EAW.INI   12-28-2024
Written and Edited by: MarkEAW






 HotSpot Labels | Quitting The Game (Exit to Windows)
FPS (Frames-Per-Second) Display | Two Functions Assigned To One Button | Win2k/WinXP Target Assignment Bug
Repeating and Unwanted Lines






FPS (Frames-Per-Second) Display | Two Functions Assigned To One Button



The eaw.ini file tells the EAW game what parameters to use to set up and interact with the games varous settings. You will find that the file is very extensive and has many items that can be adjusted. Including parameters that are in relation to how various hardware components of your computer are used with the game, such as a keyboard and joystick layout. Most of these settings or parameters are easier to change from with-in the games own Configuration Menus. But not all settings are changed with the Menus, sometimes before loading the game you need to manually add or change values from inside the eaw.ini file itself.

When you run the game (eaw.exe) for the first time (just into the Menu Screens), it will create a default 'eaw.ini 'file in the main game folder and opens like a text file. It may be edited with notepad and then saved with your personal preferences changed. You could put a shortcut to this file on your desktop since you'll need to edit it again later and probably often. You can access the EAW.ini file very easily from then on.

(You may need to turn on by un-checking in Windows Folder Options Settings (on WinXP or later) the 'Hide extensions for Known File Types' to see the full filename, this includes the three letters after the period. This will allow you to see the .ini part of the file name).

When installing over a EAW version, it's best to generate a new .ini file by deleting/removing any previous eaw.ini file and running the new current eaw.exe once. This will generate a new file with defaulted settings.

Just remember once you have configured your controls, make a backup of your new eaw.ini file somewhere for safe keeping. Otherwise when a mistake happens with the game or the file (It will happen!) you can easily loose all your settings. The EAW.EXE redetects your hardware each time it loads, so if your Joystick is not plugged in next time you load the game, EAW will blank out your previously set controller functions. See my Joystick and Controls Help Documents for more information about controls and key assignments.


The changes that the FXEXE EAW version introduce to the eaw.ini are noted in my 'FXEXE Patches Help Document'.

The changes that the Code Group EAW versions introduce to the eaw.ini are noted at the end of this Help Document in its own sections.



  • Width=640 -
  • Height=480 - 

    In the EAWv1.1 patch, higher resolution options where added due to popular demand. To change your resolution, you must do it from the eaw.in file since there is no menu resolution setting within the game itself.

    See my 'Display Help Document' for more information on the possible resolutions, drawbacks and the advantages of changing the resolution! It is very important for you to read that help document as it will go into resolution setting information much deeper.

  • Note: Color depth is always really 8bit/256 colors:

    The following is a statement from Tsuyoshi Kawahito aka TK (one of the MPS EAW Team main programmers).: (EAW's 3D engine (in-flight screen) combines 8-bit textures and 8-bit 3D models, with 16 bits 3D rendering.) (EAW does run in 16-bit color. It uses 8-bit textures, but each texture can have its own palette. If the game ran strictly in 8-bit only, then all textures and all effects in the game would have to use the exactly same 8-bit palette. And there's just not enough colors in 256-color palette to do all the shadows, haze, sunset/sunrise, and other nifty effects you see in EAW (without seeing horrible banding, that is...)

  • TestDrawPrimitive=0 - ?Forces to re-detect video card, It's unclear what this does??

    The D3D "Workaround"
    There is a method where we're able to 'trick' some cards into supporting (or at least trying to support) DirectDrawPrimitive, which will enable the D3D graphics mode for cards that don't usually support this feature. Please keep in mind that (a) this won't work for all cards, (b) this is a mostly un-tested feature and may cause unforeseen errors, and (c) even if it does enable D3D, the game may still behave unfavorably when run in this mode, with noted/predicted bugs including misplaced textures and low frame rates.

    So if you've read all of the above and are still willing to give it a try (you can always change it back), follow these steps;

    1. In your European Air War folder, open the file called "eaw.ini".
    2. Scroll down until you find the line that reads "TestDrawPrimitive=0", under "[Graphics]".
    3. Change the "0" to "1", and save the file.
    4. Run the game and give it a shot, going to the Graphics menu and selecting "D3D" if it's available.

    [Keep in mind, to go back to the original setting, simply repeat the previous, changing the "1" to "0".]


  • DisplayDevice=1 - 3D Renderer; This is which video card/graphics mode EAW has established as your D3D or 3DFX device. You will want to set this to either 0 or 1 for the most part on modern computers. Glide tends to be faster but does not support custom colors. Read Note Color Palette below.

    The flight screen is displayed with the mode you have set the value too from the list below. The games Menu Screens are displayed in DirectDraw, regardless. There is also some evidence DD is used during the flight screen the display the HUD when using D3D mode.

    -2 for OLD SOFTWAREMODE (CPU Powered, no D3D)
    -1 for D3D SOFTWAREMODE (CPU Powered)
    0 for 3Dfx GLIDE API (Video Card Powered)
    1 for PRIMARY D3D CARD (Video Card Powered) (RIVA, TNT, etc.)
    2 for SECONDARY D3D CARD (Video Card Powered) (for add-on card) (Voodoo, Voodoo II etc)

    Note Different Cards:
    Apparently back in the late 1990's computers could have different brand video cards installed, with a Voodoo card plugged into your main video card, usually a D3D/OpenGL and a Glide Voodoo Card connected. The Voodoo connects with the main via a cable which comes with the Voodoo and then the monitor cable plugs into the Voodoo card, ie; Viper 770 (a Nvidia Riva TNT2) AGP or PCI as primary and Voodoo 2 3Dfx connected...This way your computer system could use D3D, OpenGL and Glide Modes. EAW only supports Glide and D3D.

    Note Device 1 or 2:
    I'm not too familiar with the differences of values 1 and 2. For some reason on my modern system (year 2015) with one video card in a slot (and the onboard video is disabled in the bios and / or by the new video cards driver) the game will on occasion change this value from 1 to the value of 2 on it's own. This does not seem to cause any issues, D3D is still used properly as far as I can tell.

    Note Color Palette:
    The range of colors used to make the EAW aircraft skins are in a defined set called an Indexed Palette. EAW can be played under two different API's, one is D3D from Microsoft, and the other is Glide from 3DFX. Under D3D, you can add colors to the stock color palette, and D3D will display them properly. Under GLIDE 2.43 if you add colors to the stock 8bit palette, they will not display correctly. You will end up with very oddly colored aircraft.

  • PlaneDetail=2 - Low0, Medium1 and High2 - Plane Detail; Determines at what distance the low-detail model of a plane switches to the high-detail model. For instance, with Plane Detail set to Low, the plane will not appear in high-detail until it is very close to the viewer. However, if Plane Detail is set to High, the plane will appear in high-detail even when far away from the viewer. The higher any of these DETAIL settings are the more demanding it will be for the computer. Its not a problem for high end machines , but back in the late 1990's this setting was helpful.

    Distance (View Distance set in PLANES.DAT):
    Low0 Setting - Full High-Detail 3DZ Model viewed very close.
    Medium1 Setting - Full High-Detail 3DZ Model viewed Middle distance.
    High2 Setting - Full High-Detail 3DZ Model viewed far away.

    Distances Textures Are Shown:
    Close - The High Res (256x256) .TEX Skin is shown.
    Middle - The Smaller Low Res (128x128) .TES Skin is shown.
    Long - Only a representation of the planes 3DZ Wireframe is shown. Tan (Color index defined inside the 3DZ file).
    Extreme - A Black Dot.

    Viewing Small Texture:
    Setting the Plain Detail to Low will allow you to view the smaller (128x128 .TES) Skin of your plane with the Aircraft Viewer in the plane data section.

  • TerrainDetail=1 - Low0, Medium1 and High2 - Terrain Detail; Works the same way that Plane Detail does, but with the landscape. There isn't much difference between Low and Medium setting, but High looks much better! At Medium, there's no noticeable difference in quality and eliminates some of the distant shimmering. EX: No shimmering with dawn and dusk missions and only a very slight shimmer on day missions. With terrain detail on High, the day time shimmering is very evident.

    Ground Tilesets Loaded:
    Setting Low0 - Loads one standard tileset. (uses eaw predefined color palette)
    Setting Medium1 - Loads standard and low res tilesets.
    Setting High2 - Loads low res tileset for distant and high res tilesets for near.

    Ground Tile Resolution:
    There are technically 68 unique tiles in the game but they come in two sizes (256 and 128) for a total of 136.

    Standard 256x256 (uses eaw predefined palette)
    Low Res 128x128 (uses custom own palette)
    High Res 256x256 (uses custom own palette)

    With TerrainDetail low:
    Trees, houses, and other objects disappear completely (hit bubble too), so you can't crash into them. Multiplayer cheating; If you're dog fighting down low over land, you can fly around extremely low and your opponent can't follow you because if his TerrainDetail is set where his trees are visible, they are in his way!

  • CloudDetail=2 - Low0, Medium1 and High2 - Cloud Detail; Will set the number of cloud layers possible during the game.
  • EffectsDetail=2 - Low0, Medium1 and High2 - Special Effects; Determines the level of special effects seen in-game. (I assume the particles; like breaking wings and parts flying off planes??)
  • HorizonDistance=2 -  Veryclose0, Close1 and Far2 - Horizon Distance; Adjusts your distant visibility. Allows you to set the visibility level, moving the "horizon fog" either in or out. The higher the visibility, the farther you (and other pilots) can see. (This also covers or disguises the ugly square world edge and sometimes layers over the shimmering terrain). Depends not only on your setting of how much fog shows up, but time of day and weather I believe...

    Note AI Sight:
    I don't think this effects the A.I. pilots sight, like night time does not hinder their sight.

    Note Video Drivers:
    The Horizon Fog may not display on some video cards, ATI cards of the old days (early to mid 2000's) and Nvidia cards (of mid 2007 to recent 2023) will not display the fog in D3D without a special wrapper program with FOG options. Glide mode displays it no matter what.

  • Shadow=1 - 0/1 Toggle - Lets you turn the game's shadows on and off (for planes and ground objects).
    Turning shadows off and set terraindetail and ground object detail (3dCityTargets) at medium. No difference in quality , however shimmering pretty much vanished. Frame rate noticeably improved, with nice smooth action. With everything at high with shadows on, you may notice some stuttering with bomber missions.
  • ExternalStores=1 - 0/1 Toggle - External Stores; Allows you to turn the visual display of the plane's armaments on and off.

    Note Gameplay:
    This doesn't make them unavailable in gameplay, just invisible until they're dropped or fired.
  • LensFlare=1 - 0/1 Toggle - Lens Flare; Will toggle the lens glare off and on. (From the Sun)
  • LightSourcing=1 - 0/1 Toggle - Shading on surfaces. Light from sun and moon. (This setting seems to only be available in the eaw.ini file)
  • CockpitShake=1 - 0/1 Toggle - Cockpit Shake; Allows you to toggle the shaking in the cockpit off and on. This is more noticeable in the 2D static cockpit but is also used in the Virtual one, just a bit less. Presents a believable but distracting bobbing sensation that represents flying in a WWII vintage aircraft.
  • 3dCityTargets=2 - Low0, Medium1 and High2 - Ground Object Detail; Works the same as Plane Detail, but will also change the number of ground objects per mile/meter. Trees, city buildings, houses, farms, etc. are 3d objects. In the EAW User Menu Graphics control interface, you can set what distance these objects appear with the "Ground Object Detail" (3dCityTargets) setting. The "3dCityTargets" line controls the distance where all, or at least most of, the non-mission target 3D objects appear. If Ground Object Detail is set to anything other than Low, you will have trees and cities appearing where the "dark" splotches are on the ground.

    Setting  "0" (Low), then you won't have trees, city buildings or houses, period!
    Setting  "1" (Medium) causes both trees and buildings (red houses) to appear.
    Setting  "2" (High) causes the most of them to appear.

    Note Primary Targets:
    The 3D objects that have point values (like radar stations and towers, aircraft factories, etc.) are not effected by the "3dCityTargets=0" Low setting--they always appear anyway. Trees, houses, farms, etc. give no point values for destroying them are hidden when set to low.

    Custom Terrain use:
    "Ground Object Detail" must be set to "Low" in order to eliminate trees, cities, and farms from appearing in the new water locations (or the desert, if you are using desert terrain).
  • Gamma Value=128 - If the background or the color level is darker than you would prefer, try increasing the Gamma Correction to brighten the entire viewing area. Gamma Correction will allow you to set your 3D Card's Gamma Settings from within the game. {note: this feature will only function in Glide mode, and won't work with all 3Dfx cards; if you have a 3Dfx card and Gamma Correction isn't functioning, you'll have to adjust your Gamma settings from your Desktop}.
  • VirtualCockpitGauge=1 - 0/1 Toggle - Virtual Cockpit Gauges; Lets you to turn the gauges in the Virtual Cockpit off and on for performance reasons.
  • VirtualCockpitProp=1 - 0/1 Toggle - Show Propeller In Cockpit; Determines the visibility of the plane's propellers from inside the 3D Virtual cockpit.


  • GameName=PLAYER'S GAME - Multiplayer Host Game Name.
  • PlayerPilotName=PLAYER - Pilots Name used in campaign and multiplayer.
  • PlayerRank=0 - Current rank...
  • PlayIntro=1 - A value of 1 loads and plays the intro smack video. 0 disables it. Used to prevent the intro 8-bit Smacker video from loading and playing, for improved performance (faster loading) and compatibility.
  • PlayerPlane=5 -A code for the type of the plane last used by the player, that will be used by default, until you select another plane which wll reset it.

    The game automatically recruits you for duty based on what plane you last selected in the Luftwaffe, Royal Air Force (RAF), or United States Army Air Force (USAAF) thus designates where over Europe the air combat will unfold. European Air War also selects your armaments and makes all other pre-flight decisions.
  • PlayerNation=2 - A code for the nationality string of the plane type last used by the player that will be used by default until you select a plane of another nation

    Luftwaffe 0, Royal Air Force (RAF) 1, or United States Army Air Force (USAAF) 2
  • LastCampaign=3 - ??

  • ExtraSquads=0 - This adds additional squadrons of planes to each mission. Using this feature it is possible to have hundreds of planes in the air at one time. You will see bombers in waves, and the fighter sweeps, with multiple squadrons of different planes, turn into intense furballs with planes everywhere! (ExtraSquads doesn't work online, see the section NETOPTION and topic NoAI=).

    If you find yourself wishing for larger aerial battles, wish no more! Microprose was nice enough to include this new feature in the v1.2 patched version of EAW. While officially unsupported and at times an unstable feature. This will produce a sky filled with aircraft,  with massive dogfights called "furballs", an EAW specialty feature, up to 256 aircraft seen at once. To increase the number of planes, both friendly and enemy, in the game change this value, 1 to 5.

    Play Speed (Frames-Per-Second) may be affected when large numbers of aircraft are in view. Changing your view or using a lower number of ExtraSquads will speed up the FPS, if neccecary. Chris Coon of the MPS EAW Team said; (extra squads has) a very minor if noticeable impact, because EAW was originally optimized to work with 250+ aircraft. With the dynamic campaign and other factors in a mission, the actual numbers would usually be less (without extra squads setting), but it was always possible (to have over 250). The new option just ensures that maximum numbers will be created.
    The main framerate slowdown for most is smoking bombers (and tail gunners perhaps), with all the high-detailed high-polygon bombers and hundreds of puffs of smoke in a small area. With the "extra squads" option, bombers are then spaced out in waves about a kilometer or two in trail , instead of having the larger formations you find with a value of 0, so there really shouldn't be much difference in framerate overall.

