Written and Edited By: MarkEAW
WRAPPER PROGRAM BRIEF Definition of Wrapper Programs | EAW
Graphical API's | Options Universal to most Wrapper Programs
Things To Know About Wrappers
DxWnd Wrapper (ghotik) Program |
GOGs DirectX 1-7 Wrapper Program
DDWrapper (Aqrit) Program | D3DWindower (menopem) Wrapper
Wrapper Program |
nGlide Wrapper Program | dgVoodoo 2 Wrapper Program
This document was
to get you out of issues or problems you may have with the game by way of
Wrapper Programs. To get the game (any version, including
source modifications) to run properly
on any release of WindowsOS. Previous notes use to mention running
natively for best performance. However, the new (2023) and best
method for performance and outcome is to use a well coded Wrapper
Program(s), regardless of your WinNT OS. But it's really up to you.
This section is for brief information about DirectX and Glide Wrapper
programs used with the game to resolve video, running issues and
errors. Sometimes you can run the game natively in Windows OS
without a 3rd party Wrapper Program. To determine that for you and
your system, read my 'Troubleshoot Help Document' to see if you need
to use one. I'm finding in more recent years (2023) that any good Wrapper
is ideal regardless of how well the OS may natively handle the game,
as those Wrappers improve in quality with more options, EAW begins to behave
better under their control.
Definition of Wrapper Programs:
For our use,
Wrappers are special programs to run the EAW game better with chosen
programs; for an overall
workaround of any of the errors known.
These programs typically will translate older DirectX / DirectDraw games
up converted out to a newer DirectX (sometimes OpenGL). Sometimes
they allow you to use the games built in Glide mode, that is
translated to DirectX or other API (see below). Also they allow for you to use a Window Mode
(Frame) for games like EAW that don't have that mode originally available. (Windowed Mode is a window frame on your desktop that
the game can run in.) Most wrappers will allow Frame Mode as well as full screen mode.
The Wrapper programs
that other EAW pilots have used are: DDWrapper, D3DWindower, and DXWnd for DirectX
support. For Glide Mode they have used nGlide and dgVoodoo. Use only
one of them at a time if there the same Mode/API, such as installing
or even using two or more DirectX wrappers at the same time can result in highly un
predictable behavior, not to mention confusion for you. Work with one of
them at a time until you find the one you need.
I now (in late 2023) recommend the DxWND or OpenGLide wrapper as they produce high
frame rates, have fog support (in DirectX and Glide modes), and
other filters to smooth out the jagged steps on the lines of planes.
OpenGLide has a terrain shimmer fix. Both are fairly easy to setup.
See my 'Links Page' for a list of Wrappers to download and try.
Small Note: You can run a DirectX Wrapper plus nGlide for the
same game session. But I have only briefly pointed that out with
some notes, typed below.
EAW Graphical API's:
This area of the document is to inform you of the two different
Graphical API's in EAW and how they affect your game. The two
Application Programming Interface (API) used by EAW are D3D
(DirectX) from Microsoft, and the other is Glide from 3DFX. These
are the coded graphics renderer modes built into the game.
- DirectX API Version:
Currently all versions of EAW, either source modified or not, use
DX6. (There maybe some instructions left over from DX5 in the games
code). The Menu system in EAW is driven by DirectDraw and the Flight
Screen is primarily Direct3D with portions in DirectDraw for the
2D overlay part of the Flight Screen, or at least for the HUD.
For NVIDIA users running the game natively, there will be no Horizon Fog as support for
this is not in the video card drivers anymore. Some DX Wrapper
programs will restore Fog now (June 2023). ATI cards had Fog
Legacy dropped but support was re-introduced in the early 2000s. (note: The
newly released GoG super patched game and
included DX wrapper will support FOG on all cards).
Wrapper programs can speed
the game up. If native DirectX Mode runs slow for you. You can
also try in
Window Mode (Frame) with most wrappers, rather than in just full screen, to see if
performance is better.
- Glide API Version:
The game on modern computers (without Voodoo Video Cards)
require a Glide Wrapper (such as nGlide) to be used to support the
Glide Mode (v2.43 API) in the game. This will render the Flight Screen in Glide and
transfer it to D3D (or other API) for final output, its done practically seamlessly.
Even when using Glide Mode, DirectDraw is used during the Menu
Screens in EAW. Glide takes over during the Flight Screen. (This
may mean you MIGHT need a DX Wrapper as well, (two wrappers) to correct any in game
Menu corruption like tearing or color issues if they occur).
Glide Version used with the game exe: The more recent Code modified versions of EAW (starting with Feb 2016 for EAW v1.28e, 1.29 and 1.40
and other various unofficial versions)
will be using the improved Glide 3.0 API version,
this will display the game in 256 colors with a selectable 24 bit color palette,
just like Direct3D does. (However you are limited to a maximum of 1024x768 in
game Glide Mode resolution).
Using Glide and EAWv1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.26e, FXEXE or any other version of the game that has not
been specifically coded to use the more advanced 'Glide API v3.0' will be seen in reduced
available colors, since those un-updated exes use the older and original 'Glide API v2.43'; These
older versions only
display from a fixed 8-bit 256 colors in its flight screens, rather than the many
more selectable color choices available like you would find in Direct3D mode.
(However higher resolutions will be most likely available to
use in game).Primary reasons to use Glide Mode over DirectX
Mode in EAW: You may want to try Glide Mode out if you can't get
Direct3D Mode (natively or wrapped) in EAW to run fast enough on your system. If you
find you have terribly low Frame Rates (near or under 30FPS ,
even on low resolution or non demanding game settings) there may
be a use for the old Glide Mode after all. Note: There is no reason that everyone shouldn't be able to have
and keep in-game Maximum Quality Settings and
then have good Frame Rates this day and age with EAW. So do what you need to
keep those FPS high! without screwing with in-game quality :).
