GAME' and read about
'Stretched Game Screens' and how Scaling can effect Frame Per Second
As a very last resort to improve your frame rate, try lowering
some of the settings in the in-game Graphics menu. If you notice the
slowdown while flying over cities, you might want to start with Ground
Object Detail. If noticed while running in Software mode, lowering your
Terrain Detail setting will probably help. If you notice that your
plane doesn’t respond as quickly as you would like, or that movements
on the screen are jerky, you may need to lower the level of detail.
Adjusting the settings to lower detail levels or turning some of the
options off should result in a smoother picture and faster responses.
This section will talk a little about some external (from the game) graphical options
you have, using the video graphics card settings. For normal play of
the game, you do not need to touch the default settings on your Video
Control Panel. In other words to get started playing EAW you can skip
this section, comeback to optimize the graphics later.
This seems now to only effect 'native' run games, and some wrapped game exe's. For other eaw.exe's, they appear to
depend on the wrapper to provide any effects. (I did notice that some
texture smoothing while wrapped was working from the VCPL for the 1.26E
and FXEXE...but didn't see it with MPS 1.2 eaw.exe)
AMD / ATI and NVIDIA provide their own version of the Video Control
Panel, normally accessed when you right-click on the desktop. All I
have is NVidia information here. If you want to toy with these options, I suggest you
setup (if one doesn't
exist already) a game / program profile for eaw.exe's in general.
1) Click on your NVidia Control Panel shortcut to enter it.
2) Goto '3D Settings' and under it, select; Adjust image settings with
3) Next select; Use the advanced 3D image settings.
4) Click Apply.
5) Now go under '3D Settings' again, and select 'Manage 3D Settings'
this time.
6) You will be faced with the Global Settings Tab and a Programs
Setting Tab. (The EAW specific settings may be available in the Programs
pull down menu. Select (or add) European Air War (eaw.exe)). This is suppose to
affect all eaw.exe's when you run each one.
Default Control Panel Graphic Settings:
Under Manage 3D Settings, I normally leave the Global settings at
default and change some of the European Air War (eaw.exe) specific game profile
settings that can effect the game.
Reminder; Only set one option at a time until you know that each
setting is working and not causing any issues with your game. Some
video graphic improvements may CTD the game very quickly, others will
more often slow the game down. Read the included descriptions Nvidia provides for
each setting to give you a hint what to look for in the game by moving
your cursor over the name of the feature setting, then read below the boxed
area in the Video control panel.
Anything set to 'Application Control' means off as far as EAW
is concerned. There are no switches in game either to take advantage of
any graphical settings, its all coded into the game. EAW doesn't use
(turn on) anything that is not provided first.
Some known Graphical
features EAW used in
the olden days (win98) where, Anti-Aliasing 2x and Anisotropic where
popular. Bilinear Filtering maybe supported by EAW.
GLOBAL Settings That Make A Difference:
Default Set values of each setting provided by the video card driver,
for the Global Settings. (All other apps and games are effected, since
these are all Global). You may come to find a few of the Global
settings are just available in the Global Profile.
- If you know of any settings that are exclusively Global, that work with EAW and what they
improve. Please let me know so I can place the info here.
EAW Profile Settings That Make A Difference:
Default Set values of each feature by the video card driver, for the EAW
- Antialiasing - Mode: Override
Antialiasing - Setting: 2x
This is the setting you should at least apply to EAW as it does have
jagged step edges on 3D objects:
A small amount will smooth the outer lines on Planes etc....
(2015)= 2x in Override works incredibly well. You may loose none to a few FPS. I
didn't notice any more improvement with the higher demanding settings.
(Dec 2022)= 2x in Override mode is very demanding now. You will loose many FPS.
- Antialiasing - FXAA:
usable. It smooth's the entire DirectDraw menu screens and in game
flight screens, focusing not just on the edges of 3D objects, but also
textures and graphics displayed on the full screen. You should see
smoothed textures as well as lines. (This setting may effect v-sync or
fps on those menu screens, it may
garble them if they where not already.)
(June 2017)= On. Works well.
- Texture filtering - Trilinear Optimization:
Is usable. It uses texture Bilinear filter where Trilinear is not needed/supported.
(Dec 2022)= Works.
Try Other Settings: Try
some of the other settings that I don't have listed here and see if you notice any effect from
them. I typically use the minimum value for each setting to test out.
Again EAW is not going to really respond to as many of these Video Control
Panel settings like modern games would. You can go all out and flood
the game with Max everything, but then you won't know what's really
working or causing you problems.
You shouldn't expect many of the more advanced video card
settings to work in EAW, the DirectX version of the game is too old
(DX6) to take advantage of them on Modern Video Cards and there newer
drivers. There is no current fix for this in any version of EAW
that is run natively (without a wrapper). WindowOS uses perhaps DX6toDX9 backward compatibility
as far as I can tell, which is not a perfect on the fly conversion, in
some cases.
Read the next section about using Wrapper Programs to help get an
effect from changing video card settings on modern computers.