    Normally at 0, there are 50 to 70 planes flying, if you want extra-large battles; more planes in the air for dogfights and bombing runs in most of the missions, then setting the value higher generally means that more planes will be in the air at once. If the game crashes more often all of a sudden then this is usually the cause, try lowering this value by one to see if it helps. Not everyone will have exactly the same performance results.

    In v1.2 of EAW:
    The value can range from 0 (normal amount), to 5.

    -0 value equals default (normal amount).
    -1 value is considered adequate. (Doubles the number of enemy).
    -2 value creates two separate waves of double the number of enemy.
    -2 or 3 maybe the best values to try as there are probably for a maximum number of planes in the air but still relatively balanced on both sides; Tons more extra bombers, but also an increase in escorting fighters.
    -3 value it is not uncommon to see well over 100 planes in an engagement, it suppose to produce an even balanced battle.
    -4 and 5 values tend to create encounters with more friendly aircraft than enemy, so the enemy usually retreat sooner and you don't get attacked as often.
    -5 value is (considered extreme.)
    While intercepting bombers there are usually five or six flights with you and about three bomber waves WITHOUT escort.
    If you want to experience some real desperation; set the value to 5, then try a single mission in the Battle of Britain and fly a Spitfire on a bomber intercept, complete with fighter escort. Max number of aircraft in the air at once is 256.

    Note during Flight more ofton in Campaigns:
    The ExtraSquads instruction isn't officially supported however, because it could lead to a somewhat unbalanced dynamic campaign, especially toward the end of the war. (Be advised: "ExtraSquads" is known to cause CTD´s much more often while playing in campaigns. You can also, at times get CTD whenever you try to use the [Alt N] skip function when there are many planes in the air at once near by. See my 'Troubleshoot Help Document' for more information on CTD's During A Campaign Mission.

    Note Asking for Support:
    With the additional friendly planes aloft, you can ask for assistance from ground control to have other squads loitering about (close by or visually off in the distance) to help you out. A setting of 2 will usually give you friendly air support very often upon request! Nothing like the good feeling of seeing those squads changing course to attack the enemies giving you a hard time.


  • WingmanChar=42 - Next to the plane type in the targeting HUD, a * character will appear (e.g. *Bf-109) if that aircraft is your wingman. To change this character symbol replace the default number with the desired ASCII code.
  • LeaderChar=35 - Next to the plane type in the targeting HUD, a # character will appear (e.g. #Bf-109) if that aircraft is your squad leader. To change this character symbol replace the default number with the desired ASCII code.



  • SkillLevel=0 -

    Enemy Skill Level (The "Master" Setting for skill/difficulty of the A.I.)
    This setting is the same as going in-game to 'Configure Game' then 'Difficulty' then 'Combat' then 'Enemy Skill Level' setting. This option provides a quick and easy way to modify the overall difficulty/AI level of your opponents, and can be viewed as a ‘general’ enemy skill level setting. You can choose between Green0(to face inexperienced pilots), Veteran1(pilots who have been in a few dogfights), and Ace2(the most experienced the enemy has to offer). Be forewarned that the enemy skill level Ace is designed to push even the most fanatic flight simulation veterans to the limits of their abilities.

    Pilot Skill Levels Explained Further:

    There are four places in European Air War that allow you to set the skill level of the pilot AI;
    -one in Difficulty>Combat (“Enemy Skill Level”),
    -two in the Single Mission Parameters (“Pilot Skill Level”) separately for both friendly and enemy aircraft), and
    -one in the Multi-Player Session Parameters (“Pilot Experience”).
    Read the section titled [NetOption] for the special multiplayer SkillLevel option and how it effects the game.

    In Single Missions, you are allowed to set the AI 'Pilot Skill Level' for friendly and enemy pilots separately.

    Modifying the specific (“Pilot Skill Level”) in the Single Mission Parameters will set the pilot AI within the given range or average of the overall setting you set in Difficulty>Combat>Enemy Skill Level setting. So there is no  guarantee that you won’t encounter airmen of different experience levels. For an example: If you check Seasoned for ("Pilot Skill Level") on the single mission parameters screen, you might still run into the occasional greenhorn or ace. Note: Session set Difficulty/Skill Level options are not saved in the eaw.ini, but rather a .msn file. Therefore you configured them only from with in the game itself on the parameter screen.

    Note Overall Difficulty Settings:
    Not only does 'Skill' levels settings effect the game and your final score, but the Difficulty Screen selected from the Configuration menu, which show the three sub menus—Flight, Combat, and Display—let you adjust the level of realism and difficulty of each mission you fly. As you enable more realistic settings, the overall Difficulty Rating increases, thus increasing your score at the end of every mission (a reward for playing at a harder level).


  • FlightModel=1 - 0/1 - Toggles easy0 or realistic1. Depending on your abilities and what you want out of this game, you can decide whether to use a Realistic flight model—with all the difficulty of piloting a real aircraft—or an Easy one, which is more forgiving. Serious flyers use realistic. Those that use Easy will be able to reach maximum theoretical level speed regardless of altitude...

    This effects only the Players plane performance, not the A.I. planes. A.I. planes use what is called a 'simplified' FM. See my 'AI Explained Help Document' for a better explanation.

  • Landing=1 - 0/1 - When On, its set to Realistic1, and is harder to achieve proper landings. If your don't want your undercarriage to collapse on hard landings select Simple landings with 0.
  • Stalls=1 - 0/1 Toggles - Turns Stalls/Spins off or on, This option, when enabled, makes it possible for your plane to stall (when your speed is below that needed to sustain lift) and in EAW that most likely results into a spin. Turn this option Off, and stalls and spins will not occur unless your plane has been damaged.

    Note Padlock:
    Padlock disables when the plane stalls.

  • Torque=1 - 0/1 Toggles - Turns Single Radial Engine torque effects off or on. When On, plane pulls slightly to one side depending on the engine manufacture.

    Radial engines create a turning force known as torque. Pilots of single-engine planes must take this into account. Twin-engine machines don’t suffer the same pull, because their engines rotate in opposite directions and cancel the torque effect. If Torque Effect is Off, your plane will show no signs of pulling. However, when this is toggled On, single-engine aircraft will pull one side according to their manufacture (which way the engine is spinning).

    Note Torque and Autopilot:
    With autopilot on, the torque effect is countered by the AP automatically.

  • Overheat=1 - 0/1 Toggles - Engine overheating off or on. With it on your engine with eventually over heat when the throttle has been in the high position for a long time.

    Even when equipped with complex cooling systems, engines generate a lot of heat, and the harder they have to work, the more heat they put out. It’s possible to damage an engine if you run it too hard for too long. In some planes, holding the throttle fully open for as few as ten seconds can lead to overheating, and overheating can quickly escalate into permanent engine damage—or complete failure.

    When Engine Overheat is disabled, you can run your craft all day without once approaching the danger point. If you opt for a more realistic scenario, beware a heavy hand on the throttle.

    WEP or 'War Emergency Power' ;
    Some will say that in the original stock game, WEP is modeled as 100% power on the throttle and your engine will overheat at that setting within 5 mins or so. You can turn it off by reducing the throttle a bit, perhaps back to 80 or 85%. Also if you manipulate the throttle during the course of your flight, by reducing it when you don't really need full throttle, such as in dives and a few other maneuvers, then you won't have overheating problems.
  • Blackout=1 - 0/1 Toggles - Turns Blackouts/Redouts off or on during high or low g-forces. This is the black or red screens you can get.
  • StructrualLimit=1 - 0/1 Toggles - With it set to On, the plane can buffet, stall/spin, break apart during maneuvers. With it set to Off, you avoid such troublesome issues and can push your plane beyond its physical limits.

    Degraded Performance:
    Once an aircraft has recovered from a stall that had become a spin, it's performance is thereafter degraded, because the stall/spin has done some damage. Your plane no longer will have full performance; it won't make speed anymore and will be unstable as if it could go into a new spin any moment.

    Even the sturdiest and most dependable of planes has its limitations. When it’s pushed beyond them, anything can happen, from the annoying—like buffeting in a dive—to the downright dangerous. A craft can fall into a spin or a stall, or a wing might break off in mid-flight and leave you plummeting helplessly back to the ground.

    By selecting On, you open yourself up to many irksome but realistic problems that pilots of the day had to contend with. Leaving the option in the Off position, you avoid such troublesome issues and can push your plane beyond its physical limits.
  • Wind=1 - 0/1 Toggles - When turned On1, makes flying a bit harder, wind and turbulence has an effect on your planes course and performance, it slows you down as well, generally it complicate things.

    Select Off0 if you do not wish to have your course deviate due to the effects of wind and turbulence.


  • RealisticGunnery=1 - 0/1 Toggles - read below.

    When you are NOT using Realistic Gunnery0:

    1) If Realistic Gunnery is off, you’ll have a slightly easier time finding your mark as the hitbubble is larger. The target airplane is represented with an invisible bubble in the shape as a rough cube. The invisible "hitbubble" is the overall length of the airplane, the width (wingspan) and the height of the plane. Using this more blocky, less-than-precise hitbubble of enemy aircraft to determine hits can turn many near misses into scores. Hits ANYWHERE in this "elongated cube" count toward the destruction of the enemy plane. For an example: a single burst is sometimes enough to disintegrate a Jug, or shooting a wingtip on a B17 bomber will eventually smoke the inner engines.

    2) Various physical effects such as G-forces and loss of trajectory (due to velocity loss at longer ranges) are not modeled. Your shots go wherever your pipper is pointing. In other words, where the sight is, is where your bullets will hit, sort of an auto-hit gunsight.

    3) Lead is automatically calculated for you. So if you aim at an enemy plane when he is in a turn, you don't have to aim ahead of him. You just put your pipper on the target and your rounds hit the target.

    When you ARE using Realistic Gunnery1:

    1) With the option on, hits on enemy aircraft are determined using a slimmer and more realistic invisible  silhouette. The target airplane is composed of many different "hitbubbles", each one requiring a certain number of "hitpoints" to damage and/or destroy. Hitting and damaging one of these hit locations has no effect on the others. So since when you hit many different locations, no one hitbubble sustains a large number of hitpoint damage to destroy anything, unless you concentrate fire on one of the locations continually.

    With Realistic Gunnery on, it is harder to hit the target airplane since you have to actually physically hit the 3D model of the enemy, not just an oversized semi-cubical shape you find with it off.

    2) The shots you fire are now properly effected by G-forces, loss of velocity (and thus trajectory) at longer ranges, and the effects of lead are now added---in short, your shots no longer go right where your pipper is pointing. If you fire while you are pulling G in a turn, expect your fire to curve away from where your airplane's nose is pointing.

    3) You must now calculate lead yourself! making it more difficult. If you fire at an enemy airplane while he is turning, aiming right at him will not get you any hits, since by the time your bullets reach the spot where they would have hit him, he's already flown some distance away! You would have to aim ahead of him in order to hit the target.

    When you first start out using Realistic Gunnery, it may indeed be difficult. Stick with it. You'll probably have to get in a lot closer than before, and yes, try to aim for specific parts of the enemy airplane. Try for minimum deflection angle shots, and try to straighten out before firing (don't fire when you're turning).


  • LimitedAmmo=1 - 0/1 - A value of of 0 will give you unlimited ammo, machine gun, cannon and you will never run out of bombs! Your plane will also not be able to jettison them if you run into enemy fighters either.......well, you CAN jettison them, but new ones pop right back! I think the same thing happens with external fuel tanks. (the lesson of this story: don't use Unlimited Ammo! or if you do, be a squadron commander where you can choose the ordnance loadout for your aircraft).

    Note Multiplayer:
    (This option is always Off in multi-player missions.)

    Note Medals & Promotions:
    It should be noted that you won't be able to obtain any medals or promotions unless the "Unlimited Ammunition" feature from the Difficulty menu is turned off, to a 1.
  • MidAirCollision=1 - 0/1 Toggles - With this is off one plane can pass through the other without any effect.

    The limited range of World War II weapons means that air-to-air combat takes place at close quarters. For your guns to be effective, you have to be frighteningly near your target. Mid-air collisions are of great concern; especially in the heat of battle, it’s easy to lose track of who’s around you and where exactly they are. This can be a fatal slip if mid-air Collision is enabled—aircraft coming into contact with each other explode in a fireball. With quick reflexes you might bail out, but at best you’ll be headed for a dirt bath or a dousing. If you leave this option off, one aircraft can pass right through another without effect.
  • PlayerDamage=1 - 0/1 Toggles - Turns off or on Invulnerability; damaged to your plane from anything.

    This option allows you to designate whether or not your plane takes damage—from enemy fire, friendly fire, the ground, or anything else. If you want to practice flying without having to worry about damage, set this option On. When you’re ready to fly in a real dogfight, turn this back Off.

    Note Multiplayer:
    (This option is always Off in multi-player missions); Your plane will take all damages applied to it.

    Note Medals & Promotions:
    It should be noted that you won't be able to obtain any medals or promotions unless the "Invulnerability" feature from the Difficulty menu is turned off.
  • DisplayUnit=2 - 0/1/2 - This option controls what system of measurement is used by your commanding officers, your cockpit instruments, and your map. If you choose Default0, each nationality uses the system they had in place at the time of the war. 1 is for English system, 2 for Metric system.

    Note Multiplayer:
    If its not set to Metric or English, then the player has it on Default, with default, the host machine will automatically change the players to match it. So its best to pick the one you want to use, rather than leaving it on default.
  • DisplayHUD=1 - 0/1 Toggles - Off or On, You can use this to turn on the cockpit Head-Up Display, which is something no pilot during the real life war actually had. This projects useful information in front of you. (Off setting 0, Prevents you from enabling padlocking/icon use.)
  • IndicatedAirSpeed=0 - Select the way you want the Airspeed Indicator in your cockpit to work.

    0 sets; IAS (Indicated Air Speed) measures your velocity relative to the air around you; this is the type of indicator used in WWII-era planes.

    1 sets; TAS (True Air Speed) measures your actual rate of movement relative to the ground below you; this is more reliable for navigation, but less historically accurate.
  • PressureAltitude=0 - There are two types of Altimeter Displays.

    0 sets the altitude display related to sea level; this is ASL (Above Sea Level): The type used during the WWII-era to give readings based on ambient air pressure. This is the Realistic setting.

    1 sets the altitude display related to the ground surface; this is AGL (Above Ground Level): During the war, planes did not use this type of a radar altimeter. So while fighting in hills in low level it can be helpful to know exactly the altitude above the ground, its unrealistic in the War era.




A few of the MPS EAW Team testers had expressed difficulty in reading the HUD (Heads Up Display) against certain backgrounds. Though there's nothing in-game to modify these colors, the MPS EAW Team put in an option for you to do so in the "eaw.ini" file, located in your European Air War directory. A full range of color-changing possibilities is offered, allowing you to alter the Red, Green and Blue values for each color of the HUD (10 in total; 1 for "friendly," 1 for "enemy," and 8 for Multi-Player pilots). To adjust these colors, follow the steps below;

1. In your European Air War directory, open the file called "eaw.ini" with Windows Notepad.

2. Scroll down until you find the section that starts with "HudColor", under "[Display]". See below example of the "friendly" HUD color's settings:




3. Each color is broken into three lines, one for each of the RGB values. You may alter these values by changing the numbers to any number from 0 to 255. For example, if you changed the above values to R=0, G=0, B=255, then the color known as "Green" would appear as solid Blue once in-game. If you choose to change your HUD colors, you might want to play with these numbers until you find the color that's right for you. We suggest making a backup copy of the eaw.ini file before doing so however, so that you're able to return to the pre-set colors if the new ones aren't to your liking.