- Other Graphic Renderer's:
Most Wrapper programs will translate old DirectX to newer or current
DirectX versions in some fashion. This will allow some wrappers to have
more features and abilities available to the game. Glide converted to
newer or current DirectX versions is common as well. There's also
DirectX/Glide APIs translated to OpenGL API and the newer Vulkan API.
They all have similar outcomes, typically improvement. Some may yield
better performance for you (higher FPS).
Below in the list of Wrapper
Program Settings, the next section, I've noted which wrapper can translate from a certain API to another API for your
Options Universal to Most Wrapper Programs:
Here are some of the general functions and enhancements typically
found in
most good Wrapper Programs that can
benefit EAWs look and performance. (See my 'Display Help Document'
to learn about enhancements you can turn on in your Video Control
Panel (VCPL)) that should effect a wrapped game.
- Filename:
When running EAW natively or Wrapped on
a WinNT system, such as Win2000 or above, you will need to have at
least the main game exe to have a filename of, eaw.exe. This
allows the NoCD function of a hacked EAW game to work
correctly every time. Otherwise after one launch and exit of the
game will result in the Debug Path = .\ line in the eaw.ini file
to be blanked out upon closing of the launch. Then no future
launches of the game will work.
See my 'Hex
Edited Help Document' to read how to use the NoCD eaw exe's.
Note: Many game.exe's: With native Windows9x or when using a wrapper program (DxWnd is
the one I
prefer) On a WinNT system, you can have several game.exe's in the main game folder, each one would be named
differently (such as a group like: eaw.exe, eaw12.exe , eaw12a.exe ,
eaw12x.exe , etc) in
your game folder and each one would be wrapped separately. Why do this?,
simply because you can run and or test different types of a
version of the game using the
same game data. For an example, I have one official MPS EAWv1.2
"installed" game folder with several types (or variations) of
the 1.2 eaw.exe.
- Resolution Settings:
For the unofficial UAWv1.28 and above, try 1024x768 in your eaw.ini.
(for the EAWPRO type, use 1024x768). Note: anything above in-game
resolution of 640x480 will use 3D Virtual Cockpits, these cockpits are less
detailed than the standard 2D Standard Cockpits. Note: You will find that the
un-official UAWv1.28 and above versions lack default 2D Cockpit access,
as they removed them from the gamedata files to save space as creating
many new ones was not feasible.
Note: Glide Resolution limits:
Remember that some higher resolutions may only be available in
Direct3D. Also remember that some of the high resolutions will be
limited by the amount of video memory and the capability of your
monitor. For EAW Glide mode users, the maximum resolution seems to be
1600x1200. Glide Mode (Glide 3.0) for the Code-Groups UAW (un-official versions
of EAW) will only support a maximum resolution of 1024x768
in game/set in your eaw.ini file. If you have a resolution in the stock v1.2 game set above
1280x1024 but under 1600x1200, it will force your pilots seat to be
pushed all the way to the cockpit dash and have an actual res defaulted
down to 640x480, <--- re test.
- Resolution Doubled in Wrapper:
your using a Wrapper program to display the game and if performance is
an issue, such as low Frames Per Second (FPS), ...for EAW versions below 1.28 I
recommend perhaps an in game resolution in your eaw.ini of
minimum of 800x600. You can then raise the resolution in the Wrapper
Program separately or try to double it (1600x1200 if possible) if you
wish, via
the Wrapper Program settings. Some will say that the quality is almost
as good as if EAW's in game resolution was set for that high by itself,
you can judge for your self though. Using this 'doubling' method you
will find
that the planes are larger, the HUD, icons and chat fonts are larger
also. The frame rate is much better too because the actual game res is
lower. Keep reading.
- Resolution Upped in Wrapper:
Now you don't need to double up on the resolution in the wrapper if your system won't
handle it...try 800x600 in EAW, then in the wrapper try 1024x768, or
whatever you wish. This will help FPS too better than the
doubling method, mentioned above.
I do this with the older EAW 'versions', such as with the hacked
EAWv1.26e (and the official EAWv1.2). Why do it this way? I get
a decent view and high performance that way, because the standard/stock games give a better Frame
Of View (FOV) at 800x600 than it does at 1024x768. (However, if
your using the un-official EAW UAWv1.28 and above or
the FXEXE exe (EAWPRO) it's best to use 1024x768 in EAW because
those versions support Wide FOV at that resolution).
- Resolution Fixed in Game:
Another option is to set Width and Height to 0 in your Wrapper
Program. (This will load the games menu
screens in there natural windows size (either 640x480 or 1024x768
(for UAW) depending on the EAW
game version/type your using) and the 3D Flight Screen of the game
will automatically use what you have set in the eaw.ini resolution
For more about resolution settings and the options you have
with them, please see my 'Display Help Document'.
includes advice about setting your EAW resolutions and limitations
of such. More below.
- Resolution; Keeping The Detailed 2D Cockpits:
If you want to keep the original lower res, but detailed 2D Cockpits while using a Wrapper Program,
and get some visual improvements in quality of the cockpit at the same time;
Keep the default in game resolution (for EAWv1.1 and v1.2) at 640x480 (set in the eaw.ini) and then in
the Wrapper Program set it too double; 1280x960. The Wrapper
Program will upscale and you will be able to keep all the fun 2D
cockpits, while having a more detailed internal view. I know
this works in Glide Mode with the nGlide Wrapper program. (Note: that the un official UAW (EAW exe's
v1.28 and up) do not have the 2D cockpits in the gamedata anymore, so
its not
feasible to use the lower resolution for those types of the EAW games). Read my
'Display Help Document' for info on the drawbacks with 3D Virtual Cockpits.
