Edited by MarkEAW

Wingman and Campaign Difficulty Settings
| Wingman Management | Wingman and Individual Sections
Determining who is calling out for help in your squadron | Single
Missions; Support Flight
Flying Escort Missions Hints
Reliability of Radio Commands | Initiate Radio Communication | Radio
Commands Map | Sending Orders
Squadron Orders |
Ground Control
This help document is about how to
control your own friendly AI for the better. Also other Communications
usage. These notes came from various virtual pilots.
This section is meant to expand on the control background of the AI
Wingman and Campaign Difficulty Settings:
Just remember the difficulty setting in the game manipulates the
effectiveness of your Radio Commands to your Wingman and Squad
Members. The lower the difficulty, the more likely they will follow
all your commands. If you fly a campaign set to "hard" difficulty,
that effectively means that your AI wingmen are more independent,
this effect is more true the higher the difficulty is set. Your
wingmen and other flight mates will get better as the campaign
progresses. Bear in mind that you will need to be the squadron CO to
give orders to the whole squadron (not a problem in single missions,
but something to remember in campaigns!).
Wingman Management:
To get the Wingman to do what you want, you will need to manage the
wingmen by constantly giving them orders, many times, you may need
to re-issue a command to get them to respond to your new orders.
When commanding an Wingmen and other flights in the squad to engage,
waiting until you get within about 4k of the enemy before issuing
the commands. As you approach an escorted formation of bombers, tell
your flights to "Target Fighters" or "Target Bombers".
Wingman and Individual Sections:
You get a better response out of our AI Wingmen by giving each
individual flight/section/schwarm the commands. Atleast better
results than ordering the whole squadron/staffel to do
something. This is true for any version of EAW, whether you have any
add-ons/tweaked or not. You can improve results for orders to attack
much more if you have a bandit targeted before you give the order.
You may also noticed that if there are two or more groups of
bandits, you can target an enemy in a group and order a section to
attack, and they will attack that specific group of enemies. Then
you can target an aircraft in a second group, and order another
section to attack. That section will engage the group of bandits in
which my current target is flying! Of course, all things are
relative: if you're giving orders to attack to a section that is 6
miles away from any bandits, don't expect immediate results!
Remember that an "interdiction" mission is
against ground targets, usually convoys of half-tracks/staff cars or
else vs. trains. Check your Mission Briefing to see what your
designated target is even in other mission types as your AI mates
will have the designated target as their main target, so it IS
helpful to always double-check this before take-off, just to make
sure. If you order your wingmen to simply attack, they will probably
go for the designated target (which is likely on the ground!). If
you want them to attack fighters in the air, you will probably need
to order them to "target fighters". You could also order each
individual section to "target fighters". This seems to have even
better effects in all missions than giving instructions to the
entire squadron as a whole. Once you have designated the proper
targets, your squadron mates should end up trying to attack them. In
fact, in ANY mission, it seems to help if you tell your AI mates to
target specific types of desired aerial targets (all, fighters, or
bombers) before ordering them to "engage bandits".
Determining who is calling out for help in your squadron:
When you hear a distress call from a squad member, pause the game
and go to the F9 view. Use target identification and range, plus
toggle on target information in the lower right-hand corner of the
screen, and pan around, targeting all friendlies and enemies you can
find. Try to identify likely candidates who might have called for
assistance, noting their range to you and their altitude, and seeing
if you can target/locate any bandits near them.
Some people maintain that distress calls normally come from pilots
within 20,000 feet of you or so, although I'm not TOO sure about
that myself. Usually there are only one or two who appear to be in
immediate danger. Sometimes you can even see tracers around them,
which makes the determination even easier!
Also, once you have anything targeted, friendly or enemy, you can
use F10 to pan around the target itself. When you pick out a
friendly, go to F10, and find a bandit sitting close in behind him,
and tracers flashing past the friendly, that's a pretty good
indication that your friendly AI mate is in trouble! Once you have
figured out who issued the distress call, you can next determine
whether or not you should go to help. When they're a LONG way off,
it could be very difficult to get there in time, on the other hand,
it is pretty easy to sneak up on and get in close to a bandit who is
concentrating on one of your fellow pilots (!), in fact you can get
a lot of kills that way.