4. After modifying the RGB values, save the file.

5. Run the game and take a look at your new HUD colors.

{note: If you didn't feel like making a backup of eaw.ini and then later decide that you aren't happy with the new colors you'd selected, another method of reverting to the original eaw.ini file is to simply delete it, and the next time you start the game, a fresh new eaw.ini will be created. [Note that this will erase all of your personalized configuration settings.]}

Note: When changing these particular settings, I recommend the separate tool called 'EAW Control 2000' to change the HUD colors. It has a built-in section that shows you what colors you have changed by displaying your new colors with actual examples shown. This will save you time from going into the game and back to the eaw.ini, back and forth.


When you play online in a multiplayer game, all these colors are used. What each one means is pretty simple. Let's take the first three entries from above:


These three listings are for the red HUD color. They mean that the red color you see in the game has 250 parts red (HudColor_Red_R=250), 0 parts green (HudColor_Red_G=0), and 0 parts blue. To change it, you can modify these numbers to anything you want. You'll notice many colors listed in the .ini file. All of these colors can be used in online multiplayer matches. You could simply replace the default red with one of these other colors by substituting their values for the default red ones (Example: you could turn the red into violet or white). Or you could experiment with different shades of red.

Make IDing Planes Harder, Friend or Foe:
If you want to use range indicators but do not want to know whether your target is an enemy or a friendly, you can change the HUD color to be the same for both enemy and friendly aircraft. (change the green for friendly aircraft, or the red for enemy). All you really have to do though, is swap one for the other, so that both are green or red (or whatever you choose). Then only use "target closest to center" and you'll have range info WITHOUT knowing whose airplane that is!

  • DisplayInfoSetting=255 - Configures your HUD, 255 is all information and icons. 251 is optional and one possibility...



See my 'Sounds Help Document' for further details. Also read the 'Configuration Help Document' about Sound and some of the settings.

  • SoundQuality=1 - 0/1 - 8bit or 16bit. Note: 16bit uses more memory but sounds better. 8bit is used normally to improve performance issues, such as slow loading of large sounds or playback performance.
  • SoundChannel=16 - The number of sounds allowed to play at once before other sounds get turned off. 16 is max. Lower values are used to improve performance.
  • SoundDist=2 - Very Close 0, Close 1 and Far 2. Lower values are used to improve performance.
  • SoundVolume=36863 - Overall sound volume, maximum setting value is 65535?...
  • EngineVolume=36863 - Adjusts all engine sounds at once, yours, enemy and friendly. Bear in mind that the engine sound effects can clue you in to the health of your plane—your engine may begin to labor before it actually fails. You can only react in time if you hear the change in pitch. You probably don’t want to turn these sound effects completely off.
  • ExternalVolume=36863 - Adjusts the enemies gun sounds and explosions.
  • MusicVolume=36863 -
  • SpeechVolume=36863 -
  • ReverseStereo=0 - 0/1 - Flips the left and right speaker output. If for instance your computer speakers are setup wrong.
  • Subtitles=1 - 0/1 - Allows you to turn the subtitles on or off. The officer presenting your briefings speaks in the language of his homeland, as do all pilots on your radio. Thus, for example, if you are flying a German plane, but you do not understand German, you would turn this option on to have your briefing information and communications subtitled in your native language.




See my 'Joystick and Controls Help Document' for details about setting up your controls and more in-depth details about this section of the eaw.ini.

  • Force Feedback=1 - 0/1/2 - Three Force Feedback options listed; "Disabled," "Arcade," and "Realistic."
    Different types of Force Feedback responses; "Realistic" places an emphasis on the forces of flying (such as engine stalls and G-force effects); "Arcade" on the other hand, will exaggerate 'action' forces (such as firing your guns and taking damage).
  • Force Feedback Gain=7500 - Which sets the overall strength of Force Feedback responses from Low to High.
  • Flight Sensitivity=1.000000 - How sensitive your controls are to the Flight Model (the physics of the plane). I think manually the maximum value for FM sensitivity is 1.5. That should mean that .75 is actually only halfway and 1.0 is two thirds of full sensitivity...
  • Camera Sensitivity=5.000000 -
  • Swap Mouse X=0 - 0/1 Toggles
  • Swap Mouse Y=0 - 0/1 Toggles
  • Windows Joystick=1 - 0/1 If your Joystick is acting strangely; switching the value to a 1 should help. A value of 1 switches input from EAW's self made routines to native Windows API self routines.
  • JoystickDeadZone=4 - Changing this value will affect your plane's behavior. This simply means how much you have to move the stick in order for a control input to take effect. If the plane moves when you release your stick, increasing this number will help to remove some of that noise. A value 3 or 5 will cut some of that engine torque. V1.2 defaults to 10. A DeadZone of 0 means that the slightest movement registers. A DeadZone of 20 (the maximum) means that you will have to move the stick REAL FAR to produce any control response.



  • CampaignDifficulty=1 - 0 Easy, 1 Average, 2 Hard ; Select the overall level of challenge you want to deal with; among other things, this affects the flight and combat skill of the other pilots.
  • CampaignLength=0 - 0 Normal, 1 Long ; Choose how long a hitch you intend to sign up for—Normal or extra Long.
  • CampaignLimitAicraft=0 - 0 No, 1 Yes ; (Limit Aircraft) If you turn this on, you can lose a career not only by being killed, but by losing too many aircraft in the course of the campaign.
  • CampaignLimitSupply=0 - 0 No, 1 Yes ; When enabled, this provides the added realism of limited access to vital equipment; the availability of drop tanks, rockets, and other supplies might be curtailed by the vagaries of war.


  • Video Playback=0 - 0/1 - Toggles off and on the in game smacker video reels loading and playback. It helps to turn this off if the game crashes when in career mode, at the end of a mission when some campaign videos will automatically play.


  • Year=1 - Select the year of battle. The date influences which aircraft models are in the mission; only those in production in the year you choose are available for you and your opponents to fly.
    0 = 1940
    1 = 1943
    2 = 1944
    3 = 1945
  • SkillLevel=2 -  read below.

    AI Difficulty
    Adjusts the average skill level of the computer pilots, both friend and foe together. (Sorry—there’s no comparable feature to enhance your own level of play.) Choosing between Green0, Seasoned1, and Expert2.

    Modifying the specific (“Pilot Experience”) in the Multi-Player Session Parameters will set the pilot AI within the given range or average of the overall setting you set in Difficulty>Combat>Enemy Skill Level setting. So there is
    no guarantee that you won’t encounter airmen of different experience levels. For an example: If you check Seasoned, you might still run into the occasional greenhorn or ace. Note: Session set Difficulty/Skill Level options are not saved in the eaw.ini, but rather a .msn file. Therefore you configured them only from with in the game itself on the parameter screen.

    In the interest of fairness (since chances are you’ll be playing against other human pilots), the Multi-Player AI Difficulty setting is the same across the board, as your friendly planes will likely be the enemies of your opponent.

  • MissionType=5 - The host chooses one of the usual mission types for this operation. All forces on the same side as the host fly this mission; the enemies’ objective is to prevent their success. For example, if the host selects an escort mission, the opponents find themselves flying an intercept. The exception is a Total Mayhem mission, in which it’s every pilot for himself, with no allegiance and no objective but to survive and destroy.

    There are five basic mission types from which to choose. As each kind requires aircraft specially tailored for its different goals, your choice of mission will limit the models of plane available. Possible assignments include:

    Fighter Sweep
    1 - A fighter sweep is a flight designed to clear the skies and ground of enemy aircraft, often in preparation for a following strike force. Fighter planes fly ahead and soften an area’s defenses, clearing the way for bombers or—less frequently—a second wave of fighters. The more damage a sweep can inflict on its target, the greater the chance for a successful follow-up strike.

    Bomb Target
    2 - This is a strike meant to damage and destroy enemy ground units and structures. Oil plants, armament factories, sub pens, radar towers, warehouses, bridges, hangars, and barracks all make good marks. A strike often follows on the heels of a sweep, hoping to catch fighters refueling from the earlier contest. Ideally, you want to pounce before the enemy has had time to repair any defensive installations or grounded aircraft that suffered damage in the previous raid.

    3 - Less structured than other types of operations, these “search and destroy” flights generally patrol a particular area, attacking any targets of opportunity encountered. These might include enemy planes, air control towers, hangars, anti-aircraft guns, trains, and convoys of ships or trucks.

    4 - Escorts protect other aircraft, most often ungainly bombers, from enemy planes as they fly toward and over a target area. Frequently, escorts pass in the wake of a fighter sweep, which attempts to poke holes in the air defense system around the mark. Escorts hover near their more vulnerable compatriots, straying only as far as needed to protect against enemy threats. The survival of escort planes is incidental; their primary concern is to give the convoy safe passage to the target.

    5 - Intercepts are defensive flights dispatched to head off enemy aircraft. You must try by whatever means necessary to disrupt and disband attacking formations before they can inflict any damage.

  • BattleSize=0 -  The host selects the number of planes in the game. Settings include Small 0, Medium 1, and Large 2. This selection is independent of the number of players in the game; any planes without a player pilot are controlled by the computer. The number of player pilots can never exceed eight.
  • TimeOfDay=1 - The host stipulates the time of your take-off. Options include anything from dawn all the way through nightfall, thus determining whether the sun or darkness will be a factor in the battle.
    Dawn 0,
    Day 1,
    Dusk 2,
    Night 3,
    Adjust the time of your take-off. Note that as your mission progresses, the light shifts to reflect the time of day (or night). Depending on the hour of take-off and the length of your flight, the sun may rise or set while you’re aloft. For an example: If you set a dawn mission, and set the target far away. You will then start on the runway in the very early morning and if you skip time (alt+n), you will get to the battle while it is still pitch black.

    Note Night Sight Distance:
    Not only is vision affected by darkness, but apparently the targeting range gets shorter too. You may receive orders from Ground Control that target is 10km ahead, but you will be unable to see it. Trying to target lock at night will fail at that distance, perhaps at 1500m targeting will reacquire. A.I. are not hindered by the darkness.
  • Autorespawn= This is a setting that's in the exe but is not written to the ini file, its unknown what it does. It maybe related to Mayhem games and probably was meant to disable the AutoRespawn...only a value of 1 seems to work, 0 does not.
  • WarpSpeed= This is a setting that's in the exe but is not written to the ini file, its unknown what it does.
  • NoAI=0 - 0/1 Toggle - It is possible to remove1 AI pilots (thus planes) from human squadrons in coop sessions. Note, however, that without AI planes you will not be able to re-spawn in other planes in your flight regardless of the AllowRespawn setting (listed below). AI will need to be switched ON(0) for bomber escort missions only, as it is needed to balance the AI that EAW automatically creates as bomber interceptors, no matter what the settings.

    A value of 1 will remove any computer pilots from flights that have human pilots in them, so if two spit9 and two 190a8 are selected by four pilots they will be placed in pairs (often with drop tank, host doesn't decide this) about 10 km apart. If however the four players choose two spit9's, one 109G6 and a Fw190A8, they will noticed that the two Germans are no longer placed in a pair, as they are not in the same flight.

    Furthermore they will see that besides the two human spit pilots there will be a full flight of computer controlled aircrafts (type depending on year set by host) against them also.
    The reason for this is that EAW always seek to match up the number of flights evenly, so when the Germans pick two flights (190 and 109) the allied must get two flight too, but as there is no humans in the extra flight, it is not "deleted" by the NoAI. This is the reason some people often request you to select the same type of plane as your wingmen. They don't want AI pilots in the game.

    Note Multiplay (More Planes):
    ExtraSquads doesn't work online, it defaults to 0. However if you want extra friends and enemies during online sessions all you have to do is fly more than one type of plane. Example: If you fly a Spitfire and your friend flys a Typhoon the game will put up two squads of enemies, to meet your two squads.

    Explained Further; Extensive play testing has been done to get to the root of the unwanted un balanced AI problem. Many times you can end up with AI on one side but not the other, despite the correct eaw.ini file settings of all players involved. It seems to boil down to the fact that EAW does its own attempt to even the sides. In essence, the only way that has proven 100% effective to correct this is to have at least 2 different plane types per side; EX: in a 2 vs 2 flight, you must have a 109 AND a 190 vs a Spit and a Typhoon, or a P51...etc. The allies must have 2 different aircraft as well. In a 3 on 3, two of the same aircraft is fine as long as the 3rd aircraft is different ( EX: 2 p51 + 1 P47 versus 2 190 +1 109 ) It also works fine when the 2 different allied aircraft are a mix of US and Brit ( EX: P51+spit vs 109 +190) This has proven effective, and also opens up new tactical challenges.

    Unwanted AI do occur. However, It can sometimes be nice to have computer planes with you though (and control them like in offline) and the NoAI line can then be set to 0.


  • AllowRespawn=0 - 0/1 Toggle - Add this if you are the host of a multiplayer coop session and want to prevent players from jumping into a new plane after their plane is destroyed, they bail out, or they are killed.

    0 prohibits human players from jumping into a new plane in their flight after they have died or landed.

    A value of 1 will allow jumping into other planes but only if there are AI planes to jump in to first. Make sure the NoAI line (listed above) is not turned off , otherwise that will make this line unneeded as all AI planes from human flights are removed.

    Make sure all participants know the current setting in a multiplayer game since this option doesn't appear in the session details screen when everyone first connects, though, so make sure everybody understands before you launch that they only get one plane and one life (but they can still stay and watch the action if they get shot down).


Update Rates
As far as I understand, the update rate is like a refresh rate, the frequency with which the game is checking the status of the aircraft and making decisions based on the flying model and the pilot skill etc... ...see my 'AI Explained  Help Document' if your interested in possible better A.I. behavior based on changing these rates.

To perhaps improve Multiplayer by editing the following Rate settings, it's recommended that you try making these edits one at a time, save the .ini file and then test it in a multiplayer game. If it works well, go ahead with the other edits one at a time. The lower the number, the faster the update rate. See my 'Multiplayer Help Document' for more information on Sync Rates and Connection Settings.

  • AI_PlaneUpdateRate=350   - try setting it between 170-230
  • PlayerPlaneUpdateRate=35   - try setting it between 16-30
  • ClockSyncRate=140  - try setting it between 90-100

More Connection Settings
The following settings are used in v1.2 and exe's based on it such as v1.26e and the FXEXE. (not used in v1.28 or later as they use a different multiplayer code, ?I think?, please inform me.) Designed for advanced users that are used to hosting multiplayer internet sessions. No adjustments should be needed in most cases, especially for a LAN or cable modem connection, but you can change these values anyway to optimize performance, by adding them to this section. Ideally, you should have a connection speed of about 10K baud for each player in a coop game, or less for Total Mayhem. This is a very rough value, though, dependent on the number of planes in the air, as well as factors like how close everyone is to everyone else.

  • SendTimeout=50 - Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that EAW should expect to wait for the modem to accept the next packet. If it takes any longer, it assumes the send buffer is overflowed and begins scaling things back. If this value is too low, it may scale back too much and players will get more warping. If the value is too large, the host may not correct for buffer overflows and could get long pauses in the framerate.

  • OverflowWait=70 -Length of time (in 70ths of a second) that the host will stop sending packets when an overflow occurs, to let the send buffer clear. This value can be lower (or zero) if buffer overflows are just occasional, but if your system always gets long pauses, this value should be around 50-100. If the value is too large, packets will not be sent as efficiently as possible, and players may see more warping.