- Resolution; Windowed Mode:
Try to set your wrapper to play in a Window Frame Mode. (It usually
won't fill your entire screen), but you may get higher Frames per
second. Why? It appears to use older
tech more so than running the game in full screen. You can
upscale the resolution in the wrapper to size it to your
monitors display size if you wish.
- No Terrain Shimmer:
Anisotropic Filtering set in the Video Control Panel was used a very long
time ago (year 1999) to clean
up the distant Terrain Shimmering, its unclear if it works in all
situations. After testing on modern systems it
doesn't seem so. You can also try the 'EnableMipMap' option in the
OpenGLide Wrapper as that will clean up the shimmer. (I have
not found another wrapper that fixes terrain shimmer so
- Horizon Fog:
DirectX does not normally/natively supply FOG in
game for NVidia Cards as of current tests in (June 2023). If you find you want the edge of the world hidden
by Fog, use a Wrapper that supports it. You can
forcing FOG support in in DX with the DxWnd Wrapper to get it to work. EAW
in Glide Mode will of course automatically
supply Fog. The same with the OpenGLide wrapper and GOG's DX
Note: Fog Tables are incompatible
with NVIDIA's modern drivers, they have removed support for
them, ATI newer cards still support FOG in DX mode. Remember
Glide Mode with a wrapper will always have Horizon Fog no matter
which Video Card Manufacturer you have or Wrapper used.
- Bilinear Filtering:
Try the lowest possible setting, other than none for this
filter. This will slow the game down a bit, but produces better
looking textures and fuller Radio Sub Titles...
Other Things To Know About Wrappers:
Here are some things that are effecting Wrapper usage.
Note: Disable Virtualization in your motherboard BIOS, if you
don't use it. Some older computers run faster and better without it.
This will increase your games FPS greatly. Just an option for you,
if your system slows down EAW with such an option on.
More info;
See my 'Performance Help Document' for EAW test results with wrappers and without.
- Delayed Loading:
In some cases the EAW Window may seem non responsive at first (blank screen), give
it a few seconds and then it will enter the first Menu Screen. This is from the Smacker Video not playing, or unable too, or
your using an
empty movie.cdf. Either way, you can use the ESC Key or mouse click while waiting, to bypass it.
- Two Wrappers:
If you wish to experiment, you should be-able to use a Glide Wrapper (for the
games Flight Screen) along side a DirectX Wrapper (for the Menu
Screens), however I do not include instructions
(other then mentioning it here) in using multiple wrappers at the same
time. (set in the EAW.INI file, DisplayDevice equal to 0 for Glide Mode). Note:
The menu screens will always use Direct Draw (part of DirectX)
to display them, Flight Screens will display then in Glide Mode.
- Bypassing a Wrapper:
I don't recommend doing this unless you know what to do, keep
reading....If it is NOT desired to run the game while also using
a Wrapper
program for what ever reason, simply bypass the Wrapper program by clicking on the games's own shortcut or EXE
in Windows File Explorer withOUT having the Wrapper loaded
elsewhere. Note: though this could cause Windows OS
compatibility problems when you return to the wrapper program
for launching the game next time, only because Win10 sometimes
adds a compatibility registry entry when run natively, read below about this.
- Clear
User Compatibility Setting; Flag/Shim/Layer:
In Win8.1/10 the game
can be run natively (without a wrapper), what you need to know
is when EAW is run natively (when you first run eaw.exe), Win10
will assign a Compatibility Layer automatically to the registry.
However when someone goes to use a Wrapper, this WinOS entry can
interfere. Wrappers will sometime work better if the operating
system isn't attempting to run the game in any compatibility
mode at the same time. (WinVista and Win7 may add this layer
too, but it's unknown by me).
If your having performance issues that you
just can't solve while using a Wrapper such as the unusual low
speed (reduced FPS) of the game or a CTD error (crashes to
the desktop) at launch of the game. It could be this registry entry is set while
your using a
Wrapper at the same time. Its best that this registry entry is removed as it can
conflict with a D3D Wrappers operation in unknown ways...
You can either
edit the Registry directly (see my 'Troubleshoot Registry Help
Document' ,the topic will be titled 'Windows 8.1/10
Compatibility Layer' to see how to remove it), or use the ACT
Toolkit (see my 'Windows ACT Toolkit Help Document') or use the
Wrappers built in option to remove the assigned Compatibility
layer that Windows 10 automatically applies, the DxWND Wrapper
has such a option if your using that one.
- Clear Windows Compatibility Tab:
Windows OS Compatibility Tab settings, (the one that shows up
when you right click the game exe) Will interfere with a Wrappers
proper operation, best to not use any of those settings when
using a wrapper. See my 'Troubleshoot Help Document' under
'Conflicts With The Compatibility Tab', for more info.
- Windows Frame and [ALT TAB]:
When EAW is running
in a Framed Window,
some wrappers may allow you to cycle to other OS Windows,
occupied by other programs, such as an online client program you
maybe running; If the wrapper has that function, this will allow you
to get out of the EAW framed screen to other programs. The game should still run while your busy with your
other Windows. This may supersede the Windows OS built-in
Compatibility Settings for eaw.exe, the one that locks ALT-TAB
function. See my 'Windows ACT Toolkit Help Document' for more
In this section, I'll start by mentioning default settings you should possibly use for each
Wrapper Program to run EAW properly. For more information on any of
these programs, check their Readme's and see their home sites for help
where available. I highly recommend you read the wrapper information
provided by the programmers before you pick one Wrapper you want to
try. Then study the information I have provided for that Wrapper you
picked. Not all possible Wrapper Programs that work with EAW are listed
DxWnd (ghotik) Wrapper Program: (v2_06_02f_build)
This was originally developed as a tool for running full screen games (like EAW)
in windowed mode (but can be used in full screen anyway). The DxWnd Wrapper
has also developed into the ability to fix old games with a bunch of
compatibility settings, options and tweaks. Designed for
Windows (Tested: Works with EAW and Win10 fine).
