Written and Edited By: MarkEAW

The Different Kinds
Prepping For The Add-ons and Mods |
Backup a Copy of EAW | Multiple Installs of EAW
Briefly Recommended Add-ons
Beefing Up Stock ETO |
Beefing Up With A Manager Program
Installing Cockpits | Keeping Custom Cockpits
Instruments and Gauges | Create individual custom v files
HUD Fonts | Gunsights | Installing Gunsights | Uninstalling
Gunsights | Gunsights and Managers
Simple Skin Installing | About File Names In EAW | Simple Skin Uninstalling
More Complex Skin / Aircraft Installation | More Complex Skin /
Aircraft Uninstalling
Use A Skin Manager | Skins Look Weird in Preview | Skin Video Mode
Installing New Sounds | Substitute Sounds | How To Uninstall sounds
Installing new terrain textures | Uninstalling Terrain | Sky Files Compatibility
The first few sections are basic steps that will teach you about the Community made Add-ons and how
to best use them if you choose too. These are suggested steps to
improve the stock EAWv1.2 version of the game. For other versions or
types of the game, that may or may not require additional add-ons to
improve the game (since they may already be part of the standalone
see my 'First Use Help Document' for some important information.
Before applying any add-ons, please understand 99% of the downloads
available are for straight stock EAWv1.2. For ease of use of these
add-ons and tools, its best to start with MicroProses' final
official v1.2 patch.
Before continuing below, I suggest to you to play the classic stock
version of EAW
for awhile, fly several Single Mission's for a week or more, so you
can eventually learn what you want to improve about the game, beyond
out of the box. This will allow you to see the improvements more
readily. Check out my 'Files Help Document',
If you have played the stock game for awhile and now want to improve
your game, skim it over and review some of the files available.
To get the MPS game successfully from the CD to your computers
Hard Drive, then patched to v1.2, see my 'Install Help Document' for
more information. Also for information about the v1.2 NoCD
exe and the eaw.ini settings that are needed for the NoCD to
function properly, see the end of my 'HexEditied
Patches Help Document'.
The other sections in this help document is to provide some information on how to use
add-ons, such as installing, uninstalling and a little background info.
You may find some modding details as well. For specific add-on help by file, please see my
'Files Help
Document' and read the per file description, sometimes I have more
usage directions there. Its also advisable to
read the 'readmes' that may come with each file.
WELCOME to the world of EAW add-ons!!
Say goodbye to any kind of life you may have had, EAW and the
Add-ons are here to keep you busy!To someone just starting their pilot career in EAW and downloading mods, It will
be a bit overwhelming. You will learn that it is difficult to keep track of all
the changes made by all the various modders, artist and programmers, with all
the excellent add-ons available. You will be just wondering what to get and use
first since there is so much to choose from, and this really is understandable,
we all been their. When you finally begin noticing the details about all the
mods available, you will come to understand that it's almost like you have
bought several Flight Simulators together and trying to figure them all out at
To help the new pilots get in the air as quickly as possible while still
experiencing some of the best the EAW community has to offer, I've combined
several sources of information primarily from the years 1998-2002 and added a
bunch of newly written descriptive and instructive text to make a Files Help
Document with many community add-ons and Mods listed, it is a truly
modernized piece of helpful info.
The community has produced many excellent new and enhanced Theater of operations
for EAW complete with new terrain, planes, in-game screens, campaigns, sounds,
speech packs and more. Virtual Pilots can now choose from hundreds of planes and
fly in many different theaters and campaigns such as; Flying a Zero in the
Pacific, a Yak in the Eastern Front, or just a Spitfire over the English
Channel, there is something for everyone. The list goes on and on, the amount of
excellent add-ons available, of every type is truly amazing.
The Different Kinds:
You also should be aware that there is a difference between
something called an add-on, modification and tool etc. Knowing this,
take care when placing any type of files into your games folder.
Read the instructions here and the ones that come with the specific
archive you download to know how to install and use them. Most of
all keep track of what you install into the games folder as you will
need to know in the future what is what.
Since you are just getting started, here is a very brief explanation
of the way that add-ons work in EAW. There is a fixed order of
installation required to get the add-ons, tools and managers to run
properly and you have to expect not all will work together. I can't
write up full detailed instructions here as there are just too many
different add-ons for EAW to use and test out all possible
combinations. Search through this guide for further info. You will
find that add-ons like the aircraft skins, terrains and sound packs
don't normally require a certain order of installation. Those can be
installed and uninstalled at any time. Normally, the files you
download will come with a readme file telling you how to install the
add-on, with or without certain manager programs.
All of EAW default game data files (and I mean ALL of the files) are
contained in what are called Compressed Data Files, or .CDF's. When
EAW (actually the "eaw.exe" file) needs to access ANY game data file
(sounds, skins, etc.), it first looks in the EAW root directory (the
folder that you installed EAW into, and where the eaw.exe file
resides) for that specific file with a specific filename. If EAW
finds a file with that specific name in the EAW directory, then EAW
will use that file rather than the one contained in the .CDF
archive. If EAW happens to need a file that it is NOT in the EAW
directory, Well, then EAW will access the appropriate .CDF and
extract/access the default file from there. The add-on files for
terrain, skins, sounds, etc. all have these special filenames that
EAW will search for. So if you have the add-on files in your EAW
folder, EAW will use them. If there are no add-on files, EAW will
use the default information contained in the .CDF's.An example; Let's look at the .50 cal. machine gun sound. When
EAW needs to play a .50 cal. sound, it will search the EAW folder
for a file called SND0026.SND. If EAW finds this file, it
will use that file for the sound. If EAW cannot find this file, it
will access the SOUND.CDF and will thus use the default stock
An example: When EAW needs to draw a terrain picture, it will
search your EAW folder for specific filenames. If it finds these
names, it will use the information they contain to draw the terrain
pic. If EAW cannot locate these files, it will access the
"TERRAIN.CDF" and extract the necessary information from within.