  • SendIncrease=5 -Length of time (70ths of a second) to increase the time interval for plane updates if the send buffer overflows. If this value is too low, EAW won't adjust its send rate in response to bandwidth problems very much, and if it's too high it may overreact to a single situation (such as when 80 planes suddenly merge) and cut back too much, causing more warping for other players.

  • ExtraPacketDiscard=10 -When information changes for an aircraft, but it is almost time for the regular scheduled update, EAW may discard the change and just wait for the regular send to save an extra packet. This value is a multiplier for how close in time to the regular update to wait and just combine the two. It is multiplied by the overflow adjustment intervals that have been made so far, so if you have good bandwidth (zero overflow), it will always send these extra packets which reduces player warping. If you have poor bandwidth it will send fewer if any of these extra packets, proportional to how bad the connection is. Lower this to reduce warping on players' machines (but possibly hurt your framerate), or raise it to improve your framerate (but possibly increase warping on players' machines).

Remove these from the INI to restore them to the default values.



  • Debug Flags=0 - A value of 1 turns it on so ???
  • Debug Path=.\ - Some No-CD exe's need this set this way.

    See my 'HexEdited Patches Help Document' for proper instructions for the NoCD options.

    Also See my 'Many Copies Help Document' for instructions on how to have 'Multiple Intalls of the Game', even with just one Large Full installation, and the rest are smaller , that refer back to the larger Full install. Also instructions how to have several game exe's in a single game folder.

    Debug flags were original codes for debugging the game made by the programmers, the only setting used by the game normally was to configure the location of the drive patch containing the game disk for a CD check to see if the user had the original game disk, as far as I know it just checks if eaw.exe is in the CD-ROM drive.

    There may be some undocumented archaic video hardware debug related codes still active in the Game code, but they are of no use for end users, since the Code Group has already patched the game for such issues as old video cards as far as possible??...


[Remappable Keys]

See my 'Joystick and Controls Help Document' for details about setting up your controls.
  • FLIGHT CONTROL=Joystick - The primary control device. Preferably set to Joystick, if you have one connected and working correctly. If the game does not detect a joystick, this setting for keyboard will be =
    or you can map it to a specific function.
  • CAMERA CONTROL=Mouse - The mouse control for the external camera. Preferably the Mouse, but can be set for other devices...Like your "Hat" on your Joystick...
  • RUDDER CONTROL=Rudder - The control device. If your Joystick has a Twist-Handle it will use that. If the game does not detect a joystick, this setting for keyboard will be =
    or you can map it to a specific function.

    Foot pedals are optional hardware for controlling the rudder of the plane. If you do not have rudder pedals, don’t worry; European Air War also allows you to control the rudder from the keyboard, joystick, or mouse. Using rudder control, several useful maneuvers are available to you that are not possible using the stick alone.
    (The rudder in stock EAW is a little odd, and not particularly realistic. You can't do anything resembling a true "slip" or skid as the Physics and Flight Model make the planes stable in this regard.)
  • THROTTLE CONTROL=Throttle - The control device. If your Joystick has a Throttle slider built in, it will use that. If the game does not detect a joystick, this setting for keyboard will be =
    or you can map it to a specific function.

  • FRONT VIEW=F1 - Cockpit Views
  • INSTRUMENT VIEW=CTRL F1 - Lap View; Lower your eyes as low as possible to view the instrument panel.
  • INSTRUMENT LABEL=ALT F1 - Cockpit Gauge Details: This feature will toggle the names on and off of each of your functioning cockpit gauges and dials in the regular 'static' 2D cockpit view/F1 view. (note: this only works in 640 x 480 resolution since the F1/fixed view cockpit is hard-coded to appear only in 640 x 480; EAW will only display the F8/virtual cockpit in higher resolutions). These red label across your flight instruments may appear slightly jumbled in some cockpits due to the historically accurate placement of the gauges.

    These labels can be useful when first flying an airplane. Try this and take a screenshot of your instrument panel with the labels on. You can then either print it or use it to draw your own "map" of the instrument panel. This way you will have a reference about what each instrument is until you memorize your panel.

  • SNAPVIEW FRONT=NUMPAD8 - Snap Views allow you to quickly scan a field of vision using the numeric keypad. The key layout is designed in a very easy to use, logical order. In EAWv1.2 there is no possibility to look around canopy frames and plating, however you still can see the icons through the cockpit.
  • SNAPVIEW UP=NUMPAD5 - Looks up. Note: You can use the Numpad 5 key in combination with the other snap views to get a high view. For example, 5+3 looks up and over your right shoulder.
  • SNAPVIEW REAR=NUMPAD2 - To see backward and upward with the default 640 × 480 resolution, you can see by pressing NUMPAD5 and NUMPAD2 (5 and 2 on the numeric keypad) at the same time. At a resolution of 800 x 600 or more, the virtual cockpit mode only is used by the game, therefore you can not see this direction.

  • VIRTUAL COCKPIT VIEW=F8 - Activate the Virtual Cockpit mode. The game’s Virtual Cockpit view is the next closest thing to being in an actual cockpit. You can swivel your head and crane your neck just as a fighter pilot does, with none of the limitations (or frustrations) of static views. At first it’s easy to get disoriented in Virtual Cockpit mode, but with practice, you’ll find it extremely natural and useful in combat. All the cockpit dials remain functional, and you still control the craft, but the camera control now moves your "head."
  • PADLOCK CURRENT TARGET=MULTIPLY - An added advantage of the virtual cockpit view is its padlock feature, which allows you to simulate the way a pilot keeps a single enemy aircraft in view at all times. Activate the padlock mode by pressing Numpad*(the asterisk on the numeric keypad). You can also turn it off (unlock) with this key, its a toggle. Your view immediately shifts to your current target and stays on him. Once you’ve locked onto a particular craft, it’s easier to maneuver until you face him, and then go for the jugular. Beware, though, the deadly threat of target fixation. That’s when you concentrate on a single plane, completely forgetting about all the others training their sights on you. To exit padlock view, press any of the other view F-keys.
  • PADLOCK CLOSEST TO CENTER=DIVIDE - Use the Numpad / (slash) key to padlock the plane nearest the center of your view. Note that this is not necessarily the closest enemy, but it’s the one you have the best shot at that moment. Note that you can activate the padlock feature even if you are not in the Virtual Cockpit. You are switched into Virtual Cockpit mode, then the padlock goes into effect. Locking seems effective up to 8 miles (40,000ft).
  • COCKPIT ON/OFF=DECIMAL - Toggles the cockpit panels completely off or on.  When off only the gun sight is visible. Realistically inaccurate, as it allows sight of areas you wouldn't really have.
  • CHASE VIEW=SHIFT F8 - This view has the camera fly along with your plane and keep it in focus. You can inspect your craft from any angle, check for damage, or just admire the sleek beauty of your plane
  • FLY-BY VIEW=CTRL F8 - With this view, the camera positions itself ahead of your plane, then stays still and follows as you go by. It’s a nice view, but it’s not often useful.
  • TRACK VIEW - NEXT PLANE=F9 - Track mode functions much like the Chase view, except that it follows planes other than yours, and it sticks closer to the plane. This command changes the focus of the camera to the next plane. If the camera is not yet in Track mode, this command puts it in that mode.

    Continuing after Bailout, Landing or Ditching:
    If you are still alive in a regular mission, you will be asked if you wish to exit. If you choose No, you can use the various external view keys (like F9 or F12) to jump around and watch the other aircraft in action as the mission continues without you. When you are finished, press Esc to exit as usual. Note: When you change the game to a higher screen resolution the external view of your plane is more distant. If you like a closer view you can mouse-zoom in, but when you change views, then come back to the chase view, your plane is back to distant view again.
  • TRACK VIEW - PREVIOUS PLANE=SHIFT F9 - Change the focus of a camera in Track mode to the previous plane. If the camera is not yet in Track mode, this command puts it in that mode.
  • TARGET VIEW=F10 - When you have a plane targeted, you can get a close-up view of that plane using Target mode.
  • PLAYER-TO-TARGET VIEW=SHIFT F10 - This Target mode view positions the camera so that your plane is in the foreground and your target’s in the background. The camera moves to maintain this relationship, which can be handy when you’re trying to get in position to fire. If the camera is not yet in Target mode, this command puts it in that mode.
  • TARGET-TO-PLAYER VIEW=CTRL F10 -  This Target mode view is just like Player to Target, except that your target is in the foreground and you’re in the background. If the camera is not yet in Target mode, this command puts it in that mode.
  • BOMB VIEW=F11 - Any time when one of your bombs has been released but hasn’t yet hit the ground, you can switch to a camera mounted on the bomb.
  • PLAYER-TO-BOMB VIEW=SHIFT F11 -  Any time one of your bombs is in flight, you can watch it from a camera under your plane.
  • BOMB-TO-PLAYER VIEW=CTRL F11 -  Any time one of your bombs is en route, you can look back at your craft from a camera mounted on the bomb.
  • FREE CAMERA VIEW=CTRL F12 - This camera will allow you to hop out of your plane and free-roam around the gameworld with a bird’s-eye view of the action. Hanging out in the pilot’s seat is fun, but sometimes you want (or need) a different perspective on the world. Dust off the external camera to get a fresh view of a dogfight, or search in the distance for signs of the enemy. If you plan to stray far, consider enabling the autopilot—or pause the action altogether [ALT P]. This frees your hands and your concentration while you set up any unusual camera angle. Leaving an external camera view is as simple as selecting another camera viewpoint or any of the static views.

    The default mouse camera controls are
    LMB+[Fwd] Zoom in or move forward
    LMB+[Back] Zoom out or move backward
    [Left] Track left (clockwise) around the plane
    [Right] Track right (counterclockwise) around the plane
    [Fwd] Track up—over around the plane
    [Back] Track down—under around the plane
    RMB Reset to original placement

    When you’re operating the external camera with the keyboard:
    H Track left (clockwise) around the plane
    J Track right (counterclockwise) around the plane
    U Track up—over around the plane
    N Track down—under around the plane

  • ZOOM BUTTON=Mouse_Btn_1 - Hold this mouse button down and move the mouse forward or backward to zoom or un-zoom.
  • ZOOM IN=ADD - Used primarily to zoom the pilots gunsight, in. However can be used in other views.
  • ZOOM OUT=SUBTRACT - Used primarily to zoom the pilots gunsight, out. However can be used in other views.

  • PAN CAMERA UP=U - Camera view settings
  • CAMERA RESET=Mouse_Btn_2 -

  • STICK BACK=DOWN - Maps what happens when you move the joystick
  • RUDDER RIGHT=SLASH - Rudder Controls

This is the method for engines on or off found in stock v1.2 of the game.

  • START ENGINE 1=SHIFT LBRACKET - Left or Center Engine


  • THROTTLE UP=EQUALS - Engine Throttle variable control
  • THROTTLE 0=SHIFT MINUS - No throttle
  • THROTTLE 10%=1 - Engine Throttle control
  • THROTTLE 20%=2
  • THROTTLE 30%=3
  • THROTTLE 40%=4
  • THROTTLE 50%=5
  • THROTTLE 60%=6
  • THROTTLE 70%=7
  • THROTTLE 80%=8
  • THROTTLE 90%=9
  • THROTTLE 100%=SHIFT EQUALS - Full throttle

Independent engine throttle controls.

  • THROTTLE ENGINE 1 UP=LBRACKET - Engine Throttle control

  • FLAPS UP=SHIFT F - Flaps, depending on the plane and speed controls both the normal flaps as well as the combat flaps. See next paragraph below.
  • FLAPS DOWN=F - The P-51 and P-38 are now equipped with combat flaps (introduced in v1.2) that you can deploy at speeds up to 350-425mph, using the same key as the regular flaps [F] key, pressing the F key again will lower the Flaps even more. For all other aircraft, make sure you retract your flaps above 250mph, or they may be damaged.
  • WHEEL BRAKES ON/OFF=B - Standard Brake.
  • LANDING GEARS UP/DOWN=G - Gear Up or Down.

    Realistic Ditching (Gear-up landing):
    You can now more easily survive a gear-up landing. You will still take damage as you slide on the ground, though, so try to be as slow and level as possible when you hit. Don't let your wingtips touch ground.
  • COCKPIT LAMP ON/OFF=L - Night missions were perilous affairs prior to the advent of radar. Nonetheless, wartime strategy requires from time to time that an operation begin before dawn or near dusk, and so your plane comes equipped with a small light to illuminate the cockpit dials. (In the dark, your instrument panel can be hard to read.) Since a bright white light could significantly reduce your night vision, the bulb produces a soft red glow. To turn it on or off, press L. The light works only after dark.

This is the standard EAWv1.2 Gun Button configuration:

  • FIRE SELECTED GUNS=Joystick_Btn_1


  • DISPLAY SELECTED GUNS=CTRL S -  Review your current selections of guns.
  • FIRE SELECTED WEAPONS=Joystick_Btn_2 - This will fire/release Rockets or Bombs.
  • SELECT BOMBS=W - Select and Arm Bombs
  • SELECT ROCKETS=R - Select and Arm Rockets
  • RELEASE DROP TANKS=SHIFT D - Drops the extra fuel tanks your plane carries for long range flights. Use just before combat engagement.
  • TARGET NEXT ENEMY=T - Moves the targeting marker to the next enemy plane. Using this, you can cycle through all of the enemies in sight.
  • TARGET PREVIOUS ENEMY=SHIFT T - Moves the targeting marker to the previous enemy plane.
  • TARGET CLOSEST ENEMY=CTRL T - Puts the target marker on the enemy plane nearest you, and labels that marker with the name of the plane and its distance from you.
  • TARGET NEXT FRIENDLY=Y - Moves the targeting marker to the next friendly plane. Using this, you can cycle through all of the friendlies in the mission.
  • TARGET PREVIOUS FRIENDLY=SHIFT Y - Moves the targeting marker to the previous friendly plane.
  • TARGET CLOSEST FRIENDLY=CTRL Y - Puts the target marker on the friendly plane nearest you. Why would you want to target friendly planes? Hopefully, just to find out who’s who and how far away they are.
  • TARGET BEST GROUND=CTRL E - Target Primary Ground Object: On Bombing and Interdiction missions, Ctrl-E may be used to highlight your primary ground target, regardless of its distance. In the case of multiple targets on a Bombing or Interdiction mission, the closest primary target will be chosen.
  • TARGET CLOSEST RUNWAY=SHIFT R - Selects Runway and a icon
  • DESELECT TARGET=BACK - Clear; Removes the targeting marker.

    Backspace (BACK) unlocks the padlock because you de-selected your target. Unlocking your padlock keeps your target, but switches you to default front view. This can be quite useful in combat, making it seem like you are twisting your head from looking at your target, to seeing where you are going.

  • FLIGHT INFO DISPLAY ON/OFF=ALT F - Toggles your HUD (bottom left, in green) Default is ON.
  • TARGET INFO DISPLAY ON/OFF=ALT T - Toggles the target HUD (bottom right, in red) Default is ON.
  • TARGET DIRECTOR DISPLAY ON/OFF=ALT D - Toggles the display of a X Marker around the edge of the screen which shows you the direction of the bandit when he is not in your direct view (ie when you are in cockpit view, it only pops up when he's off screen). Default ON. The enemy has to be in range for the marker to display.
  • TARGET BOX DISPLAY ON/OFF=ALT O - Toggles the display of a square box on the target. Its best left off if you have the other displays turned on as it gets a bit crowded making it difficult to see the actual targeted plane. Default is ON. The enemy has to be in range for the marker to display.
  • TARGET ID DISPLAY ON/OFF=ALT I - Toggles the display of target name or plane type. You'll need to get a bandit in view to see name and plane type. Default is ON. The enemy has to be in range for the marker to display.
  • TARGET RANGE DISPLAY ON/OFF=ALT R - Toggles the display of target range. You'll need to get a bandit in view to see range. Default is ON. The enemy has to be in range for the marker to display.
  • RADIO MODE=TAB - Cockpit Radio; To initiate radio communication, use the TAB. A menu appears, listing the people you can contact by radio—your squadron and Ground Control are on the same frequency; if there are other squadrons involved in your mission, they’re on another frequency, and you cannot communicate with them.