You may find that you may need to use the DxWnd Wrapper program with Win2000/XP/Vista/7 to correct the
weird colored Menu Screens
or get rid of
garbled / tearing Screens or perhaps you just want to run EAW
in a Window Frame (not full screen) with or without Borders. BTW, See Notes at the
end of these instructions.
The procedure to "install" the
Wrapper including the minimum
settings needed for EAW to run properly are listed below. All
settings I have listed may not be required, try what I have listed
below first to get your game running stable. Then read up on what
the settings do in the DxWnd readme or web site before you disable
(uncheck) them for other reasons you may have.
(If your going to use this Wrapper, make sure you first set
EAW to use the Direct3D Mode (these settings were tested with D3D), under the DisplayDevice setting to 1 or 2
in your eaw.ini file. I recommend running EAW in Window Frame mode (any
Wrapper Resolution) with a eaw.ini resolution of 800x600 or 1024x768 , depending which
game version your using, for the wider view).
"Install" the DxWnd.
- Un-zip all files into their own folder, preferably near your
games folder.
- After you have DXWnd un-zipped, run it by clicking on the
"dxwnd.exe" file. A small window will appear. (It will
be in easy Global mode, stay with that mode for now).
"Updating" DxWnd Program. (Just downloaded a new version?, this
is what to do)
- Simply un-zip the new archive into its own new folder. Usual
next to the Game folder.
- Run the new version and import your game parameter DxWnd
- Delete the old DxWnd folder and use the new folder to launch
DxWnd. (or save the old version for tests).
Not Recommended:
You'll find a custom dxwnd.ini file from the wrapper's folder.
This file contains all your wrapper settings and the game
settings for your EAW DxWnd configurations. Do not modify it
with a text editor as it has special formatting. You can try to Copy
the old version into the new version folder, but again its not
- Loading EAW Wrapper Settings "into" DxWnd: (Configuring DxWnd for EAW)
- Run dxwnd.exe by double clicking it.
- At this point you can load an exported (saved) set of settings. The pre-made default EAW profile (has some of the
basic correct settings already, but it needs more changes). To load it, open
the File menu and choose "Import....". (See my 'My Downloads Page' to get my premade
updated profiles to
- Browse to the folder where you extracted the DxWnd files and
open the \exports sub-folder. Choose 'European Air War" , then
click on "Open".
- Right click on the EAW blank Icon in the list and choose "Modify".
It will open to the DXWnd Main Tab Settings for that game icon.
- Change the existing Path of the game to the specific eaw.exe
you want to use and run with this particular Icon.
- Once you have completed the previous step, the game Icon
should now be a little graphic in appearance.
- Right Click the Icon and pick "Modify" to start adding settings,
read on below.
The following settings are made for a FULL 4:3 Aspect Ratio; a
square screen. (doesn't fill the screen, has pillars and no stretch)
Easy Mode DxWnd Settings for EAW: (settings tested with Win10)
(Easy Mode TABs)
- Setup MAIN Tab:
- Name, modify the European Air War name to reflect the
eaw.exe game you will be launching, like "EAW12x".
- Path, change to match the game folder with the correct
eaw.exe in.
- Position, Hide desktop background, checked (this will blacken the background around the Window Frame).
- Position, Keep aspect Ratio, checked
- Position, Window initial size, set W and H to 0 setting (Zeros will auto detect
the game menu screen sizes and also change to the resolution settings in
the eaw.ini
for the Flight screen).
- Position, Monitor to def. (default or 1)
- Position, Desktop work area, checked (part of full screen
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup VIDEO Tab:
- Window Style, default, checked
- Windows Size and Position, Locked Size, checked
- Initial Virtual Color Setting, Current, checked
- FPS counter, overlay, checked (works in full screen only,
should be above 64FPS on the flight screen).
- Z Order, default, checked
- Screen Resolution, SD (4:3), checked
- Screen Resolution, Fix aspect ratio, checked
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup MOUSE Tab:
- Cursor Visibility, Autom., checked
- Mouse Clipper, default, checked
- Cursor Handling, Correct mouse position, checked
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup INPUT Tab:
- Control Keys, Alt-Tab, Default, checked
- Keyboard Handling, Enable Hot Keys, checked
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup DIRECTX Tab:
- DirectX Version Hook, Automatic , checked (DirectX9, may boost FPS a few,
but not sure how it behaves).
- DirectX Version Hook, Renderer, primary surface, selected
- Emulation, Renderer, Filter, select low and increase in
quality to test performance degrade...
- Overlay Emulation, No, checked
- Flip emulation, partial, checked (This
allows the flight screen to display correctly)
- AERO Handling, AERO compatible mode (part of full screen
- AERO Handling, Optimize for AERO mode (part of full screen
- DirectDraw Surface Handling, Auto Primary Surface Blit,
checked (Boosts FPS on Menu screens, better mouse movement and
smooth's prop rotation on Flight Screen. On UAWv1.60 causes an
occasional slight screen flicker)
- DirectDraw Surface Handling, Auto Primary Surface Blit;
Forced Mode, checked
- DirectDraw
Surface Handling, Support offscreen 3D, checked (part of full screen
- VSync, default (VSync ON may adjust (max) FPS to monitor refresh rate)
- VSync, WaitForVerticalBlank, checked
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup DIRECT3D Tab:
- Force W-based Fog (This now restores Horizon Fog when using
DX mode, for all cards)
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup GDI Tab:
- GDI, No GDI handling, checked
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup NOTES Tab:
- Insert your testing information etc..... (feel free to experiment
with what settings I have here. To better the look and performance, you may want to
use Extended Mode. That mode will provide many more Tabs with
settings on them, see below).