An example: If eaw.exe needs flight information for the Me109E,
it searches the EAW directory (the folder where eaw.exe is located)
for a file called "109e.flt". If eaw.exe finds this file, it will
use the information within. If eaw.exe cannot locate this file
inside the EAW directory, then it will go into the flt.cdf to find
the flight info for 109E.
So the add-on files you use, no matter how many of them, will never
actually replace the default files so it is easy to restore things
back the default stock setup. To return to the default stock
configuration of EAW, you only have to remove the add-ons files from
the EAW directory and there you are! You can delete them, or you can
move them to another folder; it doesn't matter. EAW will only use an
add-on file if it is one place: the EAW directory. Any other folder,
including any subfolder inside the EAW directory, will NOT be
searched by EAW.
You can not organize the files in your eaw folder into separate
folders, the game will not recognize them. Any add-on file MUST be
located directly in the EAW folder in order for EAW to recognize it!
Remember, EAW will search the EAW folder for specific file names. It
was not designed to search subfolders! If you put the add-on files
in such a folder, the effect will be the same as not having any
add-on files at all, since EAW will not find the appropriate
filename when it searches the EAW folder. The only exceptions to
this will be when using some of the manager programs that move files
in and out of subfolders. With programs such as these, however, you
should just follow the instructions that come with them. For all
other add-ons, you must not put them into a subfolder.
A good practice is to never unzip anything directly into the EAW
directory at first. You may prefer to see exactly what you are
placing in it first. For an example; Some zip files contain things
that you really don't need in the EAW directory, like screenshots,
PCX files, readme files, etc. (your EAW directory will get cluttered
up enough as it is!). Unless you have specific knowledge about what
to leave out when you are first beginning in EAW, it is probably
wise to go ahead and read all the install instructions that come
with the add-on, they normally tell you what really needs to be put
in the EAW directory for the game and add-on to work properly
together. You will after time learn what files should be added and
which ones are unnecessary.
The following instructions will briefly help you build an enhanced
and improved EAW game that is mainly based on the original European
Theater of Operations (ETO). After building your new EAW game it
will be a huge improvement from what you get out of the box, but it
will still retain the flavor and charm of the original EAW developed
by MicroProse. This will be a good starting point to learn about
add-ons and mods to eventually move onto other areas of the
downloads available to introduce you to the wide range of new
theaters and campaigns that have been made not originally available
in EAW.
Prepping For The Add-ons and Mods:
You should set up a folder for all your EAW downloads, and start
filling it up with subfolders - terrain, patches, campaigns, skins,
skies, extra graphics etc. and drop all your downloads in there so
that you can find them easily. (Also you can't beat a CD/DVD burner
for keeping all this wonderful stuff saved on a ROM-DISC's once you
obtained them).
Backup A Copy of EAW:
Always keep a backup of a fresh install of a patched EAW game to
1.2, that way whenever you need to do another install, you can just
copy and paste that folder into a new EAW folder and rename it. A
fresh install is really a pretty painless thing. When I say "fresh
install", what I really mean is "another fresh install".
Multiple Installs of EAW:
This information is highly optional since most people these days
(2015) use many full installs of multiple EAW folders set-up for
different campaigns, add-on combinations or game versions/types, so
trying to make things easier and to save Hard Drive space using the
other methods is strictly optional. See my 'Many Copies Help
Document' for instructions using those methods.
Briefly Recommended Add-ons:
As for what to start with, here are some brief recommendations. When
beefing up the game for the first time, think in a moderate sense.
You don't want to spoil the stock game, but you want to improve it
eventually in all areas possible. For everything mentioned below,
See the individual descriptions about them in this Help Document
elsewhere. Note: These add-ons can be substituted for whatever you
like, if you know of better choices.
Note: You don't need all of the listed add-ons, right away. The
following recommended add-ons in the list below are really intended
to be a list of great possibilities that you can use in EAW, but not
all of them are required for great gameplay! Trying to use too much
at one time can lead to some problems as well, since it's probably
best to start with a few things and then gradually add as you go.
That's the way most players learned to use the add-ons (Since many
where not made at the beginning of EAW's release, and they trickled
out into the community, usually by a few at a time).
The order to install for the recommend add-ons:
1) Get the official EAW 1.2 patch and install it over the installed
CD version. Some people prefer the earlier official patch, 1.1, and
there is also an unofficial v1.2a exe. See my other 'Help Documents'
with descriptions of these versions, if you want. Of course, you can
use more than one installation, but again, 1.2 is the "starting
point". If you plan to use high resolutions, like very high, there
is an unofficial "Large HUD Font" "patch", used by most players with
high computer specs and high game resolutions.