A workaround to gain some graphic features is to use a
"Wrapper Program". These programs can help you run your EAW game
better. Performance increases and some better compatibility with older
Window NT OS versions too.
Wrappers can also be a neat way to play your game at resolutions not
available otherwise to you because of low Frames Per Second (FPS) due
to poor performance. (Caution should be used as some poorly made Wrappers, or Settings in those Wrappers may prove
more demanding on your system then just running the game).
Some of those Wrappers up convert the DirectX version and
actually allow more graphic card settings to work or they may use a
Different Graphical API Renderer that supports more setting features.
Some Wrapper programs may have similar graphical improvements built in.
However, you will want to set them in your Video Control Panel first (You may
have to do these in an "Override Mode".),
then if that does not work, set them in the Wrapper program itself.
This includes Edge AA, Full Screen AA and even Anisotropic Filtering to smooth
terrain shimmer.
If you don't want to play EAW in Direct3D mode Natively (no wrapper) and prefer to use a Wrapper for reasons
mentioned above, or another good reason.
You'll want to see my 'Troubleshoot Wrappers Help Document'. From there you can determine what they can
do to help improve the graphic look and performance of EAW.
Some Wrappers have graphical enhancements built in that you may set
as active if you choose too. Some enhancements may get applied
automatically with no user control at all.
There are similar or equal
settings in each Wrapper Program that are almost entirely found in
the Video Control Panels for your video drivers, but the ones in the
Wrapper Program usually actually have a better chance at working, as
far as effecting EAW.
Video Control Panel and Wrapper Settings Combined: Try an
enhancement in the settings
of your Video Control Panel, such as enabling anti-alias, first if they exist,
it that doesn't work, keep your VCPL settings on and turn on the equal
setting in your Wrapper Program, as perhaps the wrapper needs the video
card enhancement enabled to work. If nothing happens you can default your
VCPL settings and just use the Wrappers settings. At least that is how I
tested some enhancement's out.
Reminder; Only set one at a time until you know each setting is
working and not causing any issues with your game, some graphic
improvements (in the VCPL or even in the Wrapper) may CTD the game.
Too, complicated? Then stick with the Wrapper settings only when not
testing things out to simplify things for you.
This is to explain a newer feature of Windows 10 that supports
specific game / program setting profiles to help improve the
performance of said game or app.
In Windows 10 build 1803 (April 2018) introduced a new setting
for games or programs that you may choose to configure, (you do not
need to use this feature however). It appears to adjust your overall
power usage and the video GPU device if your system has two of them
(This is if your system is configured to allow you to use them
separately). Most notable systems that do allow this are some laptops
that have two GPUs installed, one on their motherboard as an on-board
option (Integrated Graphics), while the other one can be separately
installed; as in a Physical GPU.
This option just forces Windows to select the external GPU,
the more powerful graphic device with all the power the profile can
direct to it.
You will find that this option always overrides power related settings
configured in other Video Control Panels (you can however still use the
Video Control Panel to make other adjustments).
Is there a performance increase, or a better compatibility to
the older EAW game?
I didn't see any when I did a limited test with it (April2018). I
prefer and suggest anyone comfortable with using their Video Control
Panel, to configure a single profile just for eaw.exe files, and to
stick with that to adjust power options for the game and video card.
Keep an eye on this Windows Feature, perhaps Microsoft will improve its
capabilities in the future, right now it seems like its duplicating
some of your Video Control Panel settings from the video card software
If you want to still use this Win10 optional feature, read on.
Configure Classic App EAW:
To get to these new settings Go to 'All Settings > System >
Display, then click the 'Graphics Settings' link at the bottom of the
page (below the 'Advanced display settings' link). Then there you can
customize specific programs or games.
Choose "Classic app" (this is for any standard Win32 programs)
and browse to the specific eaw.exe file location that you want to set a
profile for. You will find once you select it, Windows has it set as
"System Default" graphical preference already. So click options and
select 'High Performance', this runs the application (eaw.exe) on the
most capable GPU, which is most of the time an external or discrete
graphics processor / card.
No Use For Universal App:
There also is the "Universal app" setting, (This one will only allow
you to select Microsoft Store apps), No use for EAW, so there is no
need to bother with this one.
MB Video And Discrete Video:
Motherboard graphic "devices" will demand more from your system than
using a "external" video card.
Windows 10 optimizes the Windows System for Play. This works
sorta like a Turbo Mode software optimizer by stopping notifications,
virus scanners, windows update and some services from running during
your game play. It also is directing more cycles from the CPU and GPU
for your game.
Its not anything super special. But it may help in stabilizing
EAW FPS during play. Instead of highly radical changing frames per
second over short spurts of play, they should prove to be consistent
with this setting.
This is set ON by default and is better suited for systems
where resources are at a minimum, like low end systems or standard
laptops, within reason. Powerhouse computers systems will most likely
only notice a small helping as background tasks will normally work
unnoticeable anyhow.
To Turn OFF Or ON:
Goto Settings> Gaming> Game Mode. Flip the setting.
You may want to try setting it OFF, as there is a small
possibility to effect games in general, negatively too. See what's best
for your system.