Extended Mode DxWnd Settings for EAW: (settings tested with Win10)
(Extended Mode TABs) Now for some expert settings. To enable the new
Tab settings, at the DxWnd window, go to Options and select Extended
Mode. Then right click the game icon and select modify. (Note: Expert mode
was optional, I find it important now to use to run EAW perfectly).
- Setup HOOK Tab:
- Hook Enabled, checked
- Injection, Windows Hook, selected.
- Hook Mode, IAT scan, selected.
- IAT scan, Word-align, selected.
- Son Mode, default, selected.
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup 3D Tab:
- Texture Handling, none (although Hack seems to work as well)
- Texture Handling, file format, BMP, checked (although RAW
seems to work too)
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup MSGS Tab:
- Message Handling, Process All Messages, checked
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup DIRECTX(2) Tab:
- Ddraw tweaks, Set 16BPP RGB565
encoding, checked
- Flip/Blt Wait, default, checked
- Clipper, default, checked
- FourCC Processing, HW, checked
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup DIRECT3D(2) Tab:
- Force Vertex Proc./Execute Buffer, Default, selected.
- D3D tweaks, both def. selected.
- Device type, default, selected.
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup OPENGL Tab:
- Nothing checked. (If you use this, I suppose this allows you
to use DirectX and translate to OpenGL)
- Setup SDL Tab:
- Setup SOUND Tab:
- DirectSound, Global Focus, default, checked
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup CDAudio Tab:
- Generic, def., selected.
- No Emulation, checked.
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup TWEAKS Tab:
- Active Tweaks, ddraw:BlitFromBackbuffer, added. (This will allow the
globe/intro smacker movies to play).
- Active Tweaks, tweak:LimitResources, add (This will allow
resolution of 1024x768 and above in the eaw.ini/ Also changes
the all red distorted flight screen to displaying properly in
full screen).
- Active Tweaks, tweak:SlowDownExceptions, added. (This will give a more stable FPS and timing).
- Everything else leave. (You can come back and add others to test for better speed if you wish).
- Setup I/O Tab:
- I/O, Fake CD, checked (allows you to play without the CD) (not required for
EAW.exe games with the noCD function built in).
- I/O Tweaks, Set CDROM Drive Type, checked (acts as if a
CD-ROM Device is present even if you don't have one, so the
early noCD game exe's will launch; the eaw.exe with the CDROM
Device still listed in the code. For EAW12 and all other NoCd
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup LOCALE Tab:
- Setup TIMING Tab:
- CPU Optimization, Slow Down Mouse Polling, checked (This
will normalize the speed at which selections appear on the
changing mission menus parameter screen) (not needed with game
exes with looping disabled or delayed, such as the FXEXE and CodeGroup
UAW eaw.exe's)
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup LOGS Tab:
- DXWND Logs, None, checked
- Everything else leave unchecked. (You can save some logs if you wish)
- Setup LIBS Tab:
- MM (multimedia), Remap MCI coordinates, checked
- Setup COMPAT Tab:
- Tweaks, Disable performance counter, checked
- Fake Version, checked. Select; Windows ME. (with
this setting, you can use any file name for the eaw.exe and the
"Sorry, EAW will not run under WinNT" error will not be an issue for you, not
required for all game exe's, such as v1.26E and NoOS eaw.exe's).
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup REGISTRY Tab:
Launching EAW Correctly:
- Create a desktop shortcut to the DXWND program.
- Launch the game by first starting the DXWND program.
- Then highlight desired game icon in the box.
- Then right-click "Run" to play game.
(or double click on the game Icon in the box to
launch EAW.)
- Configure the in-game settings inside the Wrapped EAW game (after
running the DXWND and launching EAW).
I currently test on Win10, however this wrapper program works well with
the Win7OS. It fixes all issues a Win7 system would have
(color issue on menu screens and garbled menus/maps). Its unclear to me if there
are any
Win7 ONLY settings that need to be set. Fill me in if you know
important Win7 ONLY settings! and I'll add them here.
Win10 , DxWnd and EAW Fog: Nvidia Fog is
restorable in Direct3D mode with this wrapper now (June 2023).
Win10 , DxWnd and EAW Window Screen: You will find that DirectX (DD/D3D) Mode in EAW may give you
a big
performance boost with the DxWnd Wrapper Program. You should find
out the this wrapper out performs running EAW natively in Win10's
with it's own fixes and compatibility layers.
Win10 Compatibility Registry Entry: DxWnd sometimes works
better if the operating system isn't attempting to run a game in any
compatibility mode. Use the DxWND
Wrappers built in option to remove the assigned Compatibility layer that Windows 10
automatically applies. To
remove this assigned fix with this wrapper, highlight the icon for the eaw.exe
you want in the wrappers main window. Then go to tools and then
Clear Compatibility Flags. This command deactivates all the
Win10 set compatibility modes by erasing the relevant registry key
(s). Note: When running eaw.exe without a wrapper program active,
Win10 takes over natively and re applies this flag.
Win10 and DXWND and UAWv1.60: Loading up a mission either at approximately 50
on the Fuel Loading Gauge or 100% on Loading Map Screen, the game freezes and becomes
non responsive, every time, then flashes to working state in a few
seconds. I was unable to find a fix or workaround for this (this
error happens with v1.40 tested as well). Seems to be the loading of
heavy resources slows the Wrapper down??.