2) Download the last version of "MeatWater Soundpack" and install it. This is much
better than the in-game sounds, and replaces almost all of them.
Also don't forget to check out Serb's new SoundPack as well. (You
can even pick and choose different single sounds later on, like from
Pasha's, Bandit's, and Cord's sound files).
3) (Optional) Install Alan White's "EAW Control 2000". This handy
program gives you a windows interface to make the most common edits
to your eaw.ini file. (something you will do often) This has
numerous advantages over just opening it and making the changes
manually, it's quicker. If not stick with Windows notepad to open
and edit your eaw.ini file.
4) Next, you defiantly want to get some new Graphics, I recommend
you get new plane skins first. (In the stock version the planes look
nice, but once you start flying with custom skins you realize the
stock skins are really bland, probably historically correct though,
for the most part). Use the stock skins for now if you don't want to
get any new ones.
Other graphic additions include new Terrain, Sky/Clouds,
Cockpits, Gunsights, Ground Objects such as buildings, ground
vehicles, etc., etc.; all things that improve the aesthetic appeal
of EAW! It's hard to say which specific ones to recommend because
there are so many great ones out there, so it is really a matter of
personal choice. (We can add these later). ((Optional) EAW Stab can also manage
terrains and skins for
you if you want to try different ones out for the same game folder, read
about this later).
5) The next important thing to get is undoubtedly Charles Gunst's
"ECA" ("Enemy Coast Ahead") and the "ECA Control Panel ". ECA is
required to use the Panel. This allows you to fly some extra planes
(like the Mosquito which appears but is not flyable in the original
version) and tweaks the flight models a bit. The Panel gives you the
flight models for a multitude of aircraft from many theatres of
operation and nations not in the original game. (Use the stock
planes now to get use to how they behave if you want. Then come back
and add in the two ECA mods.)
6) (Optional) After you have all that, it's time to think of an Add-On Manager.
These are program managers to help with all of these add-ons to be
managed with your EAW game. Stab is one of the really popular ones.
This will let you switch between custom terrain sets with specific
aircraft skins and models. Very cool. The three most common are EAW
Stab, Skins-n-More, and Theme Manager, (also see the OAW manager;
Once you are comfortable with this idea of adding things in, the OAW
game manager is worth experimenting with). Each one has many
strengths and they do have a few unique weakness. Over all they
allow you to install new plane skins, terrain sets and all the other
add-ons to replace the originals with ease. How about skipping this
too and worry about getting the manager programs later. You'll have
to start over but it's better to move new skins and stuff in and out
of the EAW folder manually first.
7) (Optional) If you plan to fly online, another thing that's useful is an
'Enabler/Disabler' program. One of them is the ECA Enabler by
Scorpion. This is a flight model switcher - essential if you need to
switch between FMs (other flight models sets; ECA, ECAO, RIP, MSA,
etc that change game-play). This allows you have up to five different
flight models sets available in only one installation of EAW, and to
switch back and forth between those versions with just a couple of
mouse clicks! There is also the EAW Configuration Manager (EAWCM)
This neat little utility allows you to also switch from "stock"
version 1.2 flight models to ECA Panel and back. If you get ECA/ECA
CP, then you'll really need something like this, so you can fly with
a clean EAW folder or with the ECA FM's. (remember all players need
to use the same FM's when online).
If you don't want to install any of the FM switchers. Then you
must choose between one of the flight model downloads (unless you
are going to use multiple eaw installs). You now install whichever
flight model you have decided to use.
8) Take your time with the other Add-Ons. If you just instantly
throw all the Add-Ons into the mix, you may overly-complicate the
sim at first and miss something. Its exciting to see the sim evolve
from "original" to "custom" over a few weeks. It really lets you
appreciate the fine work all these community folks have contributed.
Also, by taking your time with it, you can developed a better
understanding of what all this great stuff is for.
That should start you off quite nicely.
Where do you go after these? Well, there are all kinds of other
add-ons to explore. But just the recommended ones listed above should keep you
going for a long while! What you need to install next really depends
on what you want from the EAW. The best part is, whatever you may
want or need from this sim, there is some genius modder that has
already figured out a way to bring your dreams to reality. Most of
all, have FUN and fly a lot. It is too easy to spend all your time
at first installing, adding and configuring.
Beefing Up Stock ETO:
Now then... as you now know by now, there are a TON of must
have's for EAW. You will be choosing from many great add-ons to make
the whole game experience a lot more enjoyable and or immersive. Below are some quick sample steps to get you use to adding in
add-ons. First manually then an example for using a Manager program.
Keep reading to download more files.
Make a new installation of EAW and try these mods out to beef up the
stock ETO. This is done manually; Overwrite any previous files as
you go. I used these files for a quick and fun game. (Personal setup
for EAW (12-17-2002)).
If you want, substitute like types of add-ons for the ones you
want instead.
- Install game from the game CD. (by MPS)
- patch to the official v1.2 (by MPS)
- add the hex edited v1.2a exe (by DaveS)
- use effects.zip (by Max188; file to enhance game effects)
- use flames.zip (by Max188; adds flames to burning engines
and ground fires.)