If your playing single missions, you should be less inclined to
leave a bandit your trying to shoot down to help somebody else, but
in a campaign this is not the case. In campaigns, most players fly
with limited supply (so you need all your pilots and planes!), and
also the guy in trouble could be one of your more experienced
One trick you could try with aircraft that has both machine guns
and cannon (like the Spitfire MkIX/XIV, the Me109G/K, or the
FW190A/D) is if you can't get there in time, you can fire a burst of
machine gun fire (you certainly don't want to waste cannon ammo!)
where the bandit can see it, or better yet, fly through it, even
though you don't expect to be able to do any significant damage. If
the enemy plane is hit by a round of two, it usually scares the
pilot into breaking, giving your AI mate a chance to escape. In
airplanes like the Thunderbolt, you have a lot of ammo and a better
chance of a long range kill, so you may sometimes want to use longer
bursts in the same situation, hoping for a long-range kill and
figuring you can at least scare the enemy off you don't shoot him
down. This is a more difficult decision in something like a Tempest,
where your firing time is limited and you have all-cannon armament
(with mixed armament, you shouldn't mind wasting machine gun ammo
but cannon ammo is a different story).
Single Missions; Support Flight:
In many single missions you may notice that when you have your
flight supported by another flight and the supporting flight takes
off and goes about on it's own, leaving your flight without help,
this can become problematic. It seems to not to happen when playing
Campaign missions as a call to "cover me" and you can see two
friendlies fall in behind. All you can do is call ground control
periodically and request assistance. Sometimes they will send help,
sometimes they will all have better things to do. Allied AI suffers
from the same affliction as the Axis AI.
Here's some descriptions in example form of these wandering
For example, setting up a single mission with Me262s supported by
FW190Ds intercepting B17s escorted by P51Ds, as soon as the mission
begins, the support aircraft turn around and fly away, leaving you
and your schwarm(s) of primary aircraft to fend for their selves.
Changing and play testing many different variables, such as
base/target location, cruise altitude, etc., still leaves the
problem present.
Another example, When you hit Alt N you find that if you try to
fly manually (no autopilot) all other supporting squadron(s)
immediately turn in some other direction and go wandering off.
Actually it doesn't matter if it's Alt N or if you fly the whole way
But if IMMEDIATELY after jumping ahead you should hit Autopilot to
keep your squadron to stay on the same course as you! ("IMMEDIATELY"
means press the A key as soon as you get your cockpit view again!)
(if your flying all the way without Alt N, you have to use autopilot
the whole way) If you ever disengage the autopilot before the
bandits are engaged, the friendly supporting units go flying off on
their own again.
This is a good news/bad news proposition: if I keep the extra units
close to me, I can't climb for an altitude advantage due to
autopilot; if I try for altitude by flying manually, I don't have
any help when we run into the enemy!
Another example, You occasionally find yourself devoid of the
supporting squadron even if you didn't need to use the ALT N because
distances to targets are never more than fifty kilometers; however,
there are still times when the aircraft you have selected for
support get called to other hotspots (We assume). There's a war on
and things don't always go as planned (my rationalization).
Flying Escort Missions Hints:
If you're flying as just a low-ranking two-plane section/element
leader, you won't be able to get your AI mates to do much if they're
not already doing anything constructive. However, If your a squadron commander (and if you're not, you should be!------it
helps when you give orders! ) In this case, I've found the following to
help immensely:
1) Always give orders to each specific 4-plane section, not the
squadron at large. The friendly AI always seems to respond better this
2) When the enemy appears, first order your AI pilots to "Target
Fighters". Then when you actually want them to begin engaging, give the
order to "Engage Bandits". This works for me all the time. It also
helps if you do this at the proper range. Telling your pilots to attack
when the enemy is still 35,000 feet away is not likely to produce the
kind of results you want. The exact range at which to give the engage
order is hard to nail down to specifics since a lot of it will depend
on the headings and speeds of both your unit and the enemy (head on
results in rapid closure, of course, while other angles will require
more time and thus shorter ranges).
Also bear in mind that EAW keeps
track of the morale and fatigue levels all pilots in your squadron. Low
morale and high fatigue levels seem to play some role in the
responsiveness and aggressiveness of friendly AI. You can check the
morale and fatigue levels of your pilots with Charles Gunst's "EAW
Pilot", a Windows-based editor available for download. "EAW
Pilot" is already included in Mr. Gunst's "ECA Control Panel" as the
"Squadron Editor" function, so if you have ECA CP, then you probably
don't need to download EAW Pilot---you already have it!
As far a the question if the "Target Fighters" command was the same as
"Engage Bandits". I suppose this is possible; the EAW Manual is rather
ambiguous here. All I can say is that in MY experience, when I order my
squadron to "Target Fighters", they respond with radio messages like
"Roger, we're going after the fighters", or "Targeting the fighters".
When I check my six, my squadron is still there, flying formation with
me. After I give the order to "Engage Bandits" (to each individual
flight), THEN they all start breaking towards the enemy. Perhaps others
have had different results?