    Press the key that corresponds to the intended receiver of your message. When you’re prompted, choose what type of communication you wish to send. If you don’t see the exact command you’re looking for, try the three menus— Tactical, Formation, and Navigation. Finally, choose the statement you want to pass along. If you have opted to issue a command, you must select not only an action, but also the specific target. Pressing ESC any time cancels your message. See my 'AI Explained Help Document' for more info with Wingman Response and Communications.
  • CHAT MODE=GRAVE - Multiplayer chat. Press the grave key ~ (immediately under ESC) twice to chat to all players or, in a sweep, hit grave and 1 to send your messages to wingmen only. Once you have typed the message, hit the enter key to send it. Watch you don't hit the ESC key by mistake: that pauses the game for all players.

    Note that game commands from the keyboard are deactivated while you are sending a message so you can type without dropping flaps or shooting rockets around. If you find the keyboard commands not responding you may be stuck in message mode. Just hit the enter key or grave key to get out.
  • PILOT MAP=ALT M - Conveniently stashed in the cockpit is your very own map of Europe. When you press ALT M, the map appears; it’s a good idea to give the autopilot control of the plane before you open the map. This allows you to take a good, long gander. Consult the map to review your intended flight path; icons plot the progress of all friendly aircraft. Press any of the view keys to exit the map. You return to the cockpit in the standard forward-facing view (or whatever view you selected). Your plane is moving at normal speed.

    Map Distances
    Please keep in mind that though they are flat, the Pilot and Briefing Maps in EAW are based on a curved section of the Earth, and distances aren't easily measured by eye. Before taking off, you might want to double check the distance to the target in the Briefing section of the Armaments board.
  • AUTOPILOT ON/OFF=A - All of the planes come equipped with an autopilot that can take over control of your craft in flight. (Historical purists should know that few of the aircraft you can pilot in European Air War actually had an autopilot installed, and none had one as sophisticated as this. It has been included strictly to ease game play in certain situations.) Upon encountering enemy aircraft, the autopilot notifies you of their presence and disengages itself, leaving you once again at the helm. Autopilot can also assume command during take-off to ensure that you get safely aloft. Of course, under no circumstances can autopilot save you when your craft has been damaged beyond control—you must bail out.

    Auto Piloting Home
    To Autopilot your aircraft back to Home Base; Once you're ready to return home, change your waypoint ([P] by default) back to your Home Base, then enable the Autopilot. If you fail to do this, your Squadron Commander has the ability to call you back into formation, and your Autopilot will listen.
  • WING LEVELER ON/OFF=SHIFT A - This function is new to v1.1 [SHIFT A] will toggle the wing leveler, which will hold your current altitude, speed and heading. Note that if you are not in stable flight (e.g. too slow to hold your altitude), the wing leveler may adjust the speed or altitude slightly to try to achieve stability. You may use this command in both single and multiplayer mode. The flight modeling of the "wingleveler" operational characteristics seems to work best when your aircraft is in cruising parameters; Drop your RPM down to say 3000/3500, let the airspeed drop and level off to the cruising speed and then engage the "wingleveler". This will help prevent the throttle from changing constantly. You can also try to set it on just below cruising speed. If you try to set it at above a slow cruise it will try to bring you up to top speed and cook the engine.
  • NEXT WAYPOINT=P - Changes waypoint location. Waypoints are displayed on the Pilot map, and used to command the flight group / and or autopilot.
  • ACCELERATE TIME=PAGE_UP - Increases your rate of speed (for greater acceleration, repeat) Time acceleration feature allows you to stay in the cockpit and use any of the external camera views while you move several times faster than normal.  For anything faster than four times normal, you’ll probably want to engage the autopilot. At great speeds, even slight movement of the joystick can cause you to swing wildly out of control, with events happening so quickly that you may not have the chance to recover. Accelerated time even close to the enemy is possible now.
  • NORMAL TIME=PAGE_DOWN - Sets Time back to normal with one push of this key.
  • SKIP TO NEXT ENCOUNTER=ALT N - Skips the Game loop to the encounter point, or next waypoint, abandoning the normal game events. In other words; moves you and all game events to the next waypoint or closest point to an engagement possible.

    Hitting [Alt N] will jump you to your next encounter or waypoint, rather than forcing you fly in formation for lengthy periods of time. This can save a lot of time. In real life, it just takes too long to fly missions all the way from your home airfield and back again - especially if you are escorting bombers deep into German occupied territory. Note that you won't get quite as high an altitude as you can by flying all the way to the battle in real time, and so aren't always in quite such a good position at the start of the fight. Note: you will not be allowed to use this feature when you've reached a mission objective, when the enemy is near, or when your plane is badly damaged.

    Skip to mission objective/home base:
    If you're getting bored flying all the way to your objective and then back again, press Alt+N, this will instantly skip you straight to your objective, or if your objective has been completed, it will return you home.

    Note - in some cases, this will take some of your fuel away, as if you'd flown there, and sometimes you may have to wait for ground control to stop talking before you can use skip.

    When a lot of Planes are in the Air:
    If using the ExtraSquad settings, using [ALT N] can cause the game to crash if there are too many planes in the air.
  • JUMP TO NEXT PLANE=ALT J - Abandon the current Plane to AI control and Fly the next available plane if any.

    Changing Planes; On single missions (but not on career operations)), pressing ALT J allows you to jump into the cockpit of a different plane, it would be an AI controlled plane. This can come in handy. As a rookie, it might be more useful to assume position as a Wingman than to fly the lead plane. You can gain valuable experience just by watching your more accomplished flight mates. Others (those with sadly deficient morals) might want to change planes after their own has been badly torn up. Repeatedly pressing ALT J cycles you through each available aircraft on your mission (flyable planes only). Cycle too far, though, and you’ll end up back in your original crate.

    Ending Multiplayer (Coop) Missions:
    If your plane is destroyed, no longer flyable, you bail out, shot down or you are killed, you can jump into the next available AI plane in your squadron by using the "Jump to next plane" (ALT-J) key. ALT-J will not work if your plane is still flyable, or if there are no AI planes remaining. (Or, if the host has "AllowRespawn=0" set--see [Netoption] section). In any case, you can remain in the world and watch everyone else with the view keys. Press Escape to exit.
  • BAIL OUT=ALT B - Bailing out—abandoning your aircraft and parachuting to the surface—is a simple, last-ditch attempt to save your life when your plane has been shot up. All you have to do is get your plane as close to level flight as you can manage and slow, then jump from the cockpit. If you bank too much or climb/dive to much, or if you are too fast, you will hear a nasty "thud", which means that your pilot hit the plane. Vital Note: It is not possible to bail out safely if your altitude is too low. It's suggested that if you can’t get above 3,000 feet, attempting to land is your only safe option.

    Realistic Bailouts; You will now free-fall for a period of time before your chute deploys, though it will still deploy automatically. Depending on the plane's orientation and speed when you bail out, there is also a chance you may hit the tail of the plain during egress (thud sound), injuring yourself and delaying the opening of the chute or even destroying it (or your capability to pull the ripcord).

    Ideally you should be as slow (under 200-250 mph) and as level as possible, and in any case at least a couple thousand feet above ground before you attempt to bail out. (If you remain in the air 4-5 seconds, you have a good chance to have your parachute open. Even at low altitude. At 1,000ft if you bail just before the plane starts to stall/spin, your chute may open at tree top height).

    Enemy Territory and Bail Out:
    What happens once you’re on the ground depends more on luck and where you landed than on your survival skills. Enemy territory is patrolled regularly, and very few pilots have made it back.

    Single Mission and Bail Out:
    Fortunately, as the pilot of a single mission, you have multiple lives to squander. Each time you are shot down or bail out, European Air War reassigns you to the least-damaged friendly AI craft remaining aloft, and you find yourself in the cockpit once again. If the new plane doesn’t suit your liking, cycle through the rest of the available aircraft and select another (see Viewpoint and the Camera: Changing Planes). There is no guarantee, however, that it will be airworthy. When the final friendly plane falls from the sky, your luck and your mission come to an end.

    Oil Leak and Bail Out:
    Try to return to your take-off point right away. Otherwise, the oil will eventually all run out, and the plane’s engine will seize (stop working suddenly). You might, with luck, be able to glide to a safe landing, but it’s much more likely that you’ll end up a sitting duck for enemy pilots to shoot down. If you choose to stay in the fight and then wind up bailing out, fine. Living to fight another day is better than going down with your plane. However, unless you had a damn good reason for staying, expect a reprimand. Bringing your country’s plane home with you is more important than seeking personal victories.

    Complex Stall and Bail Out:
    One further piece of advice: If you go into the second type of stall too low, you’d better bail out. (Whenever your aircraft is climbing, the angle of attack is increased. If you do not have enough forward motion (thrust) to compensate for the loss of lift this causes, the plane could stall). Remember, you’ve got to have enough sky under you to safely recover and get out of the resulting dive. Otherwise you haven’t got a chance.

    Low Alt Spin and Bail Out:
    If you go into a spin at any altitude below 3,000 feet, bail out immediately—you do not have enough maneuvering room to save your plane, so you may as well save your life.

    Severe Damage and Bail Out:
    Remember, once you’re airborne, you are in command. If the damage to your aircraft is severe enough that you have trouble controlling your flight, you have a command decision to make: whether to continue on and attempt to complete your mission. Use your best judgment. Severe damage will make your mission impossible, and you might need to return prematurely. If the damage is too great, you may even have to bail out in order to save your neck.

    Fire and Bail Out:
    If you aren’t close to an airfield, but you believe you can safely crash-land or ditch, feel free to try. Then, too, you could always bail out. There’s no real difference between that and a crash landing—except that you’re much more likely to survive if you hit the silk. Whatever you decide, don’t dilly-dally; you probably don’t have much time to act before the fire reaches the fuel tanks.

    Become A Projectile Weapon:
    If you have no other options—you can’t bail out and your chances of surviving a crash are nil—you can always use your wounded craft as an offensive projectile. You will not survive, and this is not a recommended tactic.

    Most pilots like to wait until they’ve used up all their other destructive options, though it’s not a requirement. Any bombs still attached to your plane when you hit probably won’t go off (they aren’t armed), but any fuel left in your tanks makes a nice fireball. Fact is, if you’re considering a “kamikaze” maneuver, you’ve probably already got your plane toasted and are desperate for a way to wreak some extra havoc. When your plane is damaged, you have less than perfect control over it.

    Viewing Self When Bailing: ...I once read a forum post that was very old. I swore it described how to successfully watch yourself bail out of the plane. However, I no longer know where that information came from...

    In stock v1.2 you can not actually watch the bail out from an external view. After bail out is enabled, all plane following related views are no longer available while the pilot climbs out, it then switches to the pilot's perspective.

    To see the Parachuting Pilot:
    To get a parachuting pilot after bail out in EAWv1.1 / v1.2. In EAW Configuration, you'll want to configure the "Camera Position" to "Mouse" rather than "Keyboard". In the Advanced setup there is a option called "Free Camera View", that defaults to CTRL F12. There is also the "Zoom Button", which defaults to "Mouse Btn. 1" and "Camera Reset" defaults to "Mouse Btn. 2".

    At that point you can activate FREE CAMERA VIEW once the pilot is free falling (before the chute opens), and follow it with your mouse (if so configured under CAMERA CONTROL), but the pilot's image is so small and moving so fast that you may not be able to focus the view on it. Once the parachute deploys you can continue to watch it until it disappears or lands.....

    After your parachute is opened, pause the game.
    Then press the CTRL F12 keys at the same time.
    Go to your mouse, press the left button and pull back on it.
    You should now see the the pilot hanging in a white parachute.
  • PAUSE GAME=ALT P - At any time while in flight, you can press Alt P to pause the game. All action in the game will stop until you restart it, but you still have control of the external camera and the viewpoint controls. Note that none of the controls except those relevant to the camera and viewpoints will function while the game is paused. To restart the action, press Alt P again.
  • SOUND ON/OFF=ALT S - Turns all sounds off or back on.
  • QUIT GAME=ESCAPE - If you wish to end your current mission without shutting down the whole game, press ESC. You must verify this command. If you do, you proceed directly to your debriefing, and the mission is counted a failure unless you completed your objective before quitting. In Multiplayer games this will pause the game for all players.
  • ScreenCapture=RMENU - This is the Print Screen key (RMENU). Be aware that screenshot file size increases dramatically with higher resolutions. If this key won't work for you, try INSERT as the key to use. ALT F12 has worked too in the past.

    RMENU means use your default keyboard screen capture button. The key used depends on your PC keyboard, and how you have that setup with Windows. For example on many PC's it is the "Print Screen" key, but not always, look at your keyboard or manual.

    See my 'Joystick and Controls Help Document' for more information on Screenshots.





This section of the document is to mention some unique aspects of the eaw.ini file and controls.


HotSpot Labels
Note that on most of the game screens (not during missions), you can use the [SPACEBAR] to toggle labeling of all the hot spots on and off. This can be quite helpful when you aren’t sure exactly what you can do on a particular screen. You can also right-click to briefly view the hot spots; they stay visible as long as you hold down the [RMB]. In the Hanger Screens you have several options as you wander around the hangar waiting for orders to man your craft. Use the mouse pointer to search the shed until you’ve found each one, or simply press the [SPACEBAR] to reveal them all.



Quitting The Game (Exit to Windows)
The Main Menu includes an Exit option for leaving the game, but real life doesn’t always allow enough time to work your way back to this menu to quit. To leave European Air War at any time, almost instantly, you can press [ALT Q]. The game prompts you to verify that you want to quit. Note that if you are in the middle of a career mission when you quit, your career continues with that mission when you come back to the game.
Also if for some reason, your stuck in the game and it just won't close, use the Windows close shortcut: [ALT F4] will close the active program.



FPS (Frames-Per-Second) Display
To check FPS in EAWv1.0 to EAWv1.2 there is no built in counter, you need an external program. The fan community use to use a program called FRAPS, however that seemed to only run properly when EAW ran in D3D mode. Newer options include using a Wrapper Program, most have a FPS counter built in able to display the correct Frames in a Window or Full screen mode.



Two Functions Assigned To One Button...
If you want to have 2 functions on one button (one press of the button performs 2 actions), you need to open the ini with notepad, then insert the same key-description to both functions that you want to use with the one button.
For an example: Configured the zoom function and the camera movement on one button...You can use the camera up and move left with the POV Hat switch moved back to get a higher rear-'snapview' ...better combinations can be thought of...only few combinations will work well using eaw.ini, most others will act strange...but if you use some joy tool (from your own joy or a third party) ,xpadder for example, than you can make magic with your joy buttons (2x or 3x more buttons)...

If your trying to save buttons on your Joystick, You can even try "Flaps Up" and "COCKPIT ON/OFF" functions on the same joystick button, saving you one button.



Win2k/WinXP Target Assignment Bug:
You will be able to make changes to the remappable keys in eaw.ini with Notepad with the exception of TARGET CLOSEST ENEMY or TARGET NEXT ENEMY. Whenever you go to Configure Game, Control, Controller Setup and check the setting, it will always be set back to the default and ignores the assignment you previously set with Notepad.