- use combomod.zip (by Max188; Increases planes drawn distance
and Fuel consumption)
- use people.zip (by Max188; file to enhance soldiers and
- use p47c_nobar.zip (by Paulo Morais; increases view-able
area, removes center bar completely in cockpit)
- use Instruments20.zip (by Angeleyes; sharpened gauges so you
can read them)
- use sum_field.zip (by Max188; high res original airfields)
- use sum_hr.zip (by Max188; high res original summer terrain)
- use sounds.zip (by Cord; mixed sounds, engine, guns, rockets
- use wwiifsnd.zip (by Cord; Jane's WWII Fighters sounds)
- use sounds_luke.zip (by Luke; new engine and gun sounds)
- use GRN File Upgrades.zip (by Harry McWilliams; original
buildings enhanced)
- use skyclouds.zip (by Max188; new sky, horizon clouds,
overcast clouds, and heavy clouds, and new sun)
Beefing Up With A Manager Program:
Get a new Clean v1.2 EAW game folder from your Backup and try it
again, but this time it will be a more difficult custom install of
EAW. The order that you will install these add-ons and modifications
are somewhat important. Below is a listing of my installation order.
- Install the Meatwater Soundpack and the upgraded so you have
the last version(2.5)
- Add or replace any other sound files you wish to use such as
speech packs, engine sounds, radio music, flak etc.. etc..
- Install the EAW Control 2000 program so you can modify your
eaw.ini. Read the readme file for installation.
- Install the EAW Stab Manager v1.2. Follow the readme and
create all your subfolders you'll need. Add any terrains you
wish to use.
- Install a Skins Manager Program such as Relents Skin's N
More and follow the readme file directions. Add any skins you
wish to use.
- Add any new gun sight you wish to use.
At this point you will have a fully functional and slightly
modded EAW version 1.2. You still will be able to fly against anyone
with EAW version 1.2 since you have not installed any changes the
Flight Model Data of the aircraft. It would seem unfair to all
players to play when your moded differently than each other. But
until ALL Game data is cheat checked, that's the way it is. Now lets
add FMs (Flight Models).
- Install any other Manager program that handles custom Flight
Model switching. Follow the instructions for installing these
carefully and completely. In most cases you will first have to
go into your main EAW directory and create a number of new sub
folders for these new Flight Models. They will have to be named
- Install and UNZIP all the Flight Models you wish to use,
make sure that you unzip each set into it appropriate sub folder
within your main EAW folder.
- Create shortcuts to all your needed accessories for EAW such
as EAW Control 2000, EAW Stab, Skins N More, and your Flight
Manager program and place them onto your desktop for easy
At this point you will have a fully functional EAW version 1.2
with a number of modified game subfolders. You should also be able
to now switch between each installation by using your enable/disable
Manager program. (When you created your subfolders for all of these
sets, you should have also created a subfolder to bring you back to
your original stock version of the game.)
See my
'Joystick and
Controls Help Document' for details on how to adjust the in
game FM sensitivity for your control and custom FMs.
There are several ways to improve the stock cockpit in EAW.
Cockpits can be added, switched, made or modified. You will not be
physically replacing the original cockpits, they will stay intact in
the games CDF files. One
thing you should be aware of about the awkward Cockpits in EAW, is that they don't
actually fit in the plane's model, meaning more work needs to be
done to make matching Custom Wing Views and
Prop Views separately.
Installing Cockpits:
You would simply extract the cockpit files from your downloaded
cockpit, dropping them into your EAW folder. EAW would load those
files as your cockpit, instead of the game default cockpit. Note:
the mod developers will have named the files so that EAW will load
them for the correct plane--that is, a Hurricane cockpit would not
be loaded for a Mosquito, if you chose to fly a Mosquito. If you
download and extract a Hurricane cockpit into your EAW install, it
would be used only if you chose to fly a Hurricane.
If you run a manager, then you would follow the given manager
program instructions for where you drop the extracted files so that
the manager can find them and use them.
Keeping Custom Cockpits:
Sometimes when your installing skins for planes they come with
custom cockpit files. But you want to keep the files you already
have for cockpits, like gauges, colors, wingviews etc..
Mark all the .tpc files for the cockpits you want to save as read
only in Windows. This way when dumping in custom skins , you'll get
a warning that the file exists with the same name.
Instruments and Gauges
EAW uses two ".tpc" files to draw cockpits. The "P***v.tpc" file
is the "v" file. It is the cockpit color (including the "instrument
panel" itself) and also the views of your wings when you look out of
the cockpit. The actual instruments themselves are found in the "x"
file, "P***x.tpc". Therefore, the instruments are in a separate file
from the rest of the cockpit. There can only be one file in the EAW
folder with the same name, so if you already have one file (named,
say, P190av.tpc......this would be the "v" file for the FW190A), and
you add another "P190av.tpc" file, the first file would be
overwritten (depending on how you are adding the new file, you may
or may not be prompted about wishing to replace the existing file).
Create individual custom v files:
It is possible IF you have the .pcx files that your .tpc files were
made with! All EAW art files begin in PCX format (example:
Pp51dv.pcx). To convert them into the compressed format that EAW
uses requires them to be run through a utility called PicPac. PicPac
was released by Microprose in the latter half the year 1999 and is
what all EAW skins makers use to convert their files to EAW's ".tpc"
PicPac transforms the files into the ".tpc" files that you place in
your EAW folder (example: the file "Pp51dv.tpc" will be created
after "Pp51dv.pcx" is run through PicPac. Many skins makers include
the ".pcx" files that they use to make their skins so people CAN
modify them as needed. If you download a "v" file that does not
include the original ".pcx", then you can...