-Also a few times (more than a rare instance) a "Pic not Found! Error -1"
after clicking Instant Mission happens. This last error maybe
related to the resolution used. This appears to be another DXWND issue. You may need to use
a resolution set equal to your computers native resolution to avoid this error??
GOGs DirectX
1-7 Wrapper Program: This is a special wrapper
provided by GOG (or Steam) when you purchased a digital download of
EAW. The wrapper will only work with their special super patched
eaw.exe, as this particular game exe seeks out a locally placed
Direct Draw DLL file. Read next paragraph.
You don't want to remove their Wrapper Program as its
presence alone is required to run the game (the presence of a
game folder placed, ddraw.dll). This is true even if you use Glide Mode for your games
Flight Screen. (GOG/Steam have provided you with a portable nGlide Wrapper program to use as well). However here we are discussing
the GOG DirectX Wrapper Program.
The GOG DX Wrapper program configuration (dxcfg.exe) has
just about all the settings you need to have to produce a good run for the game. A Few more I think are
needed to really full fill EAW needs; (For ex: There seems to be no effect on
the terrain shimmer with any of the settings)...
Also since GOG or Retroism (the publisher), has not modified the
frame of view, by widening the
1024x768 FOV for the games Flight Screen (like the two types of unofficial versions have),
you may want to use 800x600 or some other resolution where the
cockpit panel is not pushed up against the players view. Perhaps try
to use default res in EAW and Double the res in the GOG DX wrapper.
Configure GOGs Wrapper for EAW correctly.
Load dxcfg.exe and set the following basic settings, most are
default. Using other settings is optional and for your use to test
and tweak performance out.
General Settings.
- Setup Display Mode:
- Setup Aspect Ratio Correction:
- Setup Vertical Synchronization:
- Setup Presentation:
- Windowed. This will have a Windows Frame, EAW may have
better Frames Per Second in this mode. Full Screen works also.
- Setup Scaling Method:
- Setup Gamma Correction:
Configure Enhancements.
- Setup Anisotropic Filtering:
- Enable AF 16x. This setting use to be used in the olden days, 1999,
to smooth out the terrain shimmer in the distance. (not sure its working here though)
- Setup Antialiasing:
- Enable MSAA 8x. This smooth's jagged lines, you should
notice that planes won't have step edges on their wing lines. Up
close they should have smooth edges; lines.
is produced by GOGs super patched eaw.exe, even in DirectX mode, on Nvidia
cards. At this time, it is unclear if the GOG DX wrapper has anything to
do with the FOG support working or if its the hacked game exe itself.
Win10 Compatibility Registry Entry: The GoG wrappper may work
better if the operating system isn't attempting to run a game in any
compatibility mode. So remove the registry entry to see if it
prevents random CTD. (see above in previous section).
Portable Version: See my 'GOG Patches Help Document' to
learn more about the use of making a portable version of the game,
replaced with a non-GOG game exe, then wrapped
with the DxWnd Wrapper instead so the game will function correctly
on the recent Win10 Update.
DDWrapper (Aqrit) Program:
This is a Direct Draw wrapper that works with the EAW Windows 95
game. I only tested under Windows Vista and 7.
You place the two files, ddraw.dll and the aqrit.cfg file in the
main EAW game folder. (you can also place them in other game folders
without effecting your global Windows settings!, each EAW game folder
can be configure independent of each other.)
Open the aqrit.cfg in
the main game folder set ColorFix = 1 and save it, this will remove
the weird 8-bit palette color corruption from the menu screens on
WinVista and Win7 in EAW.
Here's the configuration settings I tested with Win7:
RealDDrawPath = AUTO
BltMirror = 0
BltNoTearing = 0
ColorFix = 1
DisableHighDpiScaling = 0
FakeVsync = 0
FakeVsyncInterval = 0
ForceBltNoTearing = 0
ForceDirectDrawEmulation = 0
NoVideoMemory = 0
SingleProcAffinity = 0
ShowFPS = 0
Read the included readme.html file for further details, before
D3DWindower (menopem, NamelessVoice) Wrapper Program:
(v1.88 ENG)
This is a English translated version of an age old Japanese program.
It was designed for Windows XP and no updates after v1.88, but it is still useful and functional with Win2000/XP/Vista/7.
Its light weight, a small program, but enough to correct the
corrupted Menu Screens. (weird colors or garbled and tearing). Perhaps you just want to set the
option to run EAW in a Window Frame with Borders (not full screen).
Why in a Frame? Because you may need the Frame feature so you can
switch between other programs while running EAW.
The procedure to "install" the
Wrapper including the minimum
settings needed for EAW to run properly are listed below.
If your going to use this Wrapper, make sure you first set the
Direct3D setting under the DisplayDevice setting to 1 or 2 in your eaw.ini file
for Direct3D Mode.
"Install" the D3DWindower correctly.
- Un-zip all files into their own folder. (preferably close to
your games folder, but not necessary).
- After you have the D3DWindower un-zipped, run it by clicking on the
".exe" file. A small window will appear.
Configure D3DWindower for EAW correctly.
- Loading eaw.exe into the D3DWindower:
- "+" icon adds a program, ("-" icon deletes a program.)
- To add a program, such as EAW, use the game's executable file
(eaw.exe). Browse for location and select it.
(you can also just drag and drop the eaw.exe into the box).
D3DWindower Program Options for EAW: (settings tested with WinVista / Win7).
- Setup Common Options Tab:
- Open the D3DWindower and select an eaw.exe, then click on
the 'Program Options Icon' (Gear Icon).
- Set Width and Height to the size you wish, including 0 as a
possible value.
- Use Windowed Mode, checked.
- DLL: Must point to the D3DHook.dll, Browse for location
(normally in the same location as the D3DWindower.exe) of the
D3Dhook.dll file, and add it.