Repeating and Unwanted Lines:
You may notice that sometimes at the end of the EAW.ini, after what should be the last command line (ScreenCapture=) there are other command lines that you may have never have seen there before, repeating several times:
These line could become problematic eventually as they keep being added and repeated over and over, so you will want to remove them. You just have to remove those extra entries every so often manually.







The independent CodeGroup source code modifications of EAW, versions 1.28 and up introduced some major additions and changes with different functions added to the game, some of the changes where done to the ini file, only those changes are noted in this help document. Others advanced settings are configured with a pre game frontend loader (depends on the version of the game your playing). See the specific version in my 'CodeGroup Patches Help Document'.

Since this section of the help doc only describes the newer features in the eaw.ini for EAWv1.28 and above, you'll want to review the existing official MPS settings provided in stock EAWv1.2, Please see the prevous section for those details.

These new functions presented here in the help doc revise the stock eaw.ini file and will make it in-compatible with previous EAW versions (sometimes even for later EAW versions). Allow the eaw.exe for the particular game version create a new eaw.ini file before modifying it in Notepad.



  • Width=1024 -
  • Height=768 - 

    At 1024x768 is when the graphic details really begin to pop. (In EAWv1.28 and versions above it, the POV in 1024x768 resolution was properly increased; you sit back further away from the dash than you would in stock EAWv1.2 at the same res. You will also notice the FOV is actually larger than normally the widest 800x600 that you find in stock EAWv1.2).

    See my 'Known Bugs and Feature Ideas Help Documents' and read the VIDEO Section and topic of FIELD OF VIEW (FOV) for more details about Wide Views, Field of View, Point of View and Resolutions.

    EAWv1.28 defaults to 1024x768, and will display the fuel gauge as it has been up scaled to display at that new default res. However, When using a res other than the default , when the game loads you will no longer see the "Fuel Gauge" loading screen, there will only be a blank screen.  But, Later versions like v1.40 or so will have a text displaying % loaded when non default resolution is used.

    (Also, Source mods have increased/up scaled the size of the Virtual Cockpit screens from there original stock 800x600 size to 1024x768. This was done to smooth out the edges some what. However they are still less in detail overall when compared to the 2D static cockpits.) The Virtual cockpit also lacks things like cockpit bullet hole effects, oil smudges and viewable rear gunners. There is no fix for this in any version or code modified EAW game, in fact old low res cockpits where coded out and are no longer available during game play. (I think they still load into memory though).

    The HUD data Display and in-game chat messages can become small and hard to read at much higher resolutions. If you use EAWv1.28 and above, those source mods have a new setting built in, see your eaw.ini file, look for HudFontSize=0 , changing it to =1 will give a larger font.

    The size of the screen will effect the games Frames Per Second. You want the frame rates ideally at 30FPS or more, but above 15FPS so the game will operate correctly. For an example, If the game is running smooth when you enter dense bomber formations your doing well. In EAWv1.28 and above, CTRL-G gives the FPS in the top right hand corner. See the NOTES section at the end of this document for what all the FPS Display readouts mean.
  • DisplayDevice=1 - This is which video card/graphics mode EAW has established as your D3D or 3DFX device.
    You will want to set this to either 0 or 1 for the most part on modern computers. Glide tends to be faster but does not support custom colors, see Note below.

    The range of colors used to make the EAW aircraft skins are in a defined set called an Indexed Palette. EAW can be played under two different API's, one is D3D from Microsoft, and the other is Glide from 3DFX. Under D3D, you can add colors to the stock color palette, and D3D will display them properly. Under GLIDE 2.43 if you add colors to the stock 8bit palette, they will not display correctly. You will end up with very oddly colored aircraft. However GLIDE 3.0 (which has been added to the various versions of the source modifications as of Feb 15 2016), supports colors just like D3D does.

  • CockpitProp=1 - 0/1 Toggle - (for version 1.28c and above) When the cockpit is used the presents of the propeller is displayed, can be  disabled0 or enabled1.

  • VirtualCockpit=1 - 0/1 Toggle - (for version 1.28c and above) - Don't allow or allow the 3D virtual cockpit to be used.
  • PlaneSetNumber=1 - (for version 1.28c and above) Determines which set of planes are used. Set from outside the game normally but can be changed from in game... This only influences the game if there are additional plane set folders in the currently used "Scenario folder". A value of 0 is default and as long no other plane set is loaded, the standard plane set from the CDFs are used. Can be values of 1 to 4.
  • PropRotationSpeed=8 - (for version 1.28c and above) This will effect how the spinning 3dz model prop looks from the cockpit view. This setting is used because different PC´s can't display all the same rotation speed, so it was increased and made adjustable. Note: This effects all rotating objects.



  • ColourMain=2 - (for version 1.28 and above) default color of text on the Main Screen.
  • ColourAxis=10 - (for version 1.28 and above) default color of text on new Axis plane selection screen (10) ?The color of the Axis icons?
  • ColourAllied=3 - (for version 1.28 and above) default color of text on new Allied plane selection screen ?The color of the Allied icons?
  • BirdSeed=5 - (for version 1.28 and above) 0 to 5 - 0, no birds will spawn anymore. A value 1 (more) to 5 (less), to change the occurrence of birds in game, usually at the airfields. They tend to spawn from the players position, or behind the players position...

    Note: (for version 1.28a and above) more bird appearances at a value of 5. Less is 1 and none is 0.

  • QuickVersion=0 - (for version 1.28 through 1.28c, and likely 1.28d. However in v1.28e there is reason to believe even more new code was used to change the behavior of this setting even further...)

    Quick Start ('Instant Mission' as it's been renamed in v1.28 and up on the in game main menu) relies on settings configured in game on the "Single Mission Parameter Screen" like it does in stock v1.2. Then there is the new QuickVersion=  setting, this will also modify the parameters for what the mission will be like, in effect allowing you more control (more than stock v1.2) over how the Instant Mission will be configured... See choices below.

    "0" default Quick Start (random mission type) (same layer as standard v1.2)
    "1" very small battle size + random mission type. Good random mission setup if you just want a quick fly , Bombers only will get interdicts.
    "2" very small battle size + last selected mission type (single mission setup) Quick way of launching a single mission you might have set up for training , Bombers only will get interdicts.
    "3" very small battle size + Fighter sweep , Bombers only will get interdicts.
    "4" very small battle size + Escort , Bombers only will get interdicts.

    Also to set your plane type and country you can set in the .ini or go in-game by way of the single mission plane selection screen (1.28e era) and select your plane then go back to main menu and then launch quick mission. I THINK the \savedata folder in the EAW root has files in it with the MSNXX.DAT name. Each time you launch a Quick Mission one of those files with all the parameters gets used, apparently one after the other...

    Quick Missions are different than any other mission types. Due to the way EAW sets them up, "the rules it can use are / can be - different." It is in a way a combination between single, campaign and / or online mission. That is to say aircraft bases, etc, takeoff can spawn outside the frontlines, and so forth. Mission files can be coded differently, etc.

    Note3: (Quick Start for stock v1.2)
    The way a "Quick Start" mission works in stock v1.2 is it's really based off the last configured settings on the Single Mission Parameters screen (the last MSNXX.DAT mission file in the \savedata folder). Then the Quick Start randomizes some of those settings on it's own to produce a further randomized single mission, it will not be exactly the same as if you played the Single Mission on it's own. For an example: If you set the parameters to intercept B-17s in the Single Mission parameters, in Quick Start you might end up against B-26s or B-24s, because Quick Start doubles the randomization, by adding it's own layer. Now If you want to fly a specific plane in Quick Start, goto the Single Mission screen and pick your plane, and it will be saved, hit ESC to exit and return to the Main Menu. Now pick a "Quick Start" mission and the plane you choose to fly will be in use.

  • KeyboardLanguage=0 - (for version 1.28a and above) This changes the keyboard to different national settings.
    0 (English default)
    1 (German)
    2 (French)
    3 (Spanish)
    4 (Italian)
  • FlakAccuracy=2 - (for version 1.28 and above) Affects only the heavy flak, The effectiveness of the flak depends on two settings, the Accuracy and the Rate of Fire (setting listed below). Experiment with them. The default value is shown. Appropriate values range from 1 to 5.
  • FlakRof=2 - (for version 1.28 and above) Affects the Rate of Fire of only the heavy flak, The effectiveness of the flak depends on two settings, the Accuracy (setting listed above) and the Rate of Fire . Experiment with them. The default value is shown. Appropriate values range from 1 to 5.
  • WW1TakeOff=1 - (for version 1.28a, not sure if this is in any other version) Gives the across the paddock take off for fighters on a grass runway (0 uses the 1.2 default)...
  • HudFontSize=0 - 0/1 - (for version 1.28 and above) Toggles the HUD's font on the cockpit screen from stock to Large Font Bold. A value of 1 improves the legibility at high resolutions.
  • GunSightSize=1024 - (for version 1.28 and above) possible values are 800 to 2100 - Sets the Gunsight Reticule size/diameter. Note: "1550" is the maximum that fits nicely on the current Spitfire gunsight glass. Using this value, the wingtips of a fighter fit into the circle at a range of about 150 yards.
  • OldStyle=0 - 0/1 - (for version 1.28 and above) Toggles New or Old Plane Selection Screens; 0 will give you the later, two screen (Allied/Axis) system, where any plane marked as flyable is listed for selection. In EAWv1.28c/d all plane sets but the V1 are flyable. A value of 1 will use the old original official style of three plane screen selection layout. Note: In the older system the "bombers" were never displayed for selection as they where not flyable. (If you load an older add-on flightmodel, often the bombers are not flyable.) This setting does not affect the menu screen size.
  • GroundBattle=1 - (for version 1.28 and above) 0 is No ground battle, 9 is max action, explosion artillery activity on the ground when you are close to the frontline. The default is "=3" "=0" disables the ground battle action. The higher the value the more impacts happen. Depending to the PC´s performance at some stage the FPS might suffer.
  • ComputedGunsight=300  - (for version 1.28a and above) 0= disabled; fixed gunsight. The "gyro" gunsight only works in "gunsight mode" (1st step zoom). It gets adjusted to the movements of the currently toggled target (icon), otherwise to the closest target. The gunsight adjusts the reticule in relation to your own and the targets G-force. The gunsight currently got activated only for the P51D, P47D, Me262A, Bf109K, FW190D9, Spit14 and TempestV triggered by an planes.dat value.

    (for version 1.28c and above)
    The "computed Gunsight" has been "fixed". Before the EAW v1.28c release some of the code for this was lost, and it has been re-introduced and re programmed in. The computed gunsight now relates to the distance, rather than the enemy’s G-force. The default setting for this is 300 which sets the deflection range to 300 meters. You can try variations, value is the distance at which the gun sight works best in "meters".
  • ExtraSquads=0 - This adds additional squadrons of planes to each mission.

    Note Multiplay (for version 1.60):
    There was code added by MrJelly to allow the ExtraSquads value to be transmitted to other players from the host, thus this setting in EAWv1.6 now works in multiplay.

    (for version 1.28c and above)
    the Default is OFF (zero). Any number up to 17 may be entered.

    Possible settings for v1.28c and up are:

    "0" No extra squad.
    "1-3" normal extra squad.
    "4" all Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "5" all US Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "6" only 1940/43 US Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "7" only 1944/45 US Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "8" all US+Brit Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "9" only 1940/43 US+Brit Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "10" only 1944/45 US+Brit Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "11" all Brit Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "12" only 1940/43 Brit Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "13" only 1944/45 Brit Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "14" all Ger Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "15" only 1940/43 Ger Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "16" only 1944/45 Ger Bombers get two escorting fighter squads
    "17" Fighter squads can have up to 64 planes, always two Bomber squads will appear, instead of one.
    (Set to 17 then make a single mission sweep and select up to 64 planes for your group. With this setting you can really reach the EAW 256 plane limit.) Note: 17 disables en-route Random Encounter Groups
    > "17" No extra squad

    (for version 1.28e and above)
    Here's some more info on the 1.28e settings and corrections that Knegel later posted:

    0 = US escort 1944/45 double
    1 = big battle 1 (player always can have up to 16 fighters)
    2 = big battle 2 (player always can have up to 16 fighters)
    3 = big battle 4 (player always can have up to 16 fighters)
    4 = no extrasquad, but the player always can have up to 16 fighters
    5 = all nations get double escort in every year
    6 = US get double escort in every year
    7 = US escort 1943/44 double
    8 = brit get double escort in every year
    9 = brit escort 1943/44 double
    10 = brit escort 1944/45 double
    11 = brit/us get double escort in every year
    12 = brit/us escort 1943/44 double
    13 = brit/us escort 1944/45 double
    14 = luft get double escort in every year
    15 = luft escort 1943/44 double
    16 = luft escort 1944/45 double
    17 = large fighter squads (64 fighters) and double bombers
    >17 = no extra squad at all.

    Note: With EAWv1.28e the campaigns where US 4-Mots are involved will get 2 escorting squads in 1944/45. This is a more realistic result and look.


  • Month=6 - (for version 1.28c and above) (the possibility to play seasonal setups was implemented)
    If the value is between 1 and 12 (January to December), EAW 1.28C will provide a steadily increasing mission date in single, multiplayer and quick-mission mode, with every played mission.
    This does not influence the career date!
    The Month setting triggers the season in EAW if a seasonal setup is present in the currently used "Scenario folder". In this way the currently used month can determine the terrain and/or weather setups to be used.

    "21" triggers static "Spring" (also in career mode), while the single mission date is randomized (as in the default game).
    "22" triggers static "Summer".
    "23" triggers static "Fall (Autumn)".
    "24" triggers static "Winter".
    "25" triggers static "Light Winter"

    All other values ( 0, > 12 & < 21 , > 25) disable the seasonal setup and the new mission data system.

    If the seasonal setup is activated, it automatically becomes a "host setting" in multiplayer mode, so everybody in game will get the same setting.

  • Day=1 - (for version 1.28c and above) Here you can select the wanted game date day (1 to 31). If the value is bigger than then maximum possible number for the current month, the game will switch to the next month.
    If the "Date system" is disabled, the day value is randomized. It does not apply to career mode.
  • EnemyEncounter=1 - (for version 1.28a and above) 0 = disables/no encounter, 512 = max probability. Try values up to 255, as higher values produce higher probability to meet an encounter group.

    This setting effects the probability for "Random" Encounters Groups (actually they are not randomized, but the lot of influencing factors make it look like random.)  In single missions and career mode, planes sometimes spawn as you are on the way to a target somewhere in your area and sometimes they take off from a base some miles away to intercept you.

    Radar coverage related encounter groups appear mainly in the air, rather big distances from their homebase, but a enemy base will be near by somewhere. In rare random cases, bombers can show up, instead of fighters.

    Airfield related encounters appear only (without radar help) if you get rather close (within 35 miles) to an enemy base in rather low altitude (below 1,200Feet). Here fighters only will take off, if the base keeps fighters of the current mission time period. This kind of encounter simulates an emergency scramble, or and take off by chance. So its possible to actually see a enemy squad taking off if your close enough to an enemy base. 

     Disabled Note: When ExtraSquad setting is 17 or 'Time Acceleration' is active, and when you use 'Skip to next Encounter', Random Encounters are turned off to avoid too many planes or CTD.  ??I think Random Encounters maybe disabled completely for Multiplayer??