Once you have the original .pcx's for both files (the one whose
cockpit colors you want and the file with the wing views you need)
it is a fairly simple process to combine them. You will of course,
need an art program that can work with PCX files. I use MS Paint for
actual art file conversions, transferring the changed portions of
the file into my art program and pasting them in there. MS Paint
only works with Bitmaps (BMP format), so that's why you need another
program which can work with PCX files. Anyway, once the ".pcx" file
is modified to the specifications you want, you just run it through
PicPac. Instructions on how to do this are provided in the Readme
file for PicPac. They can seem a little complex at first to someone
used to Windows because PicPac is a DOS program. But if you do
everything right PicPac works just fine.
Some things to be careful about when modifying the
EAW .pcx files are:
use any colors besides those that are already in the PCX's. If you
introduce colors that are not in the EAW palette you will have, um,
an INTERESTING looking plane! (When PicPac first appeared, it seemed
that everybody who tried it wound up with a "psychedelic" aircraft! I
think it took most of us a few tries to realize how to avoid this
problem.) If I need to replace a color somewhere when I'm using
Paint, I use the color-matching tool to use a color from somewhere
else on the .pcx file. If I need a red, for instance, I can't use
the red in Paint, I have to find a red color on the .pcx
file.............Of course, if you're only pasting parts of one file
onto another this shouldn't be a problem, since you're not really
changing anything that doesn't already exist.
2) If
you've looked at some of the .pcx files then you already know that
they bear little overt resemblance to an airplane! You'll have to
figure out what is what on the files! It's easier to do this on some
files than others, and easier for some PARTS of airplanes than
3) Make
sure that the resolution of your modified file is still 256 x 256.
If it is anything else, you will get an error message when you try
to run EAW. This message will say something to the effect of: "Pic
wrong resolution". I'm not sure why, but a couple of times I've
wound up with a modified file that is 256 x 255 or something like
that. That is enough to prevent the game from starting. I'm not sure
why this happened, but it was probably something that I did wrong!
Anyway, it was pretty easy to fix: I just resized the .pcx file in
my art program to the correct 256 x 256.
4) After
you finish modifying the .pcx, running it through PicPac, and have a
.tpc file that works, save a copy of both your .pcx and .tpc "v"
files in a folder and label them so you know what they are and which
airplane/skin combo they belong to. Then ONLY use a COPY of the .tpc
file in your EAW folder. Remember that any time you add a new skin
to the EAW folder, it MIGHT contain a "v" file (which could
overwrite your "v" file). So never put your only copy of your
modified file in the EAW folder!
HUD Fonts
The Font (really sprites) for the HUD display in flight is found in
the FONTS.CDF file and are called TINYFONT.FNT and TINYFONT.FSP. The
.FNT file is the font itself, and the .FSP controls the letter
spacing. Note: This font is also used during online Chat, some
custom ones are so large or spaced far apart that the text can wrap or not be
Several people in the past have made or combined different font types with
different boldness and spacing. Some of the custom fonts require you
to use a special hex edited eaw.exe that is tailored to use the
(You really can use the fonts without the hex edited exe's)...
However the available fonts files can be renamed
to the EAW default names; Once you download them and rename them,
simply take the two fonts files and copy the files tinyfont.fnt and
tinyfont.fsp straight into your EAW folder to use, this should work,
if it doesn't then EAW doesn't search for fonts outside of the .CDF
file. (I haven't tested this)
Also remember you can change your HUD colors if
they are too hard to see with the eaw.ini file.
See my
EAW.INI Help Document for more information.
The default EAW gun sight leaves a lot to be
desired! Fortunately, there are now other options available. The
stock version of EAW only allows for one sight to be used at a time
for all aircraft. For the stock v1.2 game, in order to use a custom
gun sight you must have a file named "GUNSIGHT.SPT" in the EAW
Installing Gunsights
Just copy the particular gunsight that you want into the EAW
directory (this is the folder where the eaw.exe file is
located; normally this has the filepath of "C:\Program
Files\MicroProse Software\European Air War"). NOTE that you will
have to rename the gunsight file so that it is called "gunsight.spt".
That is all there is to it.
Uninstalling Gunsights
To remove a gunsight, you can simply delete the "gunsight.spt" file
from the EAW directory. Then you can return to the stock EAW
gunsight (ugh!), or you can repeat the process, using a different
Gunsights and Managers
Basically, with the automatic gunsight movers, you can select
individual gunsights with Skins-n-More and the Gunsight Manager
If you want to use the Stab Manager program or the Theme
Manager program to use whatever gunsight you want without changing
other files, it will be harder to accomplish (although not
impossible. See the individual managers for instructions.)
The ability to customize the paint job on an aircraft is what
started the first of all the EAW mods and are a MUST to have. The
community had very talented artists that where making skins at an
incredible rate. They really spruced up what otherwise can become
rather repetitive-looking airplanes. Tired of flying that olive drab
Thunderbolt? Having trouble spotting those B-17's from above? Have
you always wanted to zip around in a Mustang with a checkerboard
tail? There are literally hundreds of new skins to choose from. It's
amazing how much new life changing the skins on the planes injects
into EAW.