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup Window Mode Options Tab for EAW:
- DirectX1-7, checked.
- DDraw Color Emulate, checked.
- DDraw Color Convert, checked. (if you don't check this one
you'll get the 7217 error).
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup Foreground Control for EAW:
- Setup Direct Input for EAW:
Launching EAW Correctly:
- Create a desktop shortcut to the D3DWindower program.
- Launch the game by first starting the D3DWindower program.
- Then highlight desired game icon in the box.
- Then click "Run Program" (Computer Icon) to play game.
(or double click on the game Icon in the box to
launch EAW.)
- Configure the game inside the Wrapped EAW game (EX: after
running the D3DWindower and launching EAW).
-Further experimentation wasn't done with the other settings that
I have unchecked.
Two Wrapper Programs being used, an issue:
If EAW is configured to run in Glide mode with another Wrapper while using the
D3DWindower, you will notice that EAW changes to FULLSCREEN during
the Flight Screen, leaving
the Window frame mode (there will be no more taskbar or Window
Online Play:
For online play where you may have to cycle to other windows, such
as an online client program; Open the D3DWindower, select EAW so its
highlighted, and click the blue triangle. This will set it as the
active default for emulation. The blue triangle will turn gray, and
the red circle (stop) will become available. Now leave the
D3DWindower running and go to the online client. This will allow you
to get out of the EAW screen to other programs such as your online
client program.
OpenGLide (fbarros, glidos, swstiletto) Wrapper Program: (v0.09rc9)
OpenGLide is a Glide v2.xx to OpenGL wrapper. (Designed for WinXP, works on
Win10) It emulates a Voodoo board. I
tested out two versions, v0.09rc7 and v0.09rc9, they work well.
Put the two files Glide2x.dll and OpenGLid.ini into the main EAW game folder,
the one with eaw.exe in it.
Remember to set Glide Mode(0) in your eaw.ini first. Then run eaw.exe and the (dll) glide mode will work.
Here is the config file option settings I used:
Option Descriptions:
0 means disabled 1 means enabled
WrapperPriority: The priority of the OpenGLide wrapper, with the
following table: 0 - HIGHEST 1 - ABOVE_NORMAL 2 - NORMAL
Creates a new window for OpenGlide to run. Can be Enabled or
InitFullScreen: Tells if OpenGLide is to run in
FullScreen mode or in Windowed mode. Can be Enabled or Disabled.
EnableMipMaps: Enables the auto generation of MipMaps, can
improve the performance/visual quality, but it is better to test
both ways. Can be Enabled or Disabled.
If the boards supports palette extension this has no effect,
otherwise it can improve performance but reduces visual quality.
Can be Enabled or Disabled.
Wrap565to5551: This one is for
OpenGL 1.1 boards only, it maps the 565 texture format to the 5551
one if enabled, if disabled the 565 format is mapped to 8888.
Enabling it can improve performance, but it is better to test both
ways. Can be Enabled or Disabled.
EnablePrecisionFix: If the board only supports 16bit Z-Buffer
this option can solve some z-buffer problems, it will be disabled
automatically if the z-buffer is greater than 16bit. Can be
Enabled or Disabled.
EnableMultiTextureEXT: Enables the use of MultiTexture to improve
performance. Can be Enabled or Disabled.
EnablePaletteEXT: Enables the use of the Palette extension (if
present) to improve performance and visual quality. Can be
Enabled or Disabled.
EnableVertexArrayEXT: Can improve
the performance, must be tested. Can be Enabled or Disabled.
TextureMemorySize: The amount of Texture memory present,
can be from 2 to 32 MB.
FrameBufferMemorySize: The
amount of Frame Buffer memory present, can be from 2 to 16 MB.
Full Screen Issue:
Although the Flight Screen works with this wrapper at full screen, when you exit
a mission (leave the flight screen) and transition back to the menu screens,
crashes the game and give an EAW error about resolution issues. To avoid this I
set InitFullScreen= from 1(the default) to zero(0). This remedied the problem,
however the flight screen will be in size to what ever you entered for a
resolution in your eaw.ini, so it may look like its in a window, but there's no
Terrain Shimmer:
EnableMipMaps to 1 (the default) this is the setting that gets rid of the
terrain shimmering, the terrain looks so nice at the far distance, its a little
blurred out and darker in color, but its not shimmering anymore!
ATI Video Cards:
IgnorePaletteChange= should be set to 1 from the 0 (default). I think ATI cards
do this themselves, that's why I think it should be disabled??
The older drivers for like WinXP may have a setting for 'PCI texture' Memory or
'frame buffer memory' in the 'OpenGL settings' in the advanced display
Set this equal to the setting in your OpenGLid.INI file. If problems arise try
MMX and extended FOG support are now automatically applied in rc9.
(OpenGLid.log is generated when used)
nGlide (zeus) Wrapper Program: (v2.10)
This is an another Wrapper, but this one is for the 3Dfx Glide mode in EAW (translates
Glide to D3D (or Vulkan), for use by modern gamers who do not have an old Voodoo
video card on hand. nGlide works for many Window OS versions, like WinXP and including modern
versions, including Win10.
At the time
of this writing, nGlide is the easiest Glide wrapper to use. However there is an
advanced Glide Wrapper Program called dgVoodoo 2 you may want to try separately
from nGlide. nGlide is a 'system wide Glide supporter', while dgVoodoo is a 'local
supporting Glide wrapper', meaning dgVoodoo can be configured differently for
each game you use. (You do not want to have nGlide installed when using dgVoodoo 2),
(I wouldn't recommend having another Glide wrapper installed at the same time as nGlide, this will cause problems).
nGlide Setup Information:
See the nGlide web site for install, setup and usage instructions. If you have
any info for these steps using it for EAW, please inform me so I can place them
here for others to read...