    Friendly groundstarted encounter groups are also possible. If you spot them near by, you can call for help and they will assist....read the next line below:
  • FriendlyEncounter=0 - (for version 1.28a and above) 0 = disables/no encounter, 512 = max probability. Try values up to 255, as higher values produce higher probability to meet an encounter group.
  • AutoCombat=0 - (for version 1.28b and above) Change to "1" to turn ON. This allows you to fly on Autopilot and target enemy aircraft or other objects. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) will then fly your aircraft and pursue and shoot. Useful for both new and experienced pilots to watch an “expert” fight, observe and learn dogfight tactics.
  • StaticCockpit=0 - (for version 1.28c and above) A value of 1 allows the original 640x480 cockpits to be displayed with F1. A value of 0 disables all the 2D cockpits. It is useful, if someone plays in 640x480 and does not want to see the 2D cockpits (in add-on campaigns they normally would not fit). Later versions, the 2D cockpit game data was removed as they are no longer used.
  • FadeTime=500 - (for version 1.28c and above) adjusts the screen fade times, when you leave one pre-game screen and enter another. The used value depends on the player's preference, a maximum value is not known. Value set is most likely in Milliseconds.
  • MissionNum=0 - (for version 1.28c and above) Used as part of the single mission sequence feature. The default value of 1 turns off mission sequence feature. This can be activated in single mission screen, and where activated, the mission number is recorded here.
  • OldDamage=0 - (for version 1.28a to 1.28c) 1 enables a hardcoded EAW1.2 compatible bullet damage/gun power calculation and stock default v1.2 engine overheat system management, which suits many of the older flight models better. Also it will use a generic guns convergence setting. This is good for backward compatibility for old campaigns etc. (Note: This may have been removed first in version 1.30 or 1.40.)



  • SkillLevel=0 -

    This setting is the same as going in-game to 'Configure Game' then 'Difficulty' then 'Combat' then 'Enemy Skill Level' setting. This option provides a quick and easy way to modify the overall difficulty/AI level of your opponents, and can be viewed as a ‘general’ enemy skill level setting. You can choose between Green0(to face inexperienced pilots), Veteran1(pilots who have been in a few dogfights), and Ace2(the most experienced the enemy has to offer). Be forewarned that the enemy skill level Ace is designed to push even the most fanatic flight simulation veterans to the limits of their abilities.

    Pilot Skill Levels Explained Further:

    There are four places in European Air War that allow you to set the skill level of the pilot AI; one in Difficulty (“Enemy Skill Level”), two in the Single Mission Parameters (“Pilot Skill Level” for both friendly and enemy aircraft), and one in the Multi-Player Session Parameters (“Pilot Experience”). See
    SkillLevel in the [NetOption] section far below to see how these two last settings effect the game.


    Note (for version 1.28 and above):
    Apparently the 'Enemy Skill Level' in stock default EAWv1.2 wasn't truly coded to adjust the skill level of the AI, so the community coders of v1.28 used this opportunity to use this so called 'unused' bit, and replaced it with 'Player Skill.' So now EAWv1.28 and above uses this for limiting viewing options, and limiting icon display range. Effecting both online and offline play. These settings limit the views as follows:
    0 - all possible views are allowed, Green; The player get the default view possibilities. Also this disables the 'Wet Starts' engine management difficulty.
    1 - No cockpit free front, Seasoned; (you can't turn off the cockpit) and no rear view. The max icon range got minimized a bit; targeting is closer: (approx 9-10,000 FT before you can lock.)
    2 - No external views, Almost all external views are disabled, only the "free camera view" stay available.
    So the player only can sit inside the cockpit and he can leave his plane to move through the EAW world, by using the mouse (not a real help while combat). Additionally the max icon ranges got shorter again.

    In the Mission or Session Parameters screen, there is an entry option setting called ("Pilot Skill Level" for Single Player or "Pilot Experience" for Multiplayer), this is used to determine the AI skill level to set the ability of the friendly AND enemy AI planes.
    However in Campaign Mode, the AI start out green and progress from there, the related resulting squad files influence the morale and skill.
    As for your own skill, that is by your personal abilities. (In multiplayer The online Host skill setting is used, see SkillLevel in the [NetOption] section far below).


  • Stalls=1 - 0/1 Toggles -
    (for version 1.28a and above) Now it will disable ALL targeting (not just padlocking as found in stock v1.2), when the plane spins.
  • RealisticGunnery=1 - 0/1 Toggles -
    (for version 1.28 and above) amended, now the only difference is the bullet damage/gun power gets increased by a factor of 1.5 when a value of 0 is set, for off.

    (for version 1.28c and above) The new off setting was reprogrammed, realistic gunnery off now isn't as easy as it was in v1.2, its only little more destructive in comparison to a lot more destructive as it was in v1.2.
  • MidAirCollision=1 - 0/1 Toggles -
    (for version 1.28e?? and above), the collision bubble is much smaller, even when it's on = much harder to collide, seems unrealistic for collision use.




  • ============================



See my 'Sounds Help Document' for further details on Sound and some settings.

  • SoundQuality=1 - 0/1 -
    (for version 1.28 and above) New programming Forces 16bit as the only available option, regardless what you have this set too, it will always look for the 16 bit sounds and use the code that supports them.
  • EngineVolume=36863 -
    (for version 1.28 and above) This only manipulates the players own cockpit internal engine sound.
  • ExternalVolume=36863 -
    (for version 1.28 and above) external engine sound is now included here...




See my 'Joystick and Controls Help Document' for details about setting up your controls.

  • Snapview Speed=5 -
    (for version 1.28 and above) How fast in Milliseconds after releasing the key will the view return to previous view. Adjustable head panning speed for the snap views (when looking around by using the numpad keys programmed to the headswitch).

(for version 1.28d and above) These eight settings are new to EAW and where programmed in to support three standard controllers. See the CodeGroup section on my 'Joystick and Controls Help Document' for details about setting up your controller devices.

  • Device1 Port=1 -
    (for version 1.28d and above) defines which port to use for device 1
  • Device2 Port=2 -
    (for version 1.28d and above) define which port to use for device 2
  • Device3 Port=3 -
    (for version 1.28e and above) define which port to use for device 3
  • Rudder Device=1 -
    (for version 1.28d and above) defines which device the rudder is on
  • Throttle Device=1 -
    (for version 1.28d and above) defines which device the throttle is on. The Mouse wheel can be used as a throttle with a value of 0.
  • Stick Device=1 -
    (for version 1.28d and above) defines which device the stick is on
  • Key Device=1 -
  • POV Device=1 -
    defines which device the hat is on...

Note: Older CodeGroup 1.28a and other versions of the game use labels as Device Port1=1 and Device Port2=2. These allow for two devices to be used. These are limited by there descriptor naming, therefore the entries where renamed as listed above in newer versions.

  • JoystickDeadZone=4 -
    (for version 1.28 and above) newer versions default to 4 as modern sticks are much better at centering.

  • Guns Convergence Z=0 -
    (for version 1.28b and above) This adjustable figure is in yards. The z axe adjust the vertical (up/down) calibration. The more positive the number the higher the aim point. The more negative, the lower the aim point.
  • Guns Convergence Y=0 -
    (for version 1.28b and above) This adjustable figure is in yards. The y axe adjust the (side to side) horizontal convergence. The more positive the number the closer in the convergence. The more negative, the farther out the convergence.

    (for version 1.28b and above) The values for Gun Convergence in the new eaw.ini are NOT the range of a Convergence. (Those settings are found in the games .FLT data files, changed by a modding the file. But You don't need to touch those as they all have been tested and are working as real-life values).

    In EAWv1.2 the guns shoot straight forward with no possibility too adjust any convergences settings as it's not implemented in the game. This takes away much of the firepower of planes with wing mounted guns. However in EAWv1.28 the bullet stream paths meet up in the point of convergence, in a historically accurate aim point and range (default range and path are set based on what was used by the USAAF, RAF and Luftwaffe). Also note you can't adjust the Z and Y bullet stream paths from the eaw.ini in this version, nor in game.

    Now in v1.28b, Using the Z and Y Convergence ini settings you can now adjust your own aim point (path of the bullets). The settings below are what you possibly want to change. Z and Y adjust your aim points for the bullets (the path they will take). You can adjust them a little up or down or a bit to the left or right. Try values from 10 to -10. (Notice you can adjust these in game on the top of the 'Configure Game' screen. as well).

    Depending to the mission type its useful to adjust the convergence up or down:

    -Try the default convergence with Sweep missions.
    -Try a Short distance convergence while Intercepting planes with tail gunners that have a rather bad defense (small guns). You should be-able to do most damage with one ammo load.
    -Try Long Range convergence versus a 4 Mots (many heavy guns). This will allow you to shoot from farther away.
    -Cannons in general cause good damage at long range and the German planes have many guns often rather close to the fuselage, so a long range convergence is ok.
    -Also the Typhoon, tempest and P47D need a long distance convergence(500-700 yards), when making an interdiction.
    -The planes have the historical 'sweet spot' that every pilot knew and gets use to. With a plane like the Fw190, which has quite a long convergence range. You shouldn't have any problems in getting quick kills.

    All planes have been adjusted to a historical correct convergence settings by default (Range and Paths), but they are not the same in all planes (depending to the guns and normal mission type the default convergence range do vary a lot. When the Gun Convergence Z or Y values = 0, means the bullet streams meet up in a point of convergence (they cross each other), at a historically accurate distance (they cross at maximum range) as they are set at historical aim point defaults per plane.

    Convergence is only effective at or near convergence range:
    The bullets will converge at a certain distance ahead of the plane. Of course the further the bullets get from the plane the more each guns stream is affected by random factors and gravity. After reaching the convergence distance the bullets continue on the angle and diverge again. Wing mounted gun bullet streams have a X shape, not a Y, so it is real-life convergence. At long range wing mounted guns have a shotgun effect because they spread out more (right mounted guns shoot bullets towards the left and left mounted guns shoot bullets towards the right), but of course it is much better to get your target closer to the optimal convergence range, for effectiveness. Fuselage (mostly about center) mounted guns stay well grouped together for most of their range. This means you have to aim well to hit, but when you do you hit, it will be with nearly all guns.

    Realize, if you adjust too far from the convergence range for wing mounted guns, then you might have to put your gun sight on an enemies wingtip to hit the fuselage and then you will be hitting with only one wing's worth of guns, this is obviously not optimal.


    Convergence Ranges (Defaults are set in the FLT by modders):
    Typically real WWII pilots shot at 500m with weapons being aimed at 250-300m. When shooting at bombers, pilots would shoot within 500-800m.  At or over 500m you need to raise your gun to compensate for bullet drop. Just some facts: 20mm have a useful range of more than 2km! and Air to ground, a heavy MG is still effective at 1.5km. (In stock EAW1.2 and especially with the ECA add-on, its pretty easy to hit and to kill on up to 1.5km distance (2,000 or 2,500 even 3,000 feet are possible, at all times). You can no longer do that with the Gun Convergence that is now modified into the game programming.

    The default convergence has changed a bit here and there during development of the planes. Here are a few notes of hopefully what is current. (Convergence default is set to about 600ft for 1940 planes (for Spit1a and Hurri1a) and to about 1000ft for 1943-45 planes (mostly big MG´s and cannons)):

    -Big Machine Guns and Cannons: 300-350 yards (1000 feet).
    The 109E is a bit closer and the 190A(inner wing) are a bit farther.
    The MGFF of the 109E are adjusted to around 600 feet.

    -Small Machine Guns (Spit1a / Hurri / SpitIXc): 200-250 yards (500 feet).
    The Spit1a and Hurri1a are around 600 feet.

    -Light guns (7.7mm and 7.9mm): about 250 yards.

    ROF, Bullet Damage, Hit Bubbles:
    Also note that guns rate of fire is now modeled at their historical rates, faster than stock EAW. (Stock EAW has always modeled each bullet, even when they fired straight ahead like in v1.2, but the ROF was about half of real-life.)...

    Hit bubbles were modified (typically made smaller) in the EAWv1.28 series...Also the damage model is more realistic. .303s and 30 cals were not that good against metal fighters with armor, and terrible against bombers....by exact aiming to the engines and when shooting at convergence range (175-225m) you can bring down up to around 6 enemy bombers...a real good pilot will get always 2-5 kills per mission (with realistic gunnery on).




  • ============================



  • ============================


  • SkillLevel=2 - 
    (for version 1.28 and above)
    This setting apparently is what now sets the AI Skill Level, I take it that it is no longer an average setting, but more of a definite skill level, as the averaging factor was apparently removed in v1.28 and was replaced with the View Limitation setting "Players Skill" under "Difficulty">"Combat" options which limits in-game viewing abilities and icon range. (see the SkillLevel setting in the [Difficulty] section way above for more information of the limited views setting). Here is brief information: 1. all possible views are allowed, 2. No free front/rear view, 3. No external views.
  • NoAI=0 - 0/1 Toggle -
    (for version 1.28 and above) "0" = with AI in your squadron, "1" = no AIs. to remove any AI planes from human squadrons in coop sessions. Note, however, that without AI planes you will not be able to respawn regardless of the AllowRespawn setting.
  • AllowRespawn=0 - 0/1 Toggle -
    (for version 1.28 and above) "0" = No automatic respawn, "1" = Allow Respawn. if you are the host of a multiplayer coop session and want to prevent players from jumping into a new plane after dying or bailing out (default is 1). This option doesn't appear in the session details screen when everyone first connects, though, so make sure everybody understands before you launch that they only get one plane and one life (but can still stay and watch the action if they get shot down). Remember you need some A.I. planes to respawn into, so set the NoAI setting to 0. (Virtual servers can be unstable at times, with large amounts of players in a game you can just blow up after respawning cause of the amount of lag.)

  • StartOnGround=0 - (for version 1.28 and above) "0" = airstart, "1" = groundstart. to have everybody in a multiplayer coop session start on the ground. This is only needed if you are looking for some really hard core gaming, with 20 minutes of real time flight (no time compression in multiplay), before even getting a glimpse at the enemy. Mostly needed for squads looking for realistic matches with other squads. (Caution: This is not fully tested, and may cause strange results! Also, with no time acceleration or ALT-N you will have to fly the mission in real time. EAW will try to pick the closest bases to the target, though).

    While sitting on the ground, all of the enemy plane icons will show up on the map, but once you lift off they will disappear and you will have to rely on ground control or your own reckoning to find them.

    The mission type will be what the host selects in the multiplayer screen for his side; the opposite side will have the corresponding opposite mission. And as usual, players who select the same plane type will be put in the same squadron at the same home base.

    The destination target area will be what the host most recently chose in the Single Mission Setup. Thus, to select a specific target city as the host, prior to starting the multiplayer session go into Single Mission, pick the same year, plane type and mission type you'd like for multiplayer, pick a target city, then exit out and start the multiplayer session.

    In a multiplayer game you should make sure all participants know they will be starting at home base instead of in the air, since they will not see this setting in the options screen.
  • Weather=1 -
    (for version 1.28 and above) Sets The Clouds. Clear 0, Partly Cloudy 1, Heavy Cloudy 3, Overcast 4, Random. Weather always has its say in determining if it’s possible to take to the air on any given day, but during World War II this was especially true. In heavy cloud cover, lacking modern instruments and technologies, bombers couldn’t bomb and pilots couldn’t take off (or, worse, land). Yet weather could also turn the course of an aerial skirmish; a pilot might use a well-placed cloud or a strategic moment in the sun as effectively as a complicated maneuver to elude the enemy.


(for version 1.29 and above) The following values are only used if the player is the multiplayer host, in which case the settings are also passed on to the other players. In v1.40 they are set by an external frontend then read by the game.