I won’t suggest any specific skins only because there are
literally hundreds to thousands of beautiful skins which exist and
include almost every plane you could ever want done. There are skins
available for virtually all of the the squadrons involved in the
European Theater of Operations. There are also Russian, Japanese,
Finnish, Italian and even Condor Legion skins from the Spanish Civil
War. Its easy to end up downloading many ,many skins, But if I where
you, I’d just start out with one or two skins for each model of the
original default airplanes. Remember though in the stock EAW game
you can only have one set of skins per aircraft model (shape) / slot
at one time. Source Coded improvements after the year 2005 in
unofficial versions of EAW allow multi-skins, which makes it
possible to have one squadron with one paint scheme, and another
squadron with a different scheme. You also can outfit squad members
with their own surface numbers.
Unfortunately, EAW is limited to 256 x 256 pixel skins (by contrast,
Janes WW2F and CFS"1", I believe, use 512x512, while the
resource-hogging CFS2 uses 1024x1024 pixel files!!!). The lower res
textures in EAW is partly one of many things that have always
allowed EAW to run with good frame Rates even on older, slower
machines. But just because the pixels are limited doesn't mean that
the skins don't look good. You will be consistently amazed at the
level of detail that skinners in the EAW community can achieve!
Simple Skin Installation
The way the add-on skins work is when EAW needs to draw a
skin for a specific aircraft, it searches the EAW main game folder on your
hard drive for files with certain names. In the case of a simple
skin for the Spitfire MkIX, these files will all be called "Psp09***.tpc". The "***"
stands for things like "tex", "tes", "tra", "v", etc. If EAW finds
any files with names such as those, it will use those files when
drawing the in-game skin. If EAW does NOT find any files with those
names, then EAW will use its default "Psp09" files (from a ".CDF"
file) to draw the in-game Spitfire MkIX skin.
The custom skins come come in a compressed archives, usually in zip
form, so unzip them in a new folder
anywhere, perhaps one named \Skins. After unzipping, you will see
several files, the ones the game needs, have a .tpc extension. Simply
drag and drop all the .tpc files into your EAW directory and there
you have a new skin that replaces the games built in stock skin.
(The .TPC files are the files you would need to change the paint
scheme of the planes.)
About File Names In EAW:
While there are many different skins for any given aircraft, there
is only one file name that EAW will recognize for that
plane. If you move a skin file into the EAW folder that already has
a file with that name, a prompt will appear asking if you wish to
overwrite the existing file. If you click yes, then the old file
will be overwritten, and you will lose
that copy of the old file, unless you have saved it elsewhere, like
a new \Skin folder. If you click no, nothing happens, giving you a
chance to move the old file first.
Simple Skin Uninstall
To remove the simple add-on skin and return to the game default, you
will notice since the EAW game only recognizes a few file names in a
designated format for a plane, it becomes easy remove a simple skin.
The simple skin files
to delete have the .tpc extension.
In the case of the Spitfire MkIX, delete ALL the ".tpc" files that
begin with "Psp09". Example: the ones like "Psp09tex.tpc" and you will
restore the default skins for that aircraft. It will be something
similar for other plane skins, with the planes model number and
ending in ".tpc". Another example name is: "Pp47dtex.tpc", for a
P-47 plane.
More Complex Skins/Aircraft Installation
Installing a new complex skins is no easy business, especially if
you are unaware of just what the artist intended and after months of
community development into EAW, many of the more complex skins
included multiple files; complete new 3dz aircraft model files,
custom static cockpits, high and low resolution files, transparency
file, virtual cockpit file and other files that are required, things
can get a bit more difficult to understand.
When unzipping a new complex skin, there are several different named
files, firstly the presence of a p****tex.tpc, the main exterior
skin file, and it's companions: the p****tes.tpc, for the low res
long distance model. The: p****tra.tpc, for the transparent areas
that have been edited, which allows things like glass, moving
propellers, and aircraft markings to be displayed on an aircraft.
(though with default EAW aircraft, this is often not necessary, but
with new 3dz files, or non standard aircraft, it is generally
needed.) For the B17 and B24, the ******n.tpc is the file which
contains the nose art.
The second thing to look for is whether it has any edited 3dz
files. Those 3DZ files contain the wireframe data of the aircraft.
Sometimes these are included with a skin. This is uncommon with
default aircraft, but again a modified aircraft will need these
files, which are named, p****f.3dz, p****s.3dz, p****p.3dz and so
on. It is absolutely essential that you remember to install the
exact 3dz files provided with the skin of choice, as many utilize
specially edited 3dz files tailored to suit that particular skin and
determine the coordinates for the aircraft's 3D wireframe model.
(Note: the hitbox size is stored inside the FLT file for the
aircraft and not directly connected with the 3dz files shape or
Finally, virtual cockpit view files, named p****v.tpc (these also
give you the wing view of the plane in which you are flying, since
cockpits don't really fit in the plane model themselves) The
*****vtr.tpc file is the virtual cockpit transparency file. The
p****x.tpc file is the gauges for a virtual cockpit file, they
should be copied over also. Of particular note are cockpits for
modified aircraft, as these often come with custom 3dz files and
more importantly, a file known as vcg_****.dat which tells EAW where
to place the instrument needles.