The one drawback to this is, of course, that it requires a lot of
commands. There are several ways around this. Some people use Game
Commander, which allows them to use actual voice commands. Another
possibility is to simply pause the game and make all the necessary
keystrokes! Then take the pause off. No matter how you do it, the
technique above should help you get the rest of your squadron to engage
the enemy.
The Cockpit Radio really adds depth to a simulation and EAW exploits radio comms
ability to keep you abreast of the action and in command.Combat pilots rely heavily on their vision and intuition to see them
through battle,
but their radio is also an important ally, a vital link to fellow
airmen. European Air
War’s cockpit radio allows direct communication between you and the
pilots on your side. Call out a warning—Bandits at ten o’clock—ask
for help, or
listen in as your flight leader issues new orders. Just be quick
about it; you’ve still
got a plane to fly.
Reliability of Radio Commands:
Commands are best sent before battle. How well commands are
followed depends on pilot morale and skill. Dogfights can be quite
chaotic, and you can’t reasonably expect a rookie pilot to be able
to quickly and efficiently rejoin you in tight formation during a
heated battle. All pilots will do their best to follow orders, but
don’t always expect immediate compliance. As the British learned
early on, it’s difficult to remain in formation (which requires a
constant eye to avoid collisions), and watch your enemies (and dodge
their guns). It’s normally wise to break apart or at least loosen
formation prior to battle.
The friendly AI pilots require constant attention from you.
This is especially true if you are in a command position. It usually
helps if you:
1) Give orders to each specific flight/schwarm, not the squadron at large.
2) Order each flight/schwarm to engage a specific type of target ("target all", "target fighters", or "target bombers")
3) Maneuver the squadron/staffel into a position to attack and make
sure you're at a reasonable range before giving commands. (it does
little good to order an attack from 40,000 feet away; likewise waiting
until the enemy is right on top of you doesn't help either).
4) Update your orders every now and then............this helps to
overcome a short AI "attention span" (in other words, give the attack
order to each flight/schwarm periodically.
If you fly a campaign, then the experience level of the AI pilots in
your squadron will have a lot to do with their effectiveness. As time
goes on, the ability of pilots to stay alive (and if you're the unit
CO, your decisions on who flys when and your tactics can have a
considerable impact on this) allows them to become more proficient.
Newcomers will usually be "dumb" in the air for a while. This is not at
all unrealistic!
Of course, in Single Missions you don't have such values assigned to
your wingmen (or at least, if you do, you don't know what they are!).
There you won't have as much control over these things.
Initiate Radio Communication:
Hitting the TAB key brings up the radio menu. Your rank and position
in the squadron will determine which orders you can access and to
whom. If you
are the lead plane in an element, you can send commands to your
wingmen (you might sometimes have two), regardless of relative rank. If you are the flight leader
(number one),
you can command your entire flight. Only if you are the
squadron leader can you send orders to other flights, or to the
squadron as a
whole. Note: your Squadron and Ground Control are on the same
frequency; if there are other squadrons involved in your mission,
they’re on another frequency, and you cannot communicate with them.
Radio Commands Map:
Press the key that
corresponds to the intended receiver of your message.
When you’re prompted, choose what type of communication you wish to
If you don’t see the exact command you’re looking for, try the three
Tactical, Formation and Navigation.
Finally, choose the statement you want to pass along. If you have
opted to issue a
command, you must select not only an action, but also the specific
Pressing ESC at any time cancels your message.
Note: The radio menu gray-out positions occupied by human
- Wingman...
1. Engage Bandits 2. Cover Me 3. Attack Ground
Target 4. Attack My Target 5. Disengage 6.
7. (Tactical Submenu)...
1. Target All 2. Target Fighters 3. Target Bombers 4.
Drop Tanks
5. Break Right 6. Break Left 7. Break High 8. Break Low
0. Back...
8. (Formation Submenu)...
1. Tighten Formation 2. Loosen Formation
0. Back...
- Red Flight...
- White Flight...
- Blue Flight...
- Green Flight...
- Squadron...
1. Engage Bandits 2. Attack Ground Target 3. Cover
Me 4. Disengage 5. Regroup
6. (Tactical Submenu)...
1. Target All 2. Target Fighters 3. Target Bombers 4.
Drop Tanks
0. Back...
7. (Formation Submenu)...
1. Tighten Formation 2. Loosen Formation
0. Back...
8. (Navigation Submenu)...
1. Next Checkpoint 2. Previous Checkpoint 3. Loiter Here
4. Return to Base
0. Back...
0. Back...
- Ground Control...