  • PlaneSetNumber=  
    - (for version 1.28c and above) I think this was replaced later with PL settings listed below?? This PlaneSetNumber setting was later moved to the Graphics section.
  • Target= -
    (for version 1.29 and above) Target Selection
  • FriendlyPrimaryHB= -
    (for version 1.29 and above) Home Base
  • FriendlySecondaryHB= -
    (for version 1.29 and above) Allied Secondary Base
  • EnemyPrimaryHB= -
    (for version 1.29 and above) Enemy Home Base
  • EnemySecondaryHB= -
    (for version 1.29 and above) Enemy Secondary Base
  • FriendlySecondaryPL= -
    (for version 1.29 and above) ??
  • EnemyPrimaryPL= -
    (for version 1.29 and above) ??
  • EnemySecondaryPL= -
    (for version 1.29 and above) ??


Multiplayer network code timing and localized game synchronizations - (for version 1.28 and above)
in most cases you do not need to adjust these anymore to compensate for online games, they are superseded by the improvements done to the network code in v1.28. Originally they were 'unsupported' adjustments provided by the MPS EAW Team that could be made here, described in the official EAW support documents. Includes AI_PlaneUpdateRate, PlayerPlaneUpdateRate, ClockSyncRate.

  • Sleep=400 - (for version ??1.28?? and above) ??





Original CD check. This setting made redundant by the version 1.28b patch, as no CD is required anymore.



[Remappable Keys]
  • SNAPVIEW FRONT=NUMPAD8 - Snap Views allow you to quickly scan a field of vision using the numeric keypad. The key layout is designed in a very easy to use, logical order. In EAWv1.2 there is no possibility to look around canopy frames and plating, however you still can see the icons through the cockpit.
    (for version 1.28 and above) by using the snapviews, you can look around the canopy frames and rear plating as the views where shifted a little. (for version 1.28) If you push snapview front, the pilot seat will move rearward a bit so you can see the gauges and around the frames of the cockpit.

The old method for engines on or off found in stock v1.2 of the game. (These are disabled/removed from version v1.28 and up). Below are new Engine Controls.

  • SHIFT [  or  SHIFT ]  -  (for version 1.40 and above) Are used to exit Multiplayer. (They appear to be hardcoded, rather than in the ini file.)

(for version 1.28 and above) EAW v1.28c includes Support for four engines On and Off, instead of two.

  • START ENGINE 1=CTRL 1 - Toggles Start/Stop engine
    On single engine aircraft controls the engine

    On dual engine aircraft left is engine 1, right is engine 2

    On 4 engine aircraft; from left engines are designated by convention; left outermost most engine 1, inside left engine 2, inside right engine 3, outermost right engine 4

    Wuddy's wet-start feature may result in getting a blown engine. Your Engine may be damaged by repeated wet starts or jamming the throttle forward too fast on a cold engine. When starting your engine in 1.28c and above, you must be conscious of the throttle setting. No throttle and it won't start. Too much, and you'll get a "wet start", complete with flames and dark smoke. Try a setting about 1/3 (40%) to 1/2 (50%) throttle. Then once it starts, wait until the engine is running smoothly, ease the throttle forward if your engine is cold or you could damage it.

    Troubleshoot start up:
    If your engine stalls on start-up you will get a "fuel pressure low" warning message. It just means you have failed to get the engine running. If you tried to use Autopilot, once the engine did die, you need to disable autopilot and start manually. Also if you press "Alt-N" with an un-started engine, you will get that message as well. (Note: if you have set your throttle control configured to your mouse wheel then there is no 'start' or 'finish' value on the roller, so just use the number 5 on your keyboard before engine start-up to set the engine initially to 50% power. That effectively 'calibrates' your roller wheel on the mouse.)

    To disable the "wet-start" management difficulty; Goto configure game (game set-up)-> "difficulty" -> "combat" -> "Player skill" = green.

    ALT E -
    (for version 1.60 and above) Is used to turn on and off all engines at once. (It appears to be hardcoded, rather than in the ini file.)

    (for version 1.28 and above), this also turns WEP (War Emergency Power) on and off.

    The WEP function; The 100% throttle key work as WEP toggle button. At gamestart WEP is enabled (if the plane itself is equipped with WEP). To prevent over heating while keeping as much power as possible you can disable WEP. WEP is enabled when you set your speed full throttle, less than that and you will have WEP disabled. See my 'CodeGroup Joystick and Controls Help Document' on how to use WEP properly.

There's currently no independent engine throttle controls for v1.28 and up, as it was not implemented once the four engine start was added.



  • FLAPS UP=SHIFT F - Flaps, depending on the plane and speed controls both the normal flaps as well as the combat flaps.

    (for version 1.28? and above)
    Sometimes this switch is used by particular plane skins / flight control data to control other features of the aircraft. See next paragraph below.
    (for version 1.28 and above) Many more planes are equipped with combat flaps. Flaps, depending on the plane and speed controls both the normal flaps as well as the combat flaps.

    Sometimes this switch is used by particular plane skins / flight control data to control other features of the aircraft.
  • WHEEL BRAKES ON/OFF=B - Standard Brake.
    (for version 1.28e and above) The brakes work different now. The "brake button" work more like a pedal now. Push it and the brakes get released, push it again and hold it, the brakes get enabled, release the button, the breaks get released. If you hold the button down for around 8-10 seconds, the brakes get enabled permanent.

    After game start the brakes are enabled as usual, after a short push they are disabled (as usual), but now the button work like a pedal. Push the button equals 'brake', release the button equals 'no brake'. If you push the button around 8-10 seconds in a row, the brakes get static enabled again. The new code brake routine is to help not to collapse the fragile undercarriage. B will toggle your brakes off when you first push it, but while landing, for instance, you will need to hold the B button down, like a brake pedal.

    Moving About on the Ground: (for version 1.28e and above) There is code implemented for propeller thrust related rudder and elevator influences when rolling on the ground. With this its possible to turn the plane where you stand and you can raise the tail right away, but you must be carefully not to nose over.
    Full power, stick hard forward will end in a rather fast "nose over". You can adjust this "nose over moment" by reducing the throttle and elevator variation. Similar its with the rudder, full throttle and full rudder (with brakes on) let the plane turn slow to the wanted direction, if you now raise the tail, it will turn way more fast.

    In the case of non-wheeled planes, such as Seaplanes.
    Sometimes this switch is used by particular plane skins / flight control data to control other features of the aircraft.
  • LANDING GEARS UP/DOWN=G - Landing Gear up/down
    (for version 1.28? and above)
    If your hydraulics are damaged significantly, you can only deploy the landing gear down one last time, simulating emergency deploy systems, or hand-deployed crank, it will not make a sound as the normal hydraulic system is not used

    In the case of non-wheeled planes, such as Seaplanes
    Sometimes this switch is used by particular plane skins / flight control data to control other features of the aircraft
  • COCKPIT LAMP ON/OFF=L - Toggles on/off the cockpit lamps and gauges


The gun button setup was changed in v1.28 after a request and vote, cause the default setup, with just one gun button allowed, was found to be not historically correct. So for version 1.28 and above, the ini settings below replace the Gun selection from v1.2 with a historically correct configuration. With this new gun selection and fire system, EAW will now support two separate fire buttons. You can shoot all guns with one button, but you also can set one fire button for the main gun (smaller gungroup) and secondary guns (cannons or other MG´s). Additionally you can set a button to disable a 3rd gungroup (gunpods, outer wing cannons for example), which get fired with the "fire secondary guns" button. It's a little confusing, but it works.

The default key assignments shown below are not ideal. See my 'Joystick and Controls Help Document' for more detailed information about the 'Historically Correct Gun/Fire Buttons Example' to learn more. Read more below as well.

  • FIRE ALL GUNS=Joystick_Btn_1

    New "gun selection/fire" system:
    We don’t need to switch through different (in most cases not needed) gun setups anymore. Instead we can have up to three ”fire buttons” now, just as it was normal in real planes in WWII.

    For people who want to shoot all guns with one and the same button, “FIRE ALL (selected) GUNS” remain, but additionally we can “FIRE SECONDARY GUNS” with an additional button and we can “FIRE PRIMARY GUNS” with another button.

    Further more we can toggle “ADDITIONAL GUNS ON/OFF”. Additional guns count as all guns that are not in the 1st or 2nd gun slot. For example the gun pods of the Bf 109G6 and the outer wing guns of the FW190A4 are additional guns.

    By default the additional guns are a part of the “secondary gun”, so they get used by “FIRE SECONDARY GUNS” or “FIRE ALL (selected) GUNS”. Though, if the additional guns are “toggled off”, they wont shoot with the other guns.

    Furthermore we can use the “ADDITIONAL GUNS BUTTON SWAP”. If this button gets pushed, the “ADDITIONAL GUNS ON/OFF” gets to be the “FIRE ADDITIONAL GUNS” button.

    Now we have three separated fire buttons. This is needed when the additional guns don’t shoot to the same direction like all other guns. This is the case for Schäge Musik uns (German night fighters), for straight rearward firing guns (some German planes had this) and for some ground attack guns, adjusted to shoot downward.

    For all these cases it doesn’t make sense to shoot the guns together with the “normal” forward shooting guns.

    This example is for a historically correct German gun selection setup:

    FIRE PRIMARY GUNS=Joystick_Btn_1

    FIRE SECONDARY GUNS = Joystick_Btn (stick grip top front left)

    ADDITIONAL GUNS ON/OFF= Joystick_Btn (stick grip top rear left)

    ADDITIONAL GUNS BUTTON SWAP=SPACE after this got used “Joystick_Btn (stick grip top rear left)” will act as “FIRE ADDITIONAL GUNS”.


    For people who want to shoot all guns with one and the same button, “FIRE ALL (selected) GUNS" is renamed from stock EAW but it remains.

    By default the additional guns are a part of the “secondary gun”, so they get used by “FIRE SECONDARY GUNS” or “FIRE ALL (selected) GUNS”. Though, if the additional guns are “toggled off”, they wont shoot with the other guns.

    Furthermore we can use the “ADDITIONAL GUNS BUTTON SWAP”. If this button gets pushed, the “ADDITIONAL GUNS ON/OFF” gets to be the “FIRE ADDITIONAL GUNS” button.

    By default the additional guns are a part of the “secondary gun”, so they get used by “FIRE SECONDARY GUNS” or “FIRE ALL (selected) GUNS”. Though, if the additional guns are “toggled off”, they wont shoot with the other guns.

    Fire Primary Guns Group, Primary of the separated gun groups fire buttons

    Fire Secondary Guns Group, Secondary of the separated gun groups fire buttons

    Will also fire the additional guns, if present, unless you have toggled them off

    By default the additional guns are a part of the “secondary gun”, so they get used by “FIRE SECONDARY GUNS” or “FIRE ALL (selected) GUNS”. Though, if the additional guns are “toggled off”, they wont shoot with the other guns.

    Displays the currently selected guns group, but Does Not toggle them on/off

    Fires the currently Selected Weapon
    in the case of Bombs or Rockets this is how you drop or fire them, once they are selected
    otherwise it will fire the currently selected guns instead


  • PILOT MAP=ALT M - Toggle on / off.
    (for version 1.60 and above) The Key you press to view the map will also now exit the map, a toggle function.
  • WING LEVELER ON/OFF=SHIFT A - Wing level flight and automatic throttle control key
    (for version 1.28 and above) AUTOCLIMB is available offline and online by pressing [SHIFT A] (then) [A]. This feature puts the plane into a sustained climb that accounts for engine temperature and power changes.
  • ACCELERATE TIME=PAGE_UP - Game Time acceleration
    (for version 1.28 and above) Now goes in smaller steps upward: 2,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36 to max 40, this decreases the probability of crashing by accident.

    At low-level, even mid-level altitudes or while turning, and depending on the flight characteristics and weigh of the plane, the AI in your formation and/or the autopilot may not be able to compensate quickly enough while in high or even moderate game accelerations modes, and you may have crashes with ground or others. Use those speeds only at higher altitude non-turning flights, or risk losing aircraft!
  • NORMAL TIME=PAGE_DOWN - Sets Time back to normal with one push of this key.
    (for version 1.28c and above) The bail out procedure got increased by one more safe option, they implemented another possibility to bail out, even at higher speed. To use this option: You push the stick forward, then you hit "bail out". Then your pilot will get sucked out of the dead plane, without hitting anything, as long as the tail isn't damaged, this is the most safe way to bail out.
    (for version 1.28 and above) You must hold down the ESC key several seconds for it to function. This helps prevent anybody from accidently hitting this key when a player is looking for the chat key.





This section of the document is to mention some unique aspects of the eaw.ini file and controls.


FPS (Frames-Per-Second) Display
To check FPS in EAWv1.28 and above, use CTRL-G.
An information screen appears in the upper right with Frames-Per-Second displayed, along with other aircraft info. Here are the obvious ones, somewhat self explanatory:

  • The framerate, (True only in Full Screen)
  • mass in kG/lbs, (The current weight of the plane)
  • indicated airspeed in mph/kmph.

    Introduced in the CodeGroups EAWv1.28c, the flightmodel has been coded also to take the ammunition weight into account. Look at the weight readout while you pull the gun trigger, you can see the mass dropping very quickly. So a FW190A with ammo is around 250kg more heavy. The P47 is around 450kg more heavy with ammo, while the 109G6(clean) just carry around 90kg ammo and the Spit1a just around 75kg. So depending on the current fuel and ammo load the performance relation between different planes may vary a lot, (there performance will change based on mass at the present time).

Introduced in the CodeGroups EAWv1.28c/d the supercharger altitudes are not static anymore!
There's a possibility to have more than one supercharger stage; all the values float, depending on the current plane speed.

Most WWII planes used the so called RAM air effect, where the plane speed was used to get a higher loading pressure for the engine. Since the loading pressure is one main factor to define the rated altitude of a plane, the rated altitude is related to the speed. As result the rated altitude did vary, in particular an extreme and much better climb speed and Vmax (5,000feet is more evident).

The best ALT values are related to the two possible supercharger stages; Each figure gives you the best performance altitude for one of the supercharger stages. Try to stay near one of those altitudes for best performance:

best Alt 1: current best Height (rated height, highest power) of the 1st supercharger stage in feet
best Alt 2: current best Height (rated height, highest power) of the 2nd supercharger stage in feet
best Alt diff: altitude difference to the current supercharger switch height in feet
(when this value is = 0, you are in the current supercharger switch height, often providing the worst power).

Like in reality the Heights are vary in big degrees related to the current plane speed (ram air effect). As such you will notice that the height varies with the speed.

Important to know is that the engines wont overheat if the plane is a little above the current rated altitude. This is because above rated altitude the engines can't get loaded with the full pressure anymore, as such the engine run more cool. So if a plane has two supercharger stages, there is a altitude band, above the 1st rated alt and below the supercharger switch height, where the engine wont overheat and then again above the 2nd rated alt.



Two Functions Assigned To One Button...
In EAWv1.28 or above, if you want a clear rear view in virtual cockpit quickly (since v1.28 adds rear plating to the VC views), you can configure one button on your Joystick software to press 'Numpad 2 followed by Numpad Decimal' automatically for you, or if for some reason you can't assign more than one key for each Joystick button in your controllers software. Try to edit your eaw.ini placing the same Joystick button for the above, making sure that snapview rear is before cockpit on/off (as in default eaw.ini). Look below at the example: (It will take two presses of button 10 on the Joystick)

SNAPVIEW REAR=Joystick_Btn_10
COCKPIT ON/OFF=Joystick_Btn_10

If you don't use the snapviews in any other way (padlock or mouse view instead), this maybe a better option:
SNAPVIEW UP=Joystick_Btn_10
SNAPVIEW REAR=Joystick_Btn_10