A couple of aircraft have additional virtual cockpit files; the
Me262 and P38 have ******y.tpc and ******ytr.tpc files. These are
used because of the complexity displaying multi-engine models.
You should always use all files included in a
given set of skins. Once you know what files you are looking for
(you may want to write down their filenames until you get used to
this), the next step is to copy them to the EAW directory, and
that's it.
More Complex Skins/Aircraft Uninstall
To return to the default EAW texture and 3D shape of that aircraft
simply delete all of the .TPC files and the .3DZ files you had
installed previously. Also any other special files that where
included. (refer to the filenames you wrote down or look them up in
the ZIP file they came from.)
Use A Skin Manager
Considering its laborious job to change skins manually you can use
of either EAW Stab (you should unzip the TPC files into the
appropriate subdirectory rather than the EAW main directory, read
the readme instructions that come with the manager) or Skins'n'More.
If you are using "ECA" and "ECAPANEL" by Charles Gunst you should
start ECAPANEL.EXE in the EAW directory and select the just
installed aircraft from the pull-down menus (this alters the name,
flight model and armament to match the ones of the new aircraft) To
return to default aircraft, Start ECAPANEL.EXE once again and change
the settings back by selecting the EAW standard aircraft.
Remember, In the original game It is impossible to
have two different skins in use at the same time for any particular
aircraft slot. It is thus impossible to have individually numbered
or coded aircraft. Note: However, some Source Code modified EAW's
now have multi-skins that allow for this.
Skin Looks Weird In Preview:
Note that the View Objects 3D Screen most likely will CTD or lock up
EAW as it uses an older code to display the plane model.
Some of the new skins you downloaded may look weird in the View
Objects preview Screen and you many not hear the engine sound
anymore while on that screen. The no-sound problem is just a strange
thing happening when you add a custom aircraft to EAW. It will work
fine in the actual simulation. Same goes for the textures - the
color palette in the View Objects preview and Mission Briefing
screens is not the same as it is in the actual Flight Screen. Just start a single mission with the chosen aircraft and
see if it looks okay there.
Skin Video Mode Compatibility:
Sometimes skins downloads have a readme text file indicating
something like "TNT-only" or "3Dfx" compatible. This
is noted for your conveyance, since you may come across some Skins
(colors) do not always work with specific video card types. (The
range of colors used to make the EAW aircraft skins are in a defined
set called an Indexed Palette.)
Therefore the skins may come in two versions from the author that
made them.
The skins made for
3Dfx must use what is called an original "pre-defined EAW palette"
(limited to a fixed 256 colors). (Which is
why they sometimes look a bit more dull in Glide Mode, as the
authors of the skins can't
always find the color they want to really use). Under GLIDE if you
add colors to the stock palette, they will not display correctly.
You will end up with very oddly colored aircraft. They may look neon
or pastel.
If you have a TNT-card (D3D Mode) you will not have any problems
with any skins as the colors can be from limited colors to using
added colors to the stock palette. (TNT is actually a generic term that's been tossed around
since MicroProse's Picpac Art Kit was released in 1999, its a video card
with an Nvidia or Riva chip in it. This old reference is noted here
for us modern users of EAW after the year 2002).
So generally, a skin designed on a
Voodoo video card will work with ALL video cards. If an custom
palette is used in the skin (rather than the stock limited palette), the 3Dfx users will see the skin in neon type
colors, whereas TNT users will see the skin just as it was meant to
be. (Note: Both video modes use only 256 colors max at a time (same
with Software Emulation Mode)).
If your not sure if the skin will work, don't
worry--nothing will happen to your computer. It's just that all the
airplanes in EAW that use that skin will now have a "psychedelic"
paint scheme. You can easily restore the default stock skin by
simply deleting the add-on from your main EAW game folder! Then Try
another one suitable for your graphics card / display mode if available.
Installing new in-game sounds to EAW
Most sound downloads you'll need to Unzip the desired sound files
with the extension SND to your EAW main folder.
Substitute Sounds
If you want to pick and choose sounds, You can determine what SND
file is corresponding to what in-game sound by referring to my Sounds Help
Document, under Sound List. There is a list indicating which
sounds are what by number and description. This way you can only
substitute the sounds you actually want to be changed. Here's a
quick example of replacing one sound with another. We will use the
Gun Sounds for this example. The gun sound filenames and description
SND0025.snd=.30 cal. /.303 cal. / 7.9mm MG
SND0026.snd=.50 cal. /13mm MG
SND0027.snd=20 mm cannon
SND0028.snd=30 mm cannon
These SND00##.snd names will be the same no matter
which converted sounds for EAW you have downloaded. Some popular gun
sounds come from (MeatWater, Pasha, Bandit, or your own creation,
etc.). There can only be one sound per gun and there is only four
gun sounds for the stock game. If you look at the list above you
will see that the 20 mm cannon sound will have to have the filename
"SND0027.SND". It doesn't matter what the sound really is, when it
is time for EAW to produce a "20 mm" sound, EAW will use that file!
You can change any sound in the EAW add-ons with the following
1) Make sure you have at least one backup copy of
all your existing sounds! (The default stock EAW are safely packed
in a .CDF file)
2) Take whatever sound you wish to use as a replacement and rename
it (if its current filename is different from the sound you are
replacing) so that it has the same filename as the sound you want it
to represent.