Window Frame:
nGlide v1.05 supports Windowed Mode by
pressing Alt+Enter to create the Window Frame while in game.
Windows7 32bit Bug: nGlide v2.10 has a possible bug when used on
Win7 32bit nvidia card. The Plane models partial disappear, use
another Glide Wrapper, perhaps OpenGLide.
dgVoodoo 2 (dege) Wrapper Program:
This has 3Dfx Glide and DirectX1-7 support. Can be run with Glide Mode or
DirectX Mode in EAW, up converting to DirectX11 found on modern computers. (You
must have at least a DirectX10 supported video card to use).
(Do not have nGlide or another Glide wrapper installed when using dgVoodoo 2).
"Install" the dgVoodoo 2.
- Un-zip all files into their own folder.
- After you have dgVoodoo 2 un-zipped, Copy the file
dgVoodooCpl.exe into your EAW games main directory.
- If using WinVista/7/8 (not Win10) Copy the three DLL's files from the \MS folder into EAW's
main game directory.
- Then copy the three DLL's files from the
\3DFX folder into EAW's main game directory. (EAW will use
DirectX(DirectDraw) for the menu screens and Glide for the
Flight Screen if you have it selected in the eaw.ini file.
(However with Win8/10 the dgVoodo DX portion needs
special attention to get it to work... Otherwise it will use
the Windows OS DX/DirectDraw support.)
- If using WinVista/7/8 (not Win10) You also want the file
D3DCompiler_47.dll for dynamic shader compiling, copy it to
EAW's main game directory.
- To help you know when Glide is working properly when EAW
goes to the Flight Screen, you'll want the Splash screen DLL
files, 3DfxSplashDlls. Copy the two files to your EAW games main
- Run the dgVoodoo 2 Control Panel by clicking on the
"dgVoodooCpl.exe" file. A window will appear.
Configure dgVoodoo 2 for EAW correctly.
- Loading eaw.exe into the dgVoodoo:
- You don't actually load eaw.exe into or with dgVoodoo, but
you want the 'dgVoodoo.conf' configuration file to appear in
your games main directory.
- So by this time you should have the dgVoodoo control panel
loaded up. At the top you will see the pull down window labeled
"Config Folder / Running Instance", it will most likely be
pointing to the wrong folder, to make it point to the current
folder, click the .\ dot backslash button hover over label "Adds
the folder to the list to where the control panel app is
- Once you click it it will show your games main directory in
the window.
(default) dgVoodoo Settings for EAW: (settings tested with Win10).
- Setup GENERAL Tab:
- Leave All at Default settings.
- Output API, Best available one.
- Adapter (s) to use / enable, All of them.
- Full Screen Output, Default.
- Appearance, Full screen.
- Scaling Mode, Unspecified.
- Color Adjustments, All at 100 or norm.
- Miscellaneous, Check Keep Window Aspect Ratio.
- Miscellaneous, Check Capture Mouse.
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup GLIDE Tab:
- Leave All at Default settings.
- 3Dfx Card, Voodoo 2.
- Onboard RAM, 8MB.
- Texturing, Memory size / TMU, 4096MB.
- Texturing, Number of TMUs, 2.
- Resolution, Unforced.
- Antialiasing (MSAA), App driven.
- Miscellaneous, Enable Glide Gamma Ramp, Checked.
- Miscellaneous, 3Dfx Watermark, Checked.
- Miscellaneous, Force vSync, Checked.
- Everything else leave unchecked.
- Setup DIRECTX Tab:
- Leave All at Default settings.
- Videocard, dgVoodoo Virtual 3D Accelerated Card
- Videocard, VRAM, 64MB.
- Texturing, Filtering, App Driven.
- Resolution, Unforced.
- Behavior, Application controlled fullscreen/windowed state,
- Behavior, Disable Alt-Enter to toggle screen state, checked.
- Antialiasing (MSAA), App driven.
- Miscellaneous, dgVoodoo Watermark, checked.
- Everything else leave unchecked.
Launching EAW Correctly:
- Either run eaw.exe by clicking on it or Create a desktop
shortcut to EAW and click on that.
- For Glide; Anytime you run this eaw.exe the DLLs for
dgVoodoo will be used automatically.
- When EAW loads up the Flight screen, on the Fuel Gauge
screen, you will see the 3Dfx watermark on the lower right hand
corner of your screen. This indicates that dgVoodoo Glide
settings are being used.
- For WinVista/7; DirectX mode will function if you placed the
files correctly as indicated in the steps above.
- Configure the game inside the Wrapped EAW game (EX: after
you check that a watermark is present).
DirectX Issue: There is an issue using the DX portion of dgVoodoo with Win8/10 (I didn't get it
to work. I left out the instructions to even try to get it to work on those OS's,
the instructions can be found at his web site). There seems to be an issue with Win8/10
using only the Windows OS System DirectX DLLs, rather than the
DLLs from dgVoodoo2 placed in the EAW games main folder. This means without
some modification by you into the registry, the DirectX portion of dgVoodoo is
useless as you will witness when EAW is ran in DirectX mode,
there is no dgVoodoo Watermark. This means this wrapper program
DX dllls are not being used to run the game at all. Even
modifying the registry will not guarantee proper operation. (Read the
documentation that comes with dgVoodoo as
to what you should do if you choose to use the wrapper for
enhanced DX.)
Window Frame:
dgVoodoo supports window mode by
pressing Alt+Enter to create the Window Frame while in game or to switch back to
full screen.
Windows Vista/7 Fog:
Horizon Fog can be restored when using the DirectX mode in the wrapper with
Win7... Win7 can use DX dll's in the games main folder.