1. Vector to Nearest Bandits 2. Vector to Nearest Bombers
3. Vector to Ground Target
4. Vector to Home Base
5. Request Assistance
0. Back...
- Anyone, Help Me!
0. Exit
Sending Orders:
When you first enter an engagement your wingman has a standing order
to provide you with cover. But if you want him to leave your rear
position exposed, and have him go and attack, you can order him to do so by sending ENGAGE
Depending on the situation, you can issue some or all of the
following orders to your wingman:
Attack My Target
Target (brings up a submenu)
-target all, target fighters, target bombers
Drop Tanks
Engage Bandits
Attack the enemy. If enemies have been sighted, your wingman is
free to break off and engage. If there are no enemies in sight, he
waits, then breaks off as soon as you make contact.
Cover Me
Stay in formation, but if an enemy targets the lead plane (you),
break off and attack until the threat is removed, then return to
Attack Ground Targets
Drop bombs (or launch rockets) at the mission’s ground targets.
Attack My Target
If out of formation, but in the general area, attack whatever is the
lead plane’s target at the time the command is issued. If in
formation, stay in formation and fire at whatever enemy the lead
plane attacks. (As in all combat situations, self-preservation can
supersede orders; your wingman might need to break off from
time to time to avoid enemy fire.)
Break off the attack on the current target. Lacking other orders,
your wingman will probably return to formation, but might take
shots at any easy targets on the way.
Give priority to getting back in formation—avoid enemies when
possible in order to rejoin the lead. (In general, if you are trying
get planes back into formation, flying straight and slow makes it
easier for everyone catch up and get in place.)
Attack enemies. The target commands are on the Tactical submenu.
There are three choices: Target All, Target Fighters and
Target Bombers. These order your wingman to focus the attack
on the type of plane you specify (or all enemies). This overrides
the default attack orders for the mission (for example, on a
Bomber Intercept, the default is to target bombers).
The Break commands are also on the tactical sub-menu. You can
order you wingman to break Right, Left, High, or Low. This tells
him to separate form you in the specified direction, generally so
that the two of you can attack a target from different directions.
Drop Tanks
Release the external fuel tank.
If you are the flight leader, you can issue nearly all of the same
orders to your
flight. The exception is that you cannot order the whole flight to
Attack My Target. There are a few additional flight commands:
Tighten Formation
Loosen Formation
Loiter Here
Return to Base
Tighten Formation
Close up the formation. This command is on the Formation submenu.
Tight formations look better, and when attacking bombers
can result in more concentrated firepower, but the disadvantages
normally outweigh the advantages.
Loosen Formation
Spread the formation out a bit, normally about double the current
space. This command is on the Formation sub-menu.
You use the Next and Previous checkpoint orders to get a
loitering flight to continue on course or backtrack. (These
commands are on the Navigation sub-menu.) The map includes
navigation checkpoints, in case any plane becomes lost or gets
hung up engaging the enemy, and these commands tell the flight
to move to one of those checkpoints.
Loiter Here
Circle the current position and await further orders. This
command is on the Navigation sub-menu.
Return To Base
Ground control normally gives this order, but as leader, you can
decide (if you’re massively overwhelmed, for example) to retreat
and return home. Your mission will likely be considered a failure,
but that’s better than failing the mission and getting everyone
shot down. This command is on the Navigation sub-menu.
If you’re the squadron leader, you can give orders to flights other
than your own,
and to the squadron as a whole. Squadron Commands are the same as
the flight
commands, except that you can choose to issue them to the whole squadron or
to a specific flight.
Squadron Orders:
You can't give orders unless you have rank so, if you start out at
the bottom of the ladder, you'll have to wait until you have been
promoted, later on in a successful career.
In any case, you'll find that your squad isn't always very good at
following orders - you've just got to live with that.
Targeting an enemy plane and then giving the order to "attack my
target" can sometimes work quite well though. You can combine forces
to finish off a bomber for example, or break off and find a new
target while your wingman tries his luck.
Don't forget to tell your squadron to drop tanks before engaging (if
you have tanks in the mission). Giving the "open formation" command
before going into battle is good to reduce the risk of collisions.
Ground Control:
You can use the radio to call Ground Control and request a vector to
the nearest
enemy, a vector to your friendly heavy bombers (if you’re on an escort
mission), or a
vector back to home base. The vectors to the bandits and bombers are
vectors—the suggested heading for quickest intercept. However, there
is a fog of war factor because Ground Control
is based on primitive radar and a network of civilian spotters.
Therefore, some of
the ground control information might be less than accurate.
You can call ground control to request assistance—additional
fighters scrambled
to help you out. Depending on how well the battle or war is going,
there might or
might not be any available.