3) Take the "new" sound and just drag or copy it to your EAW folder.
You will be prompted whether or not you wish to "replace existing
file". Choose "yes" and you are done.
Here's an Example walkthrough: I want to use the
20mm sound from MeatWater's v2.0 sound add-on for the .50calibers in
Meatwater's v2.5 sound add-on. Since I already have the v2.5 sounds
safely copied into another folder, I can go right ahead and proceed
with the replacement process. I go to my collection of MeatWater's
v2.0 sound files and find "SND0027.SND". I copy it to another folder
(it doesn't really matter which one as long as it's not my EAW
folder or any other that contains EAW sounds) and rename it
"SND0026.SND". Now I drag the copied file into my EAW folder. I will
be prompted that the file already exists, do I want to replace the
existing file? I choose "yes", and now when I fire my .50 cal.
machine guns, I will hear MeatWater's v2.0 20 mm sound! as the
.50cal. When I fire 20 mm cannon, I will hear MeatWater's newer
v2.5 20mm cannon sound. This is just one example and many other
options are available to you to mix and match sounds.
How to Uninstall
It's actually MUCH easier to restore the default sounds than you
think. You won't need to copy anything from the CD. All you have to
do is delete the add-on sounds from your EAW folder or at least move
all of them to a different folder.
For an example, To return to the default EAW sounds simply delete
the no longer wanted SND file(s) you installed or added before.
I am a big fan of the look of the original EAW terrain for the
European Theater. But, out of the box, there is room for
improvement. There are a few new textures out there that replace the
default textures with snow and desert and corrected colors. These
can be added to the game by following the instructions included with
the files. They are easy to use and very worthwhile to try. However,
you can only run one of these texture layouts at a time. Changing
Seasons are only possible with a terrain manager like "EAW Stab" by
Matt Thompson-Moltzen. To start, you may want to get the cleaned-up
and enhanced default version Hi-Res Summer EAW Terrain. You will
also want to pick up the Summer Airfields to match the terrain, both
add-ons are by Max188.
On low end computers you may experience frame rate hits with some
custom terrain. If you turn "Ground Object Detail" and "Terrain
Detail" both to "low", your frame rate may improve if you where
having problems with a custom terrain (the downside is that the
landscape becomes barren!).
Installing New Terrain Textures
Its Important to read the included README.TXT (some Terrains don't
come with all the needed TER files for size-minimizing purposes and
the missing ones are created prior to installation as the readme
describes.) You just handle the "terrain" (.ter) files the same way
you would any "skin" (.tpc) file. The only difference is in the
sheer number of files! With a skin file, you only have a handful to
deal with, but with terrain there are "hundreds"! Unzip and copy all
files with the extension .TER to your EAW main folder. (If you are
using "EAW Stab" by Matt Thompson-Moltzen you should unzip/copy the
.TER files into the appropriate subdirectory rather than the EAW
main directory).
How to Uninstall
To return to the default EAW terrain simply delete all of the .TER
files you previously installed (the number of included .TER files in
the Terrain sets differ.) If you stick to the habit of deleting all
of those files before changing terrains either back to the default
or another new terrain set, you eliminate the risk of mixed-up
terrain textures.
You should not simply unzip the new set into your
EAW folder. This is because not all the add-on terrain sets have the
same number of files. (A specific example is that the "Autumn"
terrain, for instance, does not replace every default terrain file;
so "Autumn" would have fewer files than, say "Winter". If you have
winter terrain loaded and try to change to autumn, there will not be
enough "Autumn" files to overwrite all the "Winter" ones. The result
will be a "mixed" terrain showing up in the game.)
With EAW Stab the switching is done for you. If
you don't have EAW Stab, just use Windows Explorer to delete ALL of
the ".TER" files in your EAW folder before adding a new set (you've
probably already used this feature before: arrange all the files "by
type", left click on the first ".ter" file to highlight it, then
click on the last one WHILE holding down the SHIFT key, thereby
highlighting ALL the ".ter" files---and then while your mouse
pointer is over one of the highlighted files just right click and
choose "Delete").
Sky Files Compatibility:
Many of these "sky" files are NOT compatible with each other. In
many cases they are forced to share the same file name and thus the
newest one you add will overwrite the older one in the EAW
directory. In addition, some of these "sky" files do not work with
all video cards. The most common problem is with TNT cards, where
some of these files display with ugly black spots all over them (by
contrast, they seem to work well with most Voodoo/3Dfx cards). The
only real way to tell if your computer can show them properly would
be to download them and give them a try! If they work for you, then
you are in for quite an enjoyable time playing EAW!
These are some of the files not released in
Microprose Pic-Pac utility, but are .TER files.
(use 128x128 pix) They are:
Highest cloud layer..no plane can reach :)
Overcast clouds:
Verious clouds scattered.
When working with the Horizon files you must blend the fog layer to
your new color or you will get a box effect around the earth.
In v1.28 the code was changed by Ralf so each slot had a
separate gsight**.spt , 00 to 29. In v1.30 with no slots it became
"gsight.spt" in the aircraft's FM folder. This of course continues
in 140 and 150.
However, If you have a preferred gunsight you can
put it in the root folder as "gsight.spt" and it will be used for
every aircraft type, like in the stock v1.2 game.
